Mongo DB for Administrators
language: EN
WEBVTT in terms of how to do it, right? But anyway, the web console, if you're gonna be using the enterprise version of MongoDB, you get the ops manager, but there's also open source ones that you can be able to use. Key features of it, real time monitoring, you can view your metrics, your operations, your memory usage, your network activity. You can set up alerts, you can perform analysis, you can analyze query performance, identify slow queries, and then you can do backup and restores from the web interface, right? That's just the advantage of the web console. Now let's talk about indexing. Indexing is where you structure your data in such a way that there is improved speed of data retrieval. So in essence, you're taking a bit of data and moving it closer for easier accessibility, right? You use that to be able to quickly locate documents without scanning the entire collection. So in essence, instead of you having to go through 2,000 students, right? If you create a index, let's say for a name, right? Then it won't need to go through the whole collection of students. It will just go look for the specifics in the name. That's how indexes work, right? And they use what you call bit trees, sort of a type of balance tree to store indexes, right? So there is the database and then there's indexes going down and then each index entry contains a value from the index fields, right? Which is used as a pointer to the corresponding document. So for example, if you are going to use indexes of first name, which means in every document, the first name is going to be used as that. So when you want to try and search for something using the first name, it's gonna be quick to retrieve, right? And then when a query is executed, MongoDB uses that index to quickly locate the relevant documents. So in essence, what it will do is instead of going through the whole document, it goes looks for first name called kumbulani and then bring back whatever it needs to bring back from that kumbulani, right? Instead of it having to go through the whole collection of documents looking for a kumbulani, it goes first name, first name is index. All I need to look for is kumbulani, kumbulani here, that type of setup, right? There's different types of indexes. First one being a index single field, right? In a collection. So for example, you create name as an index, right? That's a single index, single field index, right? And then you've got a compound where you can have multiple fields as indexes. So for example, the in DB students, you've got name and then age. So in essence, if you want to retrieve something quickly, if you have name and age on it, it will be very, very quick. I'm sure in banks, they use the ID number, right? To retrieve information about you at any point. So they would index the ID number because that's something that is so different that if you index that, then it will quickly retrieve anything that's specific to that ID. You can also have multi-key indexes, right? Or nested documents. Let's say for example, subjects, right? Where you have a nested document or an array, right? Because subjects has got many other subjects under it, right? That you can actually index that array or that nested document, right? And then you can also do text index where test, that you can, it supports text search queries or string content, right? So in essence, you can then index name as a text, right? So it becomes easy to be able to search first name using your text. The text type of data, right? And then you've got your JSPATAL, which is obviously this one is used by your Ubers and your bolts, right? They index locations, right? So location is the main thing that's used by Uber and Bolt. So they index that. And then you've got hashed index where you can hash, or you can use the hash of a field, right? Probably the email or something, you know? It's also good for sharding. And then you've got TTL index where you automatically remove documents after a specified time. So in essence, after a month, right? You can be able to actually remove those documents if you want to, right? So you can index them that way, right? And then managing index, what do you do in managing index? You can create indexes, right? Which could be a single field index. You use the create index. You can list indexes, right? To see within your collection, what is it that's indexed? And then you can drop indexes. You no more want that index, then you can drop it, or you can rebuild indexes where you do the DB students re-index. So in essence, it will rebuild all the indexes in the collection, right? So some information about, or some talking about the indexing internals, right? Your B structure. So as you said, it uses B tree structure to store your indexes. In essence, it's got something like a tree. And when you speaking about Linux, right? The tree is where you've got the mother and then the child, the children as they follow below, right? And usually it's balanced trees that allow efficient insertion, deletion, and search operations. So your database will be on the one or your collection will be on being the highest and then your documents being under there, right? And each node in the B tree contains multiple keys and pointers to child nodes, right? And then index storage, indexes are stored in separate data files within the DB path. So they create smaller file indexes, create smaller files where each index will contain the indexed field value, and then a pointer to the corresponding document, right? You've created an index of ID number, right? It will index that field, right? Of the ID number and a pointer to the correct document, right? And then you've got index selectivity, right? Where it refers to how unique the values in an indexed field are. So you've got what you call high selectivity, right? Where there's better performance that way, then there's low selectivity, which may reduce the effectiveness, sometimes of the index, but you'll have many duplicate values, right? Where high selectivity is involved, it's a unique value. So there's never the same, which makes life easier. And then you've got cardinality, where it refers to the number of unique values in an indexed field, right? Where you've got high cardinality field, right? EG, email, right? There's so many unique values in that field. It's very, very good. But where you've got low cardinality gender, gender is either male or female, right? And that's it. You probably won't get that much benefit out of indexing because it's either a male or a female. And if you have to pull anything that's male related, you can get half the database or 80% of the database, you know? If it's email and it's looking for kumbalanity at, that's the only one that is going to look for, right? And then also indexes consume additional storage space because remember it creates files, right? Number one, what does the size of the index depend on? The size of the indexed field or fields, right? If it's a very huge, if it's a field for very huge information, then it will be big. And then the number of documents in the collection. So the bigger, more the number of documents that are linked to a specific indexed field, the more obviously the index file becomes bigger, right? And then some best practices for that. Index only frequently queried fields, right? As an example, as I said, in a bank, the very first thing that they ask you is your ID number so that they can pull your profile. You can index that, you know? If they are going to use maybe card number, for example, you can index that, then it pulls much, much quicker, you know? Because then anybody that comes in needs to query using probably an ID number or a cell phone number or a card number, you know? And use compound indexes wisely. Don't just put them, right? Make sure you use them in a very clever way where you can be able to filter for multiple fields but use them very, very wisely. You don't want to have a situation where it ends up confusing you. And then avoid over-indexing because then it can consume storage and then it can slow down your write operation, right? And then monitor your index usage. Use the index stats aggregation stage, the stage to monitor index usage. It's very, very important. Make sure that you monitor your index usage and then use covered queries. Where a query is covered if it can be satisfied entirely using the index. So if you can use the index, then make sure it just uses the index and not really go all over the place, you know? For part of it uses an index and part of it has to go and search in other documents and whatnot, it wouldn't make sense. So make sure that if you're gonna entirely use indexes use indexes the most, right? Some single field index where you've got a single field as an index, right? On a single field in a collection, right? That one very easy to use. Speeds up queries that do things like filtering, sorting, aggregate based on that field, right? You can aggregate based on that field, your totals, your sum and all that stuff. Obviously each entry in the index contains a value of the index field and then a pointer to the corresponding document. For example, there when you have this part, right? Where you've got, where's my pen now? This part, so you're creating on names, that's your index, you know? And when it's one, it's ascending order, when it's minus one, it's descending order. Use cases of it, filtering or sorting by a single field or when you want to find all students with a specific name or sorting students by age, that's another way you can do that. Then there's the compound one where you've got a combination of multiple fields in a collection that you want to index, right? Multiple fields and then it helps, especially when you do things like filter, your sort, your aggregation, right? Same thing creates a B structure, B tree structure for the combination of fields and then the order of the field in the index is, it matters, right? Queries can be used to index, they include a prefix of the index field, right? An example is if you index on name and age, right? Then you can be able to use queries on name or age or name and age, right? That's how you can be able to utilize them. So it's either you can use name or you can use name and age or you can't use just age. So there is that precedence of the order of how you're using it, name and age, name or name and age, but not age, right? Compound index, when you're creating it, it's just as simple as adding the two, right? And then use cases when you want to filter or sort by multiple fields. And then for example, if you want to find all students with a specific name and age range, then you can be able to use that, right? Geospatial, as I said, geospatial, as I said, is where you're using coordinates, your geospatial data, 2D for flat 2D coordinates, your 2D sphere, and I think there's 3D now. And how does it work? It uses specialized data structure, which is geohashing, right? To index your geospatial data. Example, Uber and all that stuff. And then for an example, you can be able to create an index using location, right? Which is 2D sphere and then, how can you be able to use it? An example is finding all places within a certain distance from a point. Best practices when it comes to a single field index is use for filtering or sorting by a single field, right? Where you want to index email for user authentication, where you use your email, for example, for authentication. That's a single field. Then compound is where you want to filter or sort by, or sort by multiple fields, right? And then ensure the order of the field matches the query patterns. That's very important. Geospatial, when you want to use for location-based queries, you know, use 2D sphere for spherical geometry, for example, its surfaces. And then avoid over-indexing. It's very, very important. Or else it will slow down operation. It will use up your storage and then monitor, always monitor. Monitoring is gonna be a word that we will hear all the time. Now, any questions on indexing? That's too good my side. Everyone else? All good. Now, we can now go and do number five and then exercise day one. So if we go and look at number five, it says indexing. So we can look at the indexing there. It still uses the same database, which is university, to do some indexing. You're going to create some index. You're going to create compound indexes. Geospatial, but I don't think you might really, it might really be worth it, but you can try it. I don't think it will work though. But then you also look at query optimization, where you find a student by email and you've optimized by a single field. Or you then look at coding using a compound index, putting geospatial, not really using any coordinates or anything, so it might be really tricky. You can try it, but I don't think it will work. It might give you an error. And then there's something called, what do you call this? Query profile that you can be able to use. So also have a look at that. It also helps in terms of query optimization and all that stuff. And then, yeah, after that, there's exercise day one. Exercise day one is more or less what we've spoke about the whole entire time. There's going to be some insert. There's going to be some deletion, updating, and then some operations that you need to do. For example, checking stats, creating an index, a bit of advanced where you probably need to change or not two configurations, and then be able to see how it works. But then you will find that most of the stuff that we spoke about or that we tried to do might actually be there. For example, yes. Are you sharing screen or we must just follow on the site? Oh, I wasn't sharing my screen, but okay, let me share my screen quickly. Where is my machine? This one, okay. I think I've got it now. Window, there we go. Can you see my screen now? Oh, yes. Okay, cool. So I was saying that, so indexing is more or less you're going to create an index using the existing database that is there, which is the university one, create your complex query, your compound indexing, and then you do some query optimization, use a query profiler and all that stuff, right? And after that, there's exercise day one, right? There are some things that we probably have done already, like you've created the university database already, and then here you need to insert some documents. Be mindful of the names. It might be names that are existing. They're existing, change it or use upset, it's up to you. And then query finding some courses, some crude operations where you need to delete something, some intermediate operations, some collecting of stats, and then some indexing also, and then a bit of advanced stuff, for example, where you're going to do security, storage path, system logs. This might not really, you might not really worry about it because already it's connecting on localhost, so there's no need to worry. But in terms of the rest of the stuff, start Mongo with the configuration file. If you want to create a separate configuration file and put this, then you can be able to start it that way. And yeah, most of the stuff is just what we spoke about. Hardware and file system, you might not be able to do that because obviously you can't add any SSD, but you can be able to add journaling, right? And then see what could be happening within the journaling. And then there's some security aspect of it that we did already, some security deployment recommendations. These are just the recommendations, right? And then you do some monitoring and then you'll be done for the day. So let's do number five and then after that do exercise number one. Exercise day one, sorry. Clean? It's super clean. Cool. So we're doing five and exercise. Exercise day one. Okay. Okay, cool. So I have lost you there when you said, so you said two, is there something over there? When you mentioned geospatial. Yeah, geospatial. Because we don't have any data that relates to geospatial, right? Like coordinates at any point, right? Within that, you probably might not see anything that no effect, rather if that makes sense. Because we don't have that data. We don't have any way that needs that data. Like location, for example. We don't have a situation like it's an Uber application or an Uber data. We don't have that within our database. I can always create a quick script that can create that data if you want. But you might not really see the effect besides just showing you the information in itself. The effect of it speeding up works when there's an application that needs to access the location, right? But we don't have that application. So it really would be too much admin to have that in just the run commands for nothing. Okay, you see this thing obvious and convenience test, that's what errors. What is that with errors? Unexpected token limit, 5.1 already. Number? 5.1? 5.1.1. 5.1.1. What error are you getting? Who is this now? It's unexpected token limit. I'm also getting the same error. Yeah, I can see the issue before I even tell you. You're not logged into your database, E2? Yes, sir. Log into your database, Mongo SH first. Mongo SH. Yes, and then you can then run those. You can now copy and paste. Anything that has a use this or DB something should know that you need to run it within the database. You need to authenticate. You need to authenticate. So exit and then authenticate. And just go up arrow until you get to the part where it's supposed to, yeah, that one. Yeah. So that went on to. Yeah. And then now you can try and run those commands using VST and yeah. Did you see the, are you sorted Winnie? No, I'm not sorted. Okay, I'll come to your screen just now. Enter. This is going to be interesting to figure out. You're not authorized to do what you did, which means the user that you're using is not authorized to do that.
on 2025-01-27
language: EN
WEBVTT Checking the location. It's all you just checking if it is available. Yeah, no, it's not. Okay. So you need to create it. I know the strongest one in the good quality to our way. Recommend that one. Should we stop at four o'clock today? You see, I'm saying should we stop at four o'clock? The meeting says up until five o'clock, but I think four o'clock we can we can break and then we continue tomorrow. Yeah, from my side, I'm good with it. I see one time was what the two million was up and then we need some was up. So, yeah, I think we can at four o'clock, we can let go and then we continue tomorrow. Because even if you are not here, it's not that we're going to break anything. If we are on things here. We are allowed to break this. Yeah, you're allowed to break. OK, yeah, we are allowed to break. That's. Yes. Yeah, I think I'm going to call it a day on my side. All right, cool. I think everyone else can call it a day and then same time tomorrow, nine o'clock. Just because. All right. Cheers, guys. We'll come up with that. Anyway, what else you got for us, lady? Yeah. Even what make you think is that like. I held on, I'm holding on. I would say to someone who's young. What's happening with the what is the company? This is not the company, man. My feet have to have opening in one. As you know, so Valentine's is around the corner, right? Hey, Valentine's. So we want to show some love to our children. Yes, you're right. Of course, it's the day of love. Yes. So what we're planning, right? Yeah. We want five ultimate chillers to join us. We're going to wine and dine them. The whole entire crew goes. Lady actually wants to come as well. So they're going to meet ghost. No cameras allowed. So this is how you enter. It's pretty simple. Follow us on all social media. Yeah. And then tag us using the hashtag ultimate chiller. So you must take a picture with all these things. And yeah, you can join us. So what is the support? Yeah. We're looking for the storage, the ultimate chiller. Yeah. There's a lot of people that say chillers, but they are like really, really. Yeah, because the real chillers even if we call in three thousand, you'll make sure you just buy these things. Fuck the kids from the school fees. You know, put the chillers, you know, pick up a pack of chillers. Yeah. That's so. Yeah. So it's a right now hashtag. Don't forget the hashtag is the ultimate chiller. And then you can join us for the dinner. You can ask us any questions, whatever is on your mind. Just chill with us. Just oh, just be quiet. And yeah, you know, like, yeah, that's what happened to tennis. Yeah. You with us, man. Also speaking about Valentine's, we want to do some piece of content, right? So do you thought we could do the pop the balloon dating show? All the red balloons I see. All the street again. We see. It says I have a new one. Then everybody pops. 100 percent. Oh, so if you're single and you want us to help you find love, email Jason at this is Meg G dot com. But do this is going to happen because there's so many shows we announced that it happened. What happened to the ultimate blizzard? Where's that one? Ten versus do the one of ten versus do the ten. But I'm slightly silly. I don't know what slice I'm slicing or slice. Are we doing this one? Are we doing this one for real? For sure, it's happening. OK, so how does that thing work? We have seen it. I felt like it's a show. I don't want to like sit and watch. Yeah, but I just see it like I see things in balloons. It's actually very fun. I said, oh, did this get this past weekend? It was so funny. Oh, yeah. It's a good one. Oh, it's funny. I see training. Work the pop the balloon. So we get that. Yeah, it's not that. That's it. But I like the adults one. Like, of course, you do like to do it for, you know, your grannies and grandpas. So you basically get contestants, maybe let's say six males, six women. And then the women are the ones who are standing there with the balloons. And then we bring in one contestant at a time, male contestant at a time. He walks in, introduces himself. I'm so and so and whatever. Sometimes from the get go, someone will pop a balloon because you just not. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Before, you know, essentially. So that's what happens. And then we get to interview. Why did this one pop the balloon? Why did you pop your balloon? Why didn't you pop yours? And then you're the next one. So, you know, so when the entrance was looking for once to hook up with someone when they want out, they pop the balloon. Yeah. Like the last one of the balloon is the one. Yeah. Oh, wow. And everyone's welcome. Like, if you know wheelchair, it's fine. You know what I mean? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Anything. If you don't have hands, someone will hold the balloon for you. Like, you know, everybody's welcome. We don't discriminate here, man. We're open to our police. Open borders. Because what? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway. And ladies and gentlemen, we are back. We are back. We are back. We are back. We are back. We are back. We are back. We are back. We are back. Yeah. Goodness. The what? He said he's 21. Oh, he said he's 21. Yeah. Or the Alzheimer's age. Oh, my goodness. If you're a chiller right now and you haven't seen the Tollispay episode, please do yourself a favor and check it out. Oh, yes. You will not be disappointed. Oh, man. I'm so sorry, bro. He's going to show that one. I've never loved so much in my life. Crazy dog, bro. Tollispay was crazy. I watched it three times already. No, I did not know. I was not part of it. Like I love it. Like my favorite. Now, there were some things that I wanted to talk about on that episode, but we didn't get to them because so much was happening. Yeah, yeah, yeah. One of them is the Prick Brother. Did you guys know that there's two contestants who got strikes? No, no, no, no, no. I haven't gotten into Big Brother. Yes. Big explained that Ashley Ogle and Bonnie B had violated crucial rules outlined in Article 16 explicitly mandates that any housemate who engages in physical violence will be removed from the house immediately. The article also defines violence broadly to include both self-inflicted harm and aggression towards fellow housemates. Additionally, the rulebook outlines for other offenses such as provocation, and to offer up a bit, remind, we'll come back to the house. The recent chicken licking ad, the soles of an ad, right? Damn, shout out to Pela. Pela, why are you happy? Remember Pela, Selim Matoonsi tried singing Afro pop guy. I remember Pela. Pela, which Pela is this? I just said it. They're like Selim Matoonsi vibes. Yeah, anyway, anyway, anyway. He's the leading the ad, right? This guy who can't ever make a choice. So whenever he's faced with red tie, blue tie, he can't make a choice and work. He just can't make decisions. All he's over things. OK, right. And then obviously, the punchline then is there were two meal options at KFC at whatever was this. Yeah. George some bonus. Yeah. And then the kicker is the meal. You can have it combined. OK. So for me, the funniest thing is because Ashley is colored, right? So the whole week she's been when she's fighting, she's like, you're supposed to use your muscles. Remember, I told you, yeah, what's an eye or whatever? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. She's got right. Yeah. So after the strikes, you go around apologizing to the people that you're finished like, I'm sorry, man, I just can't have a boost. Just comes out of. It just comes. Yeah. She never got a strike for saying that, though. No, no, no, she did. It was more than that. No, sorry. It was more than that. OK, but it's like, you know, that's like inciting violence and whatnot. And wait, you can't say poos. Well, you can't. But just the manner she was saying it like like, oh, what do we all know? Like if they call it, we know that it's not meant to be malicious. Let's let's start that. We've got a culture shock that in her community, that's how they speak. We all know it's not meant to be like derogatory. You know what I mean? Like they will push you push in the kind of communities like, it's like, you know, it's like telling your five year old, hey, my child, bring that boost a high thing up. OK, that kind of shop, you know what I mean? It's not like a man is taking a boost. It's different, you know. But you can use it as an adjective, as a noun, as different parts of speech. And why would you act so blind to your own it's the culture of some people. And it's not like it's like nigger in America, in the US. You know what I mean? It becomes a term of endearment, even though originally it's a derogatory term. It's like saying it's like, hey, but you're not sometimes you're not insulting the guy, you're just referring to him as their party. But even though the term party is not a nice term, you know, so sometimes we act like we're blind to our own cultures in our own backyard. Another thing I want to talk about last week was the new Afrikaans but I heard about that. Oh, we're trying now. There's a new e-hailing business which employs drivers who can only speak Afrikaans. It's been launched in St. Sheridan and Pretoria. It's called one or two, which plays on the Afrikaans expression Varna to and the English expression way to the company, which is funded by private investors, was launched in October last year. While speaking Afrikaans completely is a prerequisite for drivers employed by one or two CEO Judith Fonda Fart says anyone can use the service as the platform as an English translation button for users. Crazy thing is, did you know this tribalism amongst the English, the white community, you guys know? Oh, yeah. Big time. Afrikaans, Jews. Yeah. Um, they don't get a log. Nothing else. It's crazy, right? The English people. Yeah, you get the English and the yeah, like like in Cape Town. Stellenbosch is the Afrikaans and then the British have their own space. And then the even in Kjellberg, like St. Chirpitt or is predominantly Afrikaans. Yeah. And then Eden Vale, the Bedford View. OK, yeah, yeah. It's like the Greeks, the Portuguese. And then you find the green, the around Houghton. You'll find a lot of Jews. Observatory observatories are large. Which was those? Never pinpoint where the south like the south, like Medell and the south. I'm not sure. I'm from the east, so I'm not someone from so it would know the stuff that I know, because I'm from the east. I know Boxburg is like Afrikaans. Yeah. In Boxburg, you know, like a fucking orange foot, ST, forecast ST will will park it will pull over next to you. Must be ready to fight something. You know what I mean? Like, you know, nigga, we'll fucking pull out in an ST. You know, and you'll find something. And it's working. The nice. Oh, it's good. It's worse. Some fucking problem. And then there's a guy going to pull up and an older guy and you think he's wise or is older. And then you'll sign with the guy, but he's so passively. Yeah, right. Like and he makes you feel dumb and oh, fuck. Boxburg is the worst. So I know the hoods around me. I'm not sure what the suburbs in the south. Was this the south shots, you know, the south or in the West, which whites are that side? Yeah. But I wish as black people, we could love ourselves. You know what I mean? We have the numbers. These guys don't even have the numbers and all they do is believe in themselves, find together, make sure that when one of their own starts a business, they go behind it, they write it behind. And I mean, what do you think? You know, OK, under the peace amongst the Caucasians, I know of some because you know, the case is predominantly like your English. Yeah, he's in English. It's good. Why? Oh, it's a British. Yeah, it's very English. So I've known some like whites from kids and a new hate pretoria for the kind of things that they can't stand. Yeah, it's like it's very common. But I'm not really into the other languages. Yes, yes, yes. And then the Afghans, we were thinking. I just want to say. It's there. Oh, what's the worst? What's the worst it's going to do to us? You know, oh, oh, like, how does it interfere with our own? So as long as I'm ready, whatever it's whatever, it's just another way of making money and making it feel like they need something that they can be familiar to. So that's OK. I'm really I don't see any issues, but I agree. Also, as black people, we need to say, OK, we also need our vendor. Our Zulu, whatever, you know, that our people would be crazy. Yeah. I'm just talking about one side of the economy. It was a win free trip. You panic. But you know, you know, I was thinking, can you write? And we're going past what? That would be a fight. I'll leave it. Oh, yeah. So this taxi driver is about to fight like a normal guy who's driving a normal car. So the guy, the taxi driver was so pissed. He took out a slingshot and he was. I remember that. I was just a new. Cosmic. Oh, my God. Zulu. Yeah. Must be. Bumble. I said, you are not Bumble. You are not Bumble. You are not Bumble. Actually, we are 10, but we are 10. We have one with them, but you know, like I know the guy can do it. Yeah. Wow. He started just driving a taxi. No way. That's never driving a taxi, bro. Oh, you're saying yes. Yes. Yeah. And the thing is, you're right. Can you see now? I saw footage. I think a lot of times we often complain a lot about like, hey, why is this like the University of the college? Demia, AKA Demia, the university. And you know, they're just trying to get like Afrikaans people in there. And they say it's an Afrikaans, purely Afrikaans university. And other times we always complain. Ah, and there's so many spaces also that almost feel like black or exclusively black only. And we should go ahead and do things that cater for us. I want to know. You know, yeah, let them do their thing, man. We've got to move on. So it's whatever. You know what I mean? Like, as long as if I understand Afrikaans, I can still use it. Yes, yes, yes. Right. If I get on the app and practice on Skako, then I can I can fucking take it. It's OK. You know, but. Yeah, it's always been enough to never become like a racist thing. Yeah, because I think we always say I don't get where we fail, man. There's so many of us, bro, by numbers. I know this with our own sovereign fund and just put 100 bucks in. Just the numbers alone. So we could take so many kids to university. We could fucking build factories. We could do so much because all the shit that we like. I will five roses. You see, I'm a real person with the four track. I know the right post. What the four tracker? About this, do you understand? Are you for what you take? Bro, I think we're all part of tradition, man. And we can't we can't we can't do without it. You know, but I don't know, man, the value of it has went down specifically because of I mean, like, I think that's how you are feeding. You know, now, I have these women, but we women. They will never tell you, but I just don't want to say it. Also, the jewelry sector accounts for a quarter of a total of platinum demand, right? But demand is dropping. A report by the World Platinum Investment Council says that marriage rates around the world have fallen over the past decade, contributing to a steady decline in demand of platinum jewelry. Because of people like you, you're not getting married. And if I do get married, I might never get a ring. You know, that would get the tools, you know, like that. Yeah, something that says I'm committed to you, you know. I forgot my ring again. Exactly. You see. What's the game talk about marriage? Can't you put a ring in post production? Imagine you get signed and then go. Oh, yeah. And then some people are going to rub it and stuff, you know? Like, you know, those rubber rings and just something that's. Oh, pops put me on there. I use rubbers now. Yeah. Because I know my ring is for you. No more kids for you. Why isn't rubbers when you marry? Oh, because I look like over December, I lost like two of my rings. So now I've gotten rubber, bro. You keep the business in this field. I like to keep the business in this field. I'm a nigger. Let's go get married. That's what's covering the year. No, man, for me, it's well, people must celebrate how they want to celebrate. Let's be honest, guys, we're getting late. Let's let's talk about the concept of marriage. Something anymore with young people. That's not not the conversation is happening. And it's starting with community of property, you know? And then some people are like, OK, but we actually need to get married. Why should we actually get married? You know, I saw a prof packing posted. Don't get married in community of property. And then Penal obviously came up. Pen and realism, the guard himself said he doesn't want people to get married at all. And I think the conversation is starting to happen to say, listen, if you have someone that you trust, and I really believe in this, if you know the panoramic by you, you trust this person. They will never let you down. They got your back. You love them. They love you to bits. You know, and then you start to look at the benefits of attaching your guys as a thing, and then one is now going to be affected by the activities of the other and just financial implications, even if you get married and committed property. And sometimes it may be purely business. Maybe you've got a business as a sole proprietor and it goes sour and it's affecting your marriage. You know what I mean? So the practicality of it is there's more downside on paper to actually doing this thing than. The positives, you know, the positives is the is what? What are the apart from the love and everything else, but what are the positives of marriage from you guys who are married? No condoms? No, that's not it. So that's because all of us are because do that with being married. So. But our HIV rates. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I got a kid. You know, I don't remember being married. So, shit. So come on, man. That can't be it. But surely maybe there's benefits and not benefits of the love. Obviously, there are, but benefits of the what are the benefits of the legal legal bondage? Because it's a legal bondage. And if you've got someone you love, you know, will never let you down. And you're good. And it's not to say that you can cheat and go around and do your things and father or whatever, because you're not married or you've got freedom. No, no, you're still committed. And let's say, OK, maybe in your relationship, you guys have some agreement as to how you can. Because there's very people have an agreement and they see other people. We know we've seen it. Yeah. You know who? Big about it. You don't know. Come on. You don't know that. We're so famous people. You don't know. I know very people who cooperate in business. And she knows as long as they don't bring diseases in and child children from out of wedlock, you know what I mean? So. Then it's like legally, where is the thing that says, yeah, if we do this, we'll have to take that even married longer than me. Will you take this one? Yeah. Yeah. Um, the thing is, every so nice to come out. Yeah. Yeah. Nice time out. Even if you take this sort of thing, so this or anything, you just throw it. It was a ball on two. Yeah. You threw under the circle married by. So like every story, every like people's marriages and every individual is like they have their own stories and reasons on why they would not like go the route of getting married, like in community or property. Right. So like it differs for people. And also it's about where are you in life? Some people meet each other already. There's businesses and. Yeah, you already a business owner. There's a lot of things that are attached to you. And then your spouse, your partner doesn't have much. And therefore it's like, OK, I don't want to be attached to these things. Let's marry like and be let's separate our stuff. Right. So those are the reasons. But then you get some people like me and my husband. We literally started off from nothing. Same. Same. You understand. So we there wasn't that conversation. Yeah. So just make sense. You understand it. And obviously, just with these having kids, the bigger the all the amount, the money that we have, it's at first, if anything were to happen, the first people that have to benefit from this is the kids. You understand? So it's I wouldn't want to be like, let's say, God forbid, we were to separate. Now I'm wanting money. And then it's like he's left with nothing. And what will happen to the kids? You understand? I don't think there's a blackened blanket approach. Yeah. Yeah. So very personal. Yes. I'm going to get married. Like I'm going to get married. Yeah. Why? I'm going to have to say what I'm going to tell you. I'm going to have to say that's one of my negotiations. Forget it, forget it. You're not even involved now. You're out there. You're still on Instagram. You'll see my foot. What do you do? But you're the age where you should be thinking about it. Oh, you've made it. I'm getting there. Oh, that's cool. Yes. No, the thing I will get married, right? Because of. I feel like my woman will want it, obviously. So it's a twist. Yeah. Tungis. Wow. Yeah. Tungis. So you made a measurement. I go from my head. You know, the guy's getting a deal because when it happens, you'll be six months. Um, but I think it's. Hey. And for me personally, I wouldn't mind if I never did. Right. But obviously, I would do it for. You know, respecting my wife's family and not just me. She's out giving birth to pendulas, but there's nothing that, you know, that says even like with my daughter, like I said, and I respect the part of culture, you know, I know those guys and the women I know who don't mind to say the child will be born a. Well, that's even though it has no attention of even ever getting of marrying and whatever, they just take it as default, you know, and I never feel the default thing because they're not down. Because I want my mother to be strong. So even if the child is the mom's surname until you get involved and you do the procedures and the right thing, you know. So for me, partly because of that, I'm a big believer in in wife husband type of relationship, you know, whether people are married or not married, I'm a big believer because as a guy, our nature is just and there's a few guys who can really thrive and succeed in this world without that home base. Yeah, that support and that home, that grounding. You need that grounding. So I'm a big believer in that in a relationship. You know, you can't just be in the city and you're a bachelor. You know what I mean? Benefits. No, no, those are the benefits of love. Remember what I say? Those are the benefits of love and commitment. Marriage doesn't necessarily mean love and commitment, because we know. Mr. Kaula is in jail, I was going to say, but, you know, I don't want to join him, but there's people who are married by a person who's not even into women kind of thing. You know what I mean? Who are those people? I said I do not want to see Mr. Kaula in his free laptop in a jail cell, you know, I think I'm good. You know what I mean? So we can't automatically and that's just an example. We can't automatically then say. Marriage equates means you love the person and the thing's going to work and the thing will be full of love. But I am a firm believer in a life partner, so I will get married out of. Non selfish reasons, obviously to appease my partner as well. But I really feel like we could have the exact same thing we are going to have in marriage without the legal thing. Without without the law saying, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, we see. You guys are married, you know? So yeah, what's it like to just personalize? Oh, you know, dude. Oh, that's one that you want. They want to know what you want. I hear you want. Oh, I'm sorry. You know, I am 31. I'm sorry. You know, I was born in 1992. You got a while to get it. No, it's not. You're not 31. 31, I'm turning 32 this year. Do do 25. OK, so what are you asking? What were you asking? What was your take on marriage? What do you want to marry? You know, marriage, then? Oh, yeah, let me explain. But don't do anything. Don't do that. Don't do that thing. I'm in my early 30s. Bye. Bye. It's OK. Yeah, no, never. You guys are my elders. No marriage. Let me be honest. I think if by now I could have been married, in fact, maybe two, three of my previous partners, we could have gotten married. Yeah. Yeah. Even with the father of my child, actually. Why? What? So it's it's I don't know how I feel about marriage, actually from a young age. I would always say this, that I don't think I want to get married. It's a conversation I'd have with my mom, with everyone, you know, and then everyone would say, you're going to grow up and realize. Right. And grow. Exactly. I'm grown. And my perspective hasn't changed. You know, I understand the benefits. And also, I agree with all. What's my perspective is that I don't think marriage is a must. I don't think so. I also believe in a life partner. That's what I've always believed that I believe in a life partner marriage. I'm just it makes me uncomfortable. The thought of marriage. So we commit men. Not really, because the life partner, you'd be committed to them. No, no, but you can out anytime. That's the thing without losing half your shit. Right. Yeah. So you're right. And you can't. You're right. You're right. You're out. You're right. Yeah. What has happened is that we've made marriage seem like a trap. That's the problem. Trap. Like, no, no, no, no, no, no. OK, go to booze. Go to booze. Now it's like, OK, I rather have a life partner so that I don't. I'm not tied down. Go to booze. Yeah. And I'm not saying it's a trap, but it is a legal thing. Yeah. That then joins you guys and entraps you. Yeah. Not because because a trap is like you trying to get out, but you can't. That's a trap. Some people say if I'm home for the whole year without opening my gate, I'm not trapped. I just love it here. But fact is, I am locked in. And for me, it's legally something that locks you in to a thing. So it is a trap, but you want to be in it because when you find the person you love to live the rest of your life with and ultimately a part of it, it'd be one thing. And legally, whatever happens to you affects them. That's love. Pure love. For me, I think the concept is cool. I think the concept is cool, but I think human beings complicate. Yes. So, for example, it's like flying, right? If someone gets on a flight for the first time and experience turbulence, chances of them wanting to fly again will be zero to none. Right. But if you are flying in the flight is cool. You won't mind flying, which is what I think about marriage. Like if you had a bad marriage, chances of you trying to get married again are zero to none. But if you haven't, if you've got a good partner and your marriage is good, you don't see it as a trap or anything. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. And the thing is, people who have been in that. That was my serious voice. You guys. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And also, I think when it's time to say sorry, so like with what's making it, yeah, is that how many like contractual agreements are we do we sign into, whether it's a job or even like that's a contract that you are in. It buys you an expensive. Yes. So buying a car and just hold on. Yes, yes, yes. So even what Mike is saying is that like. I held on and hold on. I don't know what I said, man. There's something so like, oh, you made me lose my thought. Go on. So I'm sorry. But I like that you brought in the contract because marriage is a legal contract and contracts are binding. And when you bind your trap and sometimes you want to listen, if I have a contract with Matt, I'm going to distribute to the punch for this amount of year for the next five years. I'm trapped. I love the trap. I'm benefiting from it. He loves the trap. He's benefiting from it. You know what I mean? That's marriage. It's a trap where we both benefit and we're happy. It's a contract. Contracts are in traffic in their nature. So a trap is not bad. It only becomes bad when you want to get out. You know what I mean? Yes. A wall is not bad. It's only bad when you want to get out, you know? So it is something that clearly puts a mark and limit of you can't now do this. And these are things hopefully you don't want to do. I was just saying like this more implications that are bad, more than good when it comes to things of because here's the thing. I hate for if I'm married one day, my woman's things financially collapse on her end or she gets into some financial trouble. And I do think that affects all of us. You know what I mean? I want to be in a position where by in fact, I think Nandi and Zeke did this with their annalde marriage because the way it was was risky for the family because if one of them took a knock, it affects everybody else. And then they almost like canceled it and remarried and changed certain things to protect that family. But they knew that. And that takes trust. To marry out of community property is the ultimate trust, because it says that we we're going to protect each other and the family. But don't screw me over. And you trust that, you know, it's like when you got someone, you got guns or knives, both of you and you walk in front of that person. There's absolute trust to say, don't stand on the back. Getting married like that is also like a kind of like saying, we don't trust each other. No, it's a smart thing to do. It is not. No, no, no. It is not depending on. But some people have taken it because of it's like I don't trust you. Therefore, I rather not be find it like that. Yeah, I know someone I want to say, I know someone right. You don't know that they're famous. This is my boy. Grew up together. Oh, it's only like three. So we must be pro. Oh, shit. Now I can't tell you the story. No, I want to but I know someone who they were married in the community and then things happened. And the one went through some financial whatever. And then they did the thing. Right. And then the women did the thing as a different setup. And then once they did the thing, it broke up. Whoa. Yeah. It wasn't that once it then became gradual, gradual. But before they remarried properly and then there was no. So there is always that thing. But sometimes you must just trust your partner to say, what's it? Let's not marry in commercial properties. If you really, really trust them. Sometimes it's a smart thing. I know you're saying it looks like it's like saying, if you want to get married, you are planning on breaking up one day. Even when you're some, you know what I mean? It's sometimes it's not. It's to trust your person that they want to be. You say you're going to be with me for the rest of my life. And I say I'm going to do it. The rest of your life. Let's do it about getting married and let's stick to it. And a trap that we love on podcasting shows is the trap with Hollywood Bits. We love it. Oh, we love it. Yeah. We love it. You bet. So bad. Yeah. So bad. You're certain that at Hollywood Bits, we've made deposits quick and easy with a range of options to suit you, whether you prefer EFT or credit cards, we've got you covered. You can deposit using also peach payments, pay for Zappa and more. 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And like, I want to just read one of the things that she said that. So she found God now. I told you, though, that these are the levels. Remember, I told you that the final level where all almost slay queens, the ones that don't manage to send the nigger to marry them or, you know what I mean? End up is at the point of finding God at church. At church, yeah, because. But so, but so. This is full of retired. Yeah, because God, look, if you if you if you if you say. But God says you must come as you are. I saw it way too. You see what he's doing? No, no, we don't think God must reject them. God, please take them. As they are, please take them. Like, hey, man, we agree with God. Please take them as they are. Like God must take everyone like if I one day, you know, do things and come to God and pray whenever I've done wrong and I get on my knees the following morning, I pray for forgiveness. God must take me as I am. Yes. My thing is, you remember, biggest slay queen, you almost put out the impression that you want to find the things in life. Yes. And sometimes 100 percent of the times you don't want to pay for them. Right. 100 percent. Therefore, there's someone who's going to pay for them. For you to experience them because that's the standard. Therefore, you've set a price on you and a man and anyone who's got money wants the best that their money can buy. Exactly. And unfortunately, you don't stay in your peak forever. No. And then when you get saggy, you know, shit like that. The guys are told, oh, it's getting saggy. Why am I paying for this? Why am I still paying for? When does Ayanna call in my DM? You know. Why? Why? Why? And then they look the other way. And it's true. When you say queen, this is an expiry date. Yes. Yes, it does. And the smart ones are able to swindle a nigger to marry them, are able to start businesses so that they are sustained by that. But the thing is, if and the rest find God, you have the rest find God, God welcomes all of us. God welcomes everyone because he's God. It's like your mom will never reject you. It kind of a bullshit. You are welcome at home, even when the world is showing you flames, even when you've done some questionable things. Most homes are welcome back. And it is what it is. That's not like guys who pay for women's company want the best they money can buy. A class. A class. Generally, it's like that. It's like even kids, right? But I mean, so many of your parents with Christina. So many. You can't let down the kill me. And the vital. You see, I'm a seeker. I think life for the original. Who's telling you? Wow. Every month you got to go get yourself in. Fresh off the fucking Lamborghini plus. Yeah, it is what it is. If you put yourself out to be for sale. I'm not trying to get into a garage and buy that's why if you can never cut us off, you know, when we're going to buy and we're trying to use my money and be like, get the hardest bread. I want the freshest bread because you put yourself to say my level is here. I want an apartment and sense and I want this and I want that. And I don't want to pay for it. So you put the price on yourself. And if there's a price, the buyer wants the best. Tell me from line. OK. I'm. I'll say this, for instance, when you watch Bokeh Filo in Mabota, right, like those girls. OK, you see, OK, for her to get to where she is, obviously, she has lived the life. Right. So I'll say to someone who's younger instead of. Having to say that I'm going to only like you want to test this life that they're going to once they're in line. I think it's better to be. Have a shot. Have a shot. I found my family. Well, I wanted to buy a seat in the varsity family and then but I'm scared I won't buy it. But I don't get my power. And you thought you were going to see your cousin. You don't have you. I'm paying so much power. That's how I feel right now. Oh, no, I'm tired. You're fat. Oh, family. But to power that code anyway. Oh, God. Oh, it reminds me of Dubai. I remember when someone's dishing up his plate and measures right next to you. Oh, God. Oh, God. I'm not sure. By the time you're fighting, but. I was right. That's God. That's God. Yeah. Yeah, I hate that, man. Oh, yeah, I'm sorry, man. Took off right away. You look at my food. No, no, it's a trauma. The whole family thing I'm talking about has happened to me. It's true. It's true. I told us for now when they find don't look at your plate. Don't look at my plate. Do I look at your plate like, oh, wow, so small? That's what I said. For real, that's what I said. You don't even pay for this food. Like, stop your food with a cookie. And you're paying. Why? This is my stomach. Trust me, if I don't finish the food. Yeah, you know, if I put food, I think I'll just plate it. And then I don't finish it. Then you can say, bro, that was a waste you did. How come? It's the only thing I can tell you. Come on, man. Back to Kefi. Yeah. So I'm just saying is that instead of like you learn from people who have gone through and not to not like wait until you go through the same thing eventually to get there, you understand. So it's just about like anyone observing. What did she say? Who? Me? Yeah, what did she say? No, no, I don't know. Wait, wait, wait. Let me explain to you. Then you can say that people tend to say, OK, they go through the worst and then they accept God as much as God is all except you. Like we'll receive you. Yes. Yeah, yeah. So I'm just saying from someone who's observing and say, I'm just you don't have to resort to this lifestyle. And then only at the end, you say, I am going to receive like I'm going to. Because you don't know how far and how worse would it be for you. You understand. So she's in a state where she's able to go, OK, all right. This life has not worked for me. Yes, I was living like this and getting all of these things. I was attached to it and it did not work. Now I'm like only for God and that's it. So someone else who was looking at her and thinking that, oh, everything is perfect for you. Don't have to go through the same because you thought that she was living their life overthinking it, man. This is a soft life, bro. No, no, no. I think she's she's saying the kids must just the kids are spouting like, hey, bro, look at you. Look at everyone. You know, look at they turn to God eventually. So there's no there's no future in being a slave queen. No, that's what you say. What I'm saying like that. But the kids don't want to hear that. They want to experience it. Yes. I'm just saying is that God is waiting. They're still quick. So kind of like 10 years. So we're setting it now. You're being a mother. No, I'm not being a mom about it. I'm just like giving it. There's no snake in the sun here. No, but it's like it's also enlightening those who are just that way. They don't give a fuck, bro. They do give a fuck. They're actually confused right now. Like how? You know, the city, right? You're perfect. You are wearing designer. You've got the men. You're getting married. Gandhi. What's up? Of course, lady, they see Instagram. They see how these girls are living. What comes the consequences? They don't give a fuck. They want that. They're just seeing what the consequences were happening. Right now. This is we've seen the story before. You know what I'm saying? You know how it ends up. You understand. No, I'm telling you, there are those who care. Do you? Am I lying? You are. No, no, no. Matthew, it's like they're not. I'm telling you, as you said here and said that Uktwala is it's a zero sum game, but there's plenty of guys. There's no winning. So you will lose more than you get. No matter how much money you get, you will never get peace. And there's two guys who go ahead and try to hear that. And then I was about to try last week. It's not a trial amount. And you watch that episode. You know, that's what I'm getting about. Tell them what they're not. Some woman, I'm sorry, because I'm born. It's not a movie. But you know, I'm getting that. For this year, I want my money. I want the soft light. I want to smash my favorite. I'm a piano, a female vocalist. I want to smash everyone. I want to smash this. God, I'm following on Instagram. And then they went ahead because people just want. But how many people also from that episode? The thing is, you'll still get people who said, you know, I was considering all 12 of them after hearing what to less most said. I was like, no, no, no. I'm telling you, if you've chosen to totally, it's no one can take that. No, no. You can't wait. No, it's not just you. You're contemplating and it's just thinking out of desperation. And then you don't want to do it because it's more serious. I'm telling you. I you underestimate us. Because. That in the minimum, now I only have the minimum people, guys, now I believe. French, I can do what to take. This thing, I don't underestimate power. Yes. Also, people do things out of desperation. Because, yeah, poverty, let's be honest. Yeah, you know, that's why we work so hard because you don't want to get to a point where you don't have. I'm going to have to enjoy. I got you. Husband is in Lala. Yes. Oh, yeah, I'm in. Oh, no, I think that makes sense. And that was a great one. Yeah, she just. I was going to call it. Yeah. Yeah, disappointment, you see all those expresses and just like, come on, this is jokes. Yes. Oh, no, I can't. Now, what? Yeah, I don't know who the fuck wants to lock conversation and what's in there, but you can lock conversations. I don't know what's going on. What you look like? You call it. Yeah, you can lock another. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let me show you how to. You don't have to. We show you. Yeah, you don't have to. Yeah. I call. Yes, yes. Yes, I was saying people make decisions well out of poverty. But then there's also people who just want nice things without working for them, because honestly, waking up and working, it's it's a lot. Right. But you have to do it. You see that by an lady. I don't think so. Don't look at me. You're going to get me in trouble. No, I don't look at you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey, yeah. You see, no, it's the first message out, guys. Right screen. And then it says archive on and then it says more. And then click on more. Yes. You'll see under the option is a lot. So, yeah, I don't know what happened. I've never lost it. I won't see it or anything. Nothing. It's like they did until you unlock it. OK. Oh, yeah. Lock the lock. Lock the wife. And then now. OK. I don't know why. What's up is funny. And did you see how now Mark Zuckerberg and I'm doing all the LGBTQ things and stuff on Instagram? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Encouraging free speech. Yeah, yeah. Anyway, you can walk. I didn't know this. So you can lock and then. When you swipe, scroll down in your chat, you'll see archive conversations and then they'll be locked. And then the locked ones will get unlocked by your face. So you see how you can just go click and click archive. Yeah, but instead of clicking lock, it will launch your face ID before it opens the conversation. OK. I don't know why Zuckerberg would come up with that. Yeah. Anyway, what else you got for us, first lady? Yeah. Nani, you got what's up? Nani, my fees. Do you have a password on your phone? What did you do to lock? There you are. I don't know. Password. What else you got for us? I'm just in sad news, guys. The daughter of Oumannakaranaka. Oh, I almost did not even hear that. Oh, my goodness. I remember her from the reality show. No parents should go through that. No parents should bury their child. It's just horrible. Do you know what happened? Apparently, it was a car accident. Yeah, the instant deaths are the worst. No, we wish you well. Yeah. Sorry, Sissy. Remember, we had Manna just before the end of the year. Yes. Yes. Did you guys hear that Barack Obama's smashing in front of you? And that's why Michelle hasn't been appearing. Yeah. Oh, wow. Because I thought Michelle didn't appear at the Obama inauguration because of, you know, the Trump camp, or maybe not the Trump camp, but when her name was starting to be mentioned as a possible runner for the Democrats. And then we started seeing that apparently people accused him of being trans, et cetera. But that was obviously dismal. So I thought maybe it was that Trump on that, you know, because one would believe that maybe the Republicans, you know, funded that whole propaganda, especially because of a lot on Twitter. And Elon Musk is now friends with Trump, it would seem. And I thought that was the reason. But no, apparently it's like an open secret in the world of those who know that Trump has been rocking Jennifer Aniston. Barack Obama. Barack. Oh, Barack. Sorry, Barack. Let me play the clip for you guys. Because it's all alleged, you know. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You want to get sued by Barack. Yeah. Yeah, I'm going to tell us more. We've got three lawsuits already. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. We're going to sue them. So get sued, man. All right. All right. Cool. Here we go. Picking up in the rumor mill about their marriage. First, on January 15th, in the substack of Jessica Reed Krauss, also known as House Inhabit, she posts the following. Michelle Obama's absence at Jimmy Carter's funeral certainly raised some eyebrows. But yesterday's announcement that she won't be attending Trump's inauguration confirms something is definitely going on between her and Barack. Whispers about cracks in their relationship have been circulating in D.C. for over a year now, but this feels like the first public proof of a marriage on the rocks. If I had to guess, they will wait until after the inauguration to announce it. Timing, you know, is everything. And yet the story doesn't end there. For months, I've heard Jennifer Aniston's name tied to Barack. Then Jessica cites a DM she received the day before, quote, He's with Jennifer Aniston, But you get the gist. You know what I mean? I do, man. I never get to, I'm a cheater. You know, and you see the one that's got a better brother than your wife. No, but you got a unibrow at home. But I'm our father, I want to know. I'm a. I don't know, man. To me, I just found it. Oh, maybe I'm just I'm that kind of person. I'm the kind of guy. But I really love a meal. I could have it for the rest of my life every day. You know, and I can stick with it. I wouldn't really want to explore different things. So for me, maybe guys cheat because they want something different. But these two things are different. They still like even if they're the same, they're not the same. Like you can have what you have at home, but. Yeah, it doesn't taste the same. You know, in Papua, I think, you mean somewhere else is what else you got? Different spots. What do I say? You're cookie. You're one. OK, so those news guys, I'm a sweaty woman has appeared in a local court in Babani after she was arrested for viewing her husband's WhatsApp messages without his permission. Yes. Oh, that's why this conversation. Yeah, exactly. Maybe what conversation? They locked the locked conversation. So according to the times of a swat team, that's her name, who was arrested using the kingdom's computer crime and cyber act. Using the kingdom's computer crime and cyber crime. Act. I'm back. OK, I'm doing everything now. Like there's a movie that came out that I did a whole movie. The whole movie was like a actors, a directors. So literally the whole movie was done by a. But one thing that you never do is do. I can't do that. No. They want to place you. You don't have a job. Don't worry. You're supposed to keep a lot of beats. So which prohibits which prohibits accessing someone's electronic device without their permission? Oh, we know we need that. Look, I don't know. I don't know. You know, we also get something like this coming to effect last year. I don't know. Oh, look up my phone. Please check. Please check. You know, I've never looked at the ladies since we've been together ever. You know, because you know, I don't stay away from those things. You know, that's it. That's it. You will find what you're looking for. And then what happens when you found out? Then what? Don't go in their phones, man. No, bro. I don't like doing phones. I don't check my husband's phone. What's hardly? What's hardly? So you do, but not all the time. I'm just saying, like, for instance, probably the last time was pre-COVID. What happened? Why are you looking at me? Not gonna speak. No, no, no. I'm just saying, like, we're just asking. I don't know. It was so boring. There was nothing. Unless they locked you up for long. No, I'm not. Not dangerous, bro. Whatever you're looking for, you'll find. Don't look at people's phones. Don't lift people's spare wheels in the boot. Just live your life. Stay away from all those things, man, because you'll find things and they'll really fuck you up. Emotionally. You could be innocent, but you perceive it in a different way. Because that's what you want. I can imagine when you've got even when you're carrying a hammer, everything looks like a nail. So if you're opening the phone looking for cheating, yeah, everything starts to look like cheating. You know, hey, what time are you arriving at work? You're like, he was. Why? It's everything starts to look like, yeah, so to stay away from. If a woman is cheating, you'll need to find that. You'll find that. You've got ancestors and God who loves you and look out for you. Things will all happen and you will see, you know, unfold before you. Just don't go. So you don't go through your partner's phone. No, peace. Don't go through my partner's phone. Peace. Peace. I don't even want to say, hey, open your phone. I'm ghostly. You hardly. You hardly. No, but that's what I'm saying. Yeah, you hardly. You are. Oh, you do. You are. My track record. I've been country. You are true this year. You're as a feeling. You are. You don't have four years. Welcome to this. OK, what did you find? What you did? Yeah, yeah, yeah. What did you find? What did you find? No, I have before. What made you want to? Yeah, what made you stop? Well, you know, actually, what made me want to? It's because, you know, with guys, there's some behaviors in your partner where you're just like, this is odd. You know, I remember when you said exactly. What did you do? Yes. Why is he listening to like rock music or? Yeah. Yes. Those little interests. I remember you asked me about yoga pants. He was like, are those yoga pants that you're wearing? Now, yeah. OK. And then there's something else that he asked, and I was just like, OK. And then, yeah, while I was like, OK, then I went through the phone. And you found out. Now. Tell me quick what do women do women do women? And this once happened to me, right? Where someone I dated went through my phone and then they found a girl I was with. By my place and the girl that tattoos. Now, I've always like sort of spoken against it, too. What's my woman back then? Long time ago. And then she saw that didn't tell me about it. And then she started saying, I want tattoos. Yes, you see. So do women do that when when your man? Because also she. Oh, I can't say. OK, no, no, no. So she found something one day, right? And then I remember I was playing with a bomb and then she was like. And she had approached me about this thing. She saw my phone. And then when it was, she was like, stop. I was like, why? It's like, stop. And then I later she told me it's because it doesn't feel like you see, but mine. Yes, from the phone, this 10 years ago. So now my question is, do you guys see if when you find out and maybe in previous relationships, when you. Ten years ago. Yes, yes, yes. So like when you guys find out. OK, so. Question when you guys find out, because I don't think guys do it, because generally when guys find out they've been cheating on the. But when you guys find out that your man is seeing somebody, do you see that person's attributes and try model yourself or try add them to your man? Oh, yes. Like, oh, you've got this. Oh, she looks like let me get tattoos. Yeah, yeah. So I'm go, yeah. Thing that you like now. So women are competitive and women constantly want to. It's like I have to win your heart, you know, so. Now she wants to ride you. Yes. Oh, I like that one. Really? Now you're out here. He's going to check making friends with our Indian neighbor. Drop it. Do that. Yeah. No, no. Insecurities. Yes. And just want and it's loud also because you want to like appeal to him. Oh, is this what you wanted? That's what I'm doing. Remember, that's why you got a Bentley, because there was a girl that he liked and then she left him for a nigger with a Benji. Oh, she. For real. I think is. Oh, I didn't know that. Yes. Oh, yes. I even niggas now, too. Well, yeah, I think it's human nature, bro. Yeah. What does he have that I don't have? Now, I can afford this. Now, fuck it, man. Unless it's totally your short. Oh, no, you can. You can. You can operate now. You don't operate height. You just won't be able to jump and run and do something. But you can. People get taller. Yeah. That's for real. Guys, why the fuck would you do that? Like sacrifice freedoms of jumping, running, playing. That's what people do. Jumping at 40. Who's to jump and running for what? You know, you just want to play with your kids. Your husband doesn't play with your kids. Of course he does. Does he not jump and play and run and be active? Yeah, but it's not that severe. It's not like what you really can do. You can't just you. I would never I would never be so unhappy with my body that I'm willing to compromise. Normal bodily functions. It's like guys who prefer who get operations on their dicks and then they're OK. You can have the your your erection will be this long, but it won't be as strong. It will be slightly flaccid. What's the point? What's the point? You know, you're just making examples. No, it's what you've just raised is a bit like. Extreme. I'm just like, there's some times we go, OK. Do anything like you can you you would go under the knife and go to a surgery, even though it's you can't jump like it's like, I don't really need to jump. Oh, what happened when there's a fire or an emergency like I wouldn't want to be taller to I wouldn't. Sacrifice those beautiful, you know, nature, natural abilities just to be like running at a like a high speed. But if you can, I'm sure that person can run. You need to run at some point. When? So I don't think it's that your kid gets smashed on by somebody from a distance. You got to run. Ah, protect your family, something you got to run. Or there's intruders in your home. Fuck, you got to run away. Leave your family behind. Something like that happens. Run for it. Run for cover. Like is paralyzed and they're on a wheelchair. Obviously, they can't run. But still, it's not like now they can't live life. Anyway, what else you got for us? But what do you know about so much? So much. Hey, yes, yes. Come with it. That was criminal. The Thomas criminal in South Africa has been found. OK. Remember last week that guy from Midratt? Actually, let me tell you a story. That guy from Midratt, that white guy where they found 10 million pictures of child porn and videos of child porn. Can you get his name? Yes. Darren something. Nigga, before I continue that, nigga. Fuck, he's been fucked up. So he lost his job in Midratt at some real estate company. He was a real estate agent. Right. And someone on Facebook had posted if you could be a criminal for 12 hours. What would you do? And you'd be forgiven for your crimes. Then you lost his job after people came forward. So he commented. Yeah. This is someone posted on Facebook. What would you do for 12 hours? A crime, a criminal offense. But you'd be forgiven for it or whatever. And then he's like, I'd rape every Indian woman. And then afterwards, I'll send them a letter to say, how did you like that? Oh, imagine this, nigga. And you're the same guy with 10 million things on Facebook a few years ago. And then he lost his job. And people obviously went in his profile and said, this motherfucker, what is this? That was a joke gap. But you can't say that. What the fuck? And now it turns out he's been keeping 10 million and thinking videos. Now, that was a criminal in South Africa. Few days ago, guess who they arrested for also having millions of videos and pictures of kids, pornographic kids. You don't know his girlfriend. Oh, boyfriend gets arrested a week ago and she still has these things. Like, I'm happy that she's down because we need people to collect and sell and distribute chocolate out of our community. But the girlfriend was in on it. No, she's keeping the stuff. Yeah. And they raided her, took her laptop. I think it's one of those things they do on some. You must not be alone clearly in this thing, in this ring. Maybe he's trying to negotiate a better time and snitch on her. But the fact that she was still keeping the things. Yeah. Like the moment you got arrested, first thing. Yeah. If you and I perform a heist, commit a heist and then we're no boundary. The one thing I'm doing, I'm fucking running and I'm doing whatever I'm doing. Yeah. How? You just had an operation. You see why? You never know what you need to know. I'm told I want to go in the car. Come on. Yeah, I asked that. No, you know, that's the news, bro. Did that make it to the news? Made it to the news. Please check. Get the guy's name and the girlfriend. Yeah. Go for a child pornography arrested. Google that kick out of this. I think I don't know if they were running a business or what. Maybe they like. And these people could be the guys behind you at a disc game or click. Hey, Joke. J.J.J. Or you could be at a restaurant eating next to them. What's your child? Even worse, who's your child? And you could be with these sick people next to you on an everyday basis in any situation. You got the names for us, dude? Yes. Give us the names. So the guy's name is Darren Vulcan. Yeah, that's him. Yeah. And then the girl, they haven't said her name. This is that she's 25 years old. The girlfriend. Oh, sorry. For being involved in this bullshit. Yeah. Yeah. So sick, man. And then also, hey, man, I'm asking you. Um, there's an IFP MP. He's a deputy minister now. You know, the genuine vibes. I don't know if it's deputy minister of what? I could never can. Please check. This guy, bro, went on TV and suggested. So he's trying to and this is right up your head. He's trying to deter people from buying alcohol. OK, now he is proposing. Additional tax, you know, the syntax on alcohol. He's proposing additional tax on alcohol. But while and that additional tax must go toward the road exit. But. I got you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So he said to the top people from drinking money on alcohol must go for road to we must add a few rounds of alcohol and those rounds will be taxed and channeled towards the road exit and fun. Like we do with petrol. But petrol is used by motorists on the road. So what are you trying to say? But why? I've been. But they're suffering that we're looking for five. Yeah, clearly. But I don't know. But my thing is, we're talking in that room. What if I do drink and I do drive not simultaneously? Oh, what if I don't drive at all? But I like my alcohol. A lot of people who actually drink don't drive because alcohol is affordable, unlike a car installment, which is expensive. A lot of people can afford to take 50 bucks and buy two beers. You know, on a Friday. So how are those people? Why must those people contribute towards the road exit and fun? Yes, they use the road, but they consume alcohol. There's nothing to do with the road. I found that I'm not this guy actually saying that so that we can drink and drive like most people, like everyone who buys alcohol and also alcohol does contribute to the road exit and the fun because you might have from petrol that's taxed goes towards the road exit and fun. How does alcohol go from the breweries, distilleries to the fucking shops in trucks? And those trucks are filled up. So alcohol already contributes to the road exit and fun. Like, I don't know, man, the leaders, man, I don't know what the leaders, man. And it's a young guy. I really loved him. And because he's one of the people who, when I watched parliament, I felt represented seeing a young guy there, you know, well-spoken eloquent. And generally says things that have sense. But when he said that, I was like, no, man, what's going on? And it's one of the young guys. It was the A and C, 70 year old nanogenerions or whatever. I'd be fine. Doesn't money from the toll gates also contribute to the road? It should. It should. Because it's yeah, it's money generated from the road. You know what I mean? But that was the weirdest thing, bro. Bro, can you bring down this land appropriation thing? Man, I haven't gone through that thing. All I know is A and C is getting the D.A. to sign all their bills because it is D.A. ministries. It's like the Bella Act, you know, D.A. a minister, even now is a D.A. minister. The you know, this falls under the cabinet. Yeah. Of a ministry ran by a D.A. minister. Let me read it, man. Yeah, but I haven't gone through it. Yeah. After years of debates and arguments in various platforms, including parliament, President Sinalo Ramaphosa has finally assigned the land expropriation bill into law. The bill notably includes provisions for land expropriation by organs of state in the interest of the public, a public which includes but not limited to housing or infrastructure development. According to what we have heard so far, the bill aims to facilitate and redistribute addressing historical injustices related to land ownership and use. The bill does not specify compensation, but reiterates the exploration must follow a just and equitable compensation to take. To take. To take. To dispossess you of something. It's appropriate. It's simple. I don't know why either the big words are following. It's to take. To take. Without compensation. Without paying. You go and do it. I want to find you good. To take without compensation. Yeah. Right. Yeah. It's to take. So what does this bill saying now? That government, if they decide that we need this land for maybe housing or whatever, or we've got to take it. Or whatever. Or we've got to use for this land. We're able to take the land from you. Without paying. No, no, no, no. We're able to forcefully buy from you. Oh, forcefully buy. Pretty much. Right now. Yeah. To forcefully buy from you. So isn't that a good thing? Yeah, it is. Because before it was willing buy, willing sell. So if I knock on your door and I'm the buyer and I'm like, hey, I want to buy. And you're like, no, I'm not selling. Bye. Like, yeah, that's what I'm here to do. No, no, fuck off. Bye. You know what I mean? Then you go away. But now I say, hey, I want to buy. The OK, I'm not selling. Yeah. But you don't have a choice. The government can only do this. Yeah, I'm buying. So we got to do this as normal citizens. No, no, no, the government. Only the government can expropriate. Yeah, I can't go to senders and start knocking on doors. I'm black. You know, I've got this much. You forced to sell your property. OK. Only the government, if they are, if they see a property or land in Sandhurst, and they can say we are buying this land, what's the offer? OK, the offer is going to be reasonable. Let me play the rotunda clip. It's quite long. It's eight minutes, but I try to cut out like the most important part. So if you want to check out the full thing, check out rotunda. He's got like eight minutes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Some valid points as well. OK, so this is. So the state, the KNC wants to retain power in the next election. For them to do that, they've got to give black people land and they have got enough land as the state to give significant amounts of land for farming and construction with this 14 percent of land that they hold in some areas. In the private land, they know that there are a number of private land Makes sense. That makes sense. So what they're saying is it's like the government saying all stolen cars that people are driving, we know that there's people out there with cars and we know that many of them are stolen or some of them are stolen. All stolen cars, the government, when they stop that car, are able to take back that car. We will compensate you, but not for that current market value of the car, because you didn't buy market value of that car, because the government was giving away cars when they realized that they they're coming out of power pretty soon. So that's when they own. Makes sense. Now, I like that analogy. Yeah, yeah, I like that analogy. That's essentially what I know. Big words. Yeah, yeah, no big words. We want people to understand you. OK. Corporeation. But the biggest debate was also with this thing is that. I'm not scared. I'm not scared. I'm listening to you. No, no. So so so. It's given birth. Corporeation. What are you missing? Enzymes. Enzymes. Wow. I'm a social scene. No, it was just the part where it's like, I think you mentioned this earlier, so that this is not what you were promised from the beginning. So now, what do we promise? No, no, when it was compensation for land, we'll take the land. Yeah. Taking land and getting land and obviously not in a way. Not for KS, not forcefully, but in a way that is guided. I think somehow the laws. But as it is, your citizens, people are going to kind of benefit from land and the proper structures obviously being put into place and people, these individuals, South Africans and benefiting from land. But now it just seems like this is something for the government. And, you know, maybe even the DA, you know, you're at these parties that she is. So it's not going to benefit us? Not really. I don't know. It's going to benefit them and their funders and all those people. That's where it's going. It just seems like this. So if Drupal needs some land, he can use this law. Exactly. Not Drupal as such. I think they've got plenty of land, you know, but it's like the government, you could find that will all benefit your ANC guys. And they're able to now in a corrupt way still get land. And you know, it just seems very uneasy. It doesn't benefit us. Does it sound like? Yeah, it's not what we're promised. I mean, they're doing a lot of things that don't benefit us. They didn't benefit us. It means you didn't. Yeah, like we didn't benefit. It benefited those in power. Let's be honest, BEE did benefit a lot of black people. It did. A lot. It's just that how they use the money, you know? And a lot of corruption. I don't know, man. I don't know, bro. So many black people are poor. Yes. And a few are millionaires and billionaires and couldn't go to space. But if you look at the numbers, was there not a spike after BEE of black millionaires? What the black millionaires did with the... There was a spike. Is that a significant portion of the population? It's not. Not even 2% or 3% of black people. Black populace, people who live in squalor. BEE should have made things just a job, you know? To be a normal thing in a household, a job. In normal countries, you know, having a job is not an achievement. It's... You have a job, bro. You know? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. OK, so I started a YouTube channel. It's called Shots by Tabang. And then all we do is literally just travel South Africa and do car reviews of all car girls, car guys, car enthusiasts. And we just talk about cars and, yeah, get shots, just cars. I think it's funny content if you're into like cars, just chilling, relaxing. Talking about cars. We're not reviewing to detail. I don't want to do that. So it's just like just looking at cars. Oh, but it looks dope. You know... Thank you, bro. Thank you, thank you, thank you. The thing that... What's Jeremy Clarkson's name show? Top Gear. Top Gear, God right. I'm not a car guy. I'm not a petrolhead. And the majority of the world aren't petrolheads. But we just fell in love with that show because of the crazy things, you know, and the how they could take such a technical and a niche thing and present it to an ordinary person and like it. So like what kind of... Do I need to be a petrolhead? Do you... If I'm not a petrolhead, will I enjoy the show? It's not that deep, bro. They just shoot the cars, bro. All right, bro. Shout out to them cops. Shout out to them cops. Come on, nigga. My pizza is so long-time, bro. Why are you rocking me again? I'm not rocking you, my man. My business is always open. You don't rock your pizza like that. You just sit straight from the side. I told this guy I came from the street lab and I was content. I should have said... Make everything start again. I should have said make that not content. Yes, put it in the paper. What's happening with the... What is the Kamsa thing? My future to have opening in March. People do this for different reasons. I'm sure Kamsa has his own. Who's having himbo? Me, I've been having a dream of my late mother, the one that raised me until I was seven, the one that picked me up. So I've been having dreams of her trying to communicate something. So I went to someone who knows how to tell those stories. So I said, no, no, your mommy's asking you to do traditional B and then... She doesn't want the cow. So to some... Yeah. They are calves. Not they are any calves. Wait, which cows are they? They're calves. Oh my God. It's so stupid. It's so stupid. It's not me. Let's not call it stupid. It's so stupid. It's always confusing. Yeah, but people do it for different reasons. I've been having those dreams and it was bothering me. Beautiful. Did you get answers from? I just did it. I got some sense of relief. Nice. So like, I'm not going to share his father name. And I still will. And normally, like, I've got an uncle. Shout out to my uncle. Love you, man. He would do things for me, you know? You know, you've got to pass it. I don't have... Because I'm married. So my wife's mother and the grandmother become part of my family because I'm married. So I cooperate with them as my family. That's okay. The lady that I use as my son, now is able to connect my ancestors with her ancestors. And we can have him some more. But you know, E. Tarzan... What did you say? Some more words. Oh, hey, Nimaka. Then I'm going to start rocking, man. I'll rock you, man. That's what we talk about. All the winners are dead. All the winners are dead. Lifetime achievement, first two. When the person was never given the award, she deserves a lifetime. Look for a small channel. That's what we talk about. That's what we talk about. Anyway. Come on, nigga. It's been a long time, bro. Why are you rocking me? I'm not rocking you. But this has always been open about the strip club. We don't rock each other like that. You just said straight from the start. Straight from the start. I told this guy I came from the strip club. And I was content. I should have said, that's not content. Yes. What's happening with the... What is the Kamsa thing? This is not the Kamsa thing, man. My foot has a heart opening in March. F**k you! My foot has a heart opening in March. The heart is there. People do this for different reasons. I'm sure Kamsa has his own. Who's having Yimbush? Yeah, yeah. I've been having a dream of my late mother. The one that raised me until I was seven. The one that picked me up. The one that raised me is Yimbush. The one that raised me is Yimbush. The one that raised me is Yimbush. The one that raised me is Yimbush. The one that raised me is Yimbush. The one that raised me is Yimbush. The one that raised me is Yimbush. You don't remember that picture, Kamsa? Ah ha! Oh, come on! Pussy, come on! Pussy, come on! Come on! Let's not call him pussy, come on! Let's not call him pussy, come on! It always confuses me. It always confuses me. Yeah, but people do it for different reasons. Mine, I've been having those dreams and it was bothering me, so I felt like I'm going to start rocking, man. I'll rock you, my man. I'm talking about you. All the winners are dead, man. All the winners are dead. Lifetime achievement goes to like, Renovation was never given the award she deserves a lifetime. Not for us now, too, though. You know, that would be something, some more awards. I feel like talking some more. Anyway, see, so, reason why you got a great mission that you started. Yes, please tell us about it. It's real, bro. It's my hometown, by the way. No, no, no. So, I've been going to LIMS a lot and I realized that there's a lot of talent there that is not getting help. Mostly from people that already made it that side that don't like go back and save more lives. Yeah, and so from rural areas, I don't want to mention anyone, I just want to say I felt like they're not going back and save or help back. They're not sending the elevator down. Yeah, yeah, it's like I made it, let me buy a house in Midland, buy my jewellery, buy whatever it is. Hey, bus is more valuable. So, I felt like I need to I still don't know why LIMS but I felt like I was sent there and so we're going to do a talent search first and then we're going to do auditions on the same Friday, I mean, Saturday and Sunday. We're going to do auditions and then we're going to give them classes of how the business works, what's distribution, what's publishing, what's everything. So, I got people coming from different places like publishers and stuff like that. So, I'm inviting everyone that is an artist manager also that side to be part of the experience. Because I realized most of them don't know, even the famous ones. And also it's not just LIMS, even here there's like famous people that don't know what publishing is. So, what do you need from us? Yeah, there's big musicians, they're gigging every day of their lives. Millions of streams. So, what do you need from us? Money. I want money. I want money because I need to host the auditions for two days. So, I have guests from Lippon that I hear in Jobbik that I need to get them that side. So, everything I want to do that side is everybody from Lippon. There's no one from Jobbik entering the studio camp or judging the music or helping kids choose the talent. So, if you are not from Lippon, you are not part of it. You can't be part of it. So, I'm doing auditions Saturday and Sunday. This week? This week? This week. And then Monday, immediately Monday, till Friday, I'm hosting a studio camp of the talent that will pick from the auditions. So, who's the talent are the auditions open to? Is it just artists or is it producers? Producers, vocalists, and if you're an artist or a producer, you produce beats or you sing or you're a songwriter as well and you're part of the audition. Auditions, are they expected to sing live or play their work? They need to play their work. Because some of them, most of them don't even have opportunities to have studios. You're just going to sing for me, I'm going to play a beat. You want to hear the song? Those are good words. So, I'm going to play a couple beats and then you master KG sound like and then you perform to it. Why don't we film this, bro? Why don't we film it? Do it! In the beginning, I just wanted to host a studio camp. And I realized that no matter how many studios I have, I'm not going to be able to do it. There's so much talent here. Why can't I just go for everything? Why can't I just help from someone from Lignan, from Libuahomo and bring them in one place and then help them and train them and educate them about the music business and then record them. Maybe we're going to have superstars coming out from there. We're going to have another Makati, another Kari Ishma. So what if I'm a private school piano? No, I don't care. That's not for Amapiano. That's strictly... That's strictly Pedi. I love Pedi and all of it. I love when you said Ligombo and master KG type of sound. Master KG type of sound doesn't have like a... What's it called? They call it the pom-pom sound. They call it the pom-pom sound. That's what they call it. And then there's Ligombo, which is like probably like the biggest sound right now that side. So how much money are you looking for? You know, some chillers are rich, man. Yeah. For the camp and everything else, before Makati, because what I want to do is to give them the right music videos, the right PR, the right branding. Before all of that, maybe for the camp, I'm looking for like 250k, something like that. Fantastic. Yeah, I think I'll be able to pull it off because I need to feed the kids. In the camp, I'm not buying alcohol for them. They're not getting alcohol. Only the kids, because I have Karisma on board to also come and help the kids. Shout out to Karisma for that. I have Karisma. I have one of the best producers that side. Karisma Osas, man. Babeti. Karisma Osas. Karisma Osas. I'm going to perform at the spreading humans. Yeah, it's fine. Okay, so I'm collecting that man. That man shows you. It's part of what you're sponsoring to the show. She doesn't owe you anymore. On your behalf, Baba. Who thought without? It would be a different day. So Karisma, you don't owe Mec anymore. I just cleared it that because she was so... Because I said some stuff about abuse. Yes, yes. I remember you paying the price. But when I met them both, I met both of them. They were just chilled. They didn't go like... But then kind of go shopper. Kind of go room out. But the whole conversation started flowing. They're such welcoming people. They're just nice people. They were more happy. It's crazy how it leaps. The ones that just made it now are willing to allow other people to come in and go to the genre. Compared to the ones that made it long time ago. I don't know why. You understand? I don't know. There's some sense of trade. I'm looking for money. So if you're a chiller, where can people send the money and be in touch with you? Send money. I need to pay for accommodation for people that will be working there. Like Zele is coming. I'm taking Wunaka. She's going to be the host there. Like interview. And I'm taking Taki there. We're pulling up. Where can people reach you if they want to be involved? I'll share the number so that you can put it on the screen. No email. You don't have a gmail. No, no. Don't worry. Watch the show. Watch the short Monday. It's crazy. It's crazy. It's crazy. It's crazy.
on 2025-01-27
language: EN
WEBVTT was in close proximity like the white people who work on the farm just black people and you could speak like fluently you know our native languages and then they made him um like the the the the head or minister or whatever of native affairs in case of that and that's why that he had power over you know regulation of um our our traditions such as you know and implement these policies but he had like four black wives and it's not spoken about enough in his policy this is the guy so I agree with that like for example bro you have a daughter I've got a daughter we all have daughters and and and apart from the fact that the white guy who changed the trajectory of the Nui Lo Ball and how we look at it it's also hard to blame because some people want to like benefit from it me like to me small about the character of the dude you know and if he really loves my daughter otherwise it's not even going to be even if we're rich and we're well off it's not even going to be a matter of now cause of that it must be a million rands just for you know ball you know what I mean it's it's never been about that and we also to blame for falling for that and making it and you know and and riding this and you know other cultures that rather give but I don't know man the value of it has went down specifically because of I mean like you know I'll even mess you left his wife they even met you left his wife and you're still looking for women wives also the jewelry sector accounts for a quarter of a total of platinum demand right but demand is dropping a report by the world platinum investment council says that marriage rates around the world have fallen over the past decade contributing to a steady decline in demand for platinum jewelry because of people like you pedo you're not getting married even if I do get married I might never get a ring you know that would get the tools you know like not like oh hey mark yeah something that says I'm committed to you you know exactly you see and then some people are going rubber and stuff you know yeah like you know those rubber rings and just something that's it oh pops put me on there I use rubbers now yeah because I know my bro people must celebrate how they want to celebrate but let's be honest guys let's talk about the concept of marriage it's not a thing anymore with young people that's not it's not and I see that the conversation is is happening and it's starting with community of property you know and then some people are like okay but we actually need to get married why should we actually get married you know I saw a prof parking posted don't get married in community of property and then panel obviously came uh black pen and realism the god himself uh said he doesn't want people to get married at all you know and I think the conversation is starting to happen to say listen if you have someone that you trust and I really believe in this you trust this person they will never let you down they got your back you love them they love you to bits you know and then you start to look at the benefits of attaching yoga as a thing and then one is now going to be affected by the activities of the other and just financial implications even if you get married and committed property and sometimes it may be purely business maybe you've got a business as a sole proprietor and it goes sour and it's affecting your marriage you know what I mean so the practicality of it is there's more downside on paper to actually come on man that can't be it but sure maybe there's benefits and not benefits of the love obviously the art but benefits of the what are the benefits of the legal legal bondage because it's a legal bondage and like I said if you got someone you love you know will never let you down and you're good and it's not to say that you can cheat and go around and do your things no no you're still committed and let's say okay maybe in your relationship you guys have some agreement as to how you can because there's married people have an agreement and they see other people we know we've seen it you know who you don't know come on you don't know them it's not famous people you don't know I know married people go about their business and she knows as long as they don't bring diseases in and child children from out of wedlock you know what I mean so then it's like legally where is the thing that says yeah if we do this will have maybe you've been married longer than me will you take this one yeah yeah um I think it's every story like every story every like people's marriages and every individual is like they have their own stories and reasons on why they would not like go the route of getting married like in community of property right so like it differs for people and it's also it's about where are you in life yeah so just make sense you understand it and obviously just with these with having kids the bigger the all the amount the money that we have it's at first if anything were to happen the first people that have to benefit from this is the kids you understand so it's I wouldn't want to be like let's say God forbid we were to separate now I'm wanting money and then it's like he's left with nothing and what will happen to the kids you understand I don't think there's a blackened blanket approach yeah yeah so very very beautiful yeah it's a personal thing and it depends on your story as well yeah I'm gonna get married like I'm gonna get married yeah wait I'm gonna have to see what that one's talking about I'm gonna have to see what's one of my negotiations what you married to do hey you're the age where you should be thinking about it or if yeah I will but I'll tell you I'm getting there oh yes yes no the thing I will get married right because of I feel like um my woman will want it obviously you'll be six months um but I think it's and and for me personally I wouldn't mind if I never did right but obviously I would do it for respecting my wife's family and not just she's here out giving birth to pendulas but there's nothing that you know that stays even like with my daughter like I said and I respect a part of culture you know I know those guys and there's women I know who don't mind who say the child will be born a even though has no intention of even ever getting of marrying and whatever they just take it as default you know and I never feel the default thing because so even if the child is the mom's surname until you get involved and you do the procedures and the right thing you know so for me partly because of that um I'm a big believer in in in wife husband type of relationship you know whether people are married or not married I'm a big believer because as a guy our nature is just and there's a few guys who can really thrive and succeed in this world without that home base yeah that support and that home that grounding you need that grounding yeah so I'm a big believer in that in a relationship you know you can't just be in the same thing you're a bachelor you know what I mean the benefits so no no those are the benefits of love remember what I said those are the benefits of love and commitment marriage doesn't necessarily mean love and commitment because we know I was gonna say but you know I don't want to join him but there's people who are married a person who's not even into women kind of thing you know what I mean who are those people oh I said I do not want to see in his fill atop in a jail cell you know I'm good you know what I mean so we can't automatically and that's just an example we can't automatically then say marriage equates means you love the person and the thing's gonna work and the thing will be full of love but I am a firm believer in a life partner so I will get married out of non-selfish reasons obviously to appease my partner as well but I really feel like we could have the exact same thing we are going to have in marriage without the legal thing without without the law saying oh yeah yeah yeah we see you guys are are married you know um so yeah what's it like do just personalize how do you know dude 31 31 right yeah so I'm you're right yeah what is that we've made marriage seem like a trap that's the problem like okay I rather be a life partner so that I don't I'm not tied down uh and I'm not saying it's a trap but it is a legal thing yeah that then joins you guys and entraps you yeah not because because a trap is like you're trying to get out but you can't that's a trap some people it's like if I'm home for the whole year without opening my gate I'm not trapped I just love it here but fact is I am locked in and for me it's legally something that locks you in to a thing so it is a trap but you want to be in it because when you find the person you love to live the rest of your life with and automatically a part of you and be one thing and legally whatever happens to you affects them that's love pure love for me I think the concept is cool I think the concept is cool but I think human beings complicate yes so so so for example it's like flying right if someone gets on a flight for the first time and they experience turbulence chances of them wanting to fly again will be zero to none right but if you are flying and the flight is cool you wouldn't mind flying which is what I think about marriage like if you had a bad marriage chances are you trying to get married again are zero to none but if you haven't if you've got a good partner and your marriage is good you don't see it as a trap or anything that you see it seems to be yes and the thing is people who have been in that was my serious voice you guys yeah yeah I know go ahead like what's what's make is just saying yeah is that um how many like contractual agreements are we do we sign into whether it's a job or even like that's a it's a contract that you are in it buys you an expensive yes so buying a car and oh just hold on yes yes yes I held on I'm holding on I don't know what I said man there's something so like oh you made me lose my thought go on so I'm sorry but I like that you put in the contract because marriage is a it's a legal contract and contracts are binding and when you bind you're trapped and sometimes you want to like hey listen if I have a contract with mac I'm gonna distribute chillis punch for this amount of year for the next five years I'm trapped I love the trap I'm benefiting from it he loves the trap he's benefiting from it you know what I mean that's marriage it's a trap where we both benefit and we're happy ideally it's a contract contracts are in traffic in their nature so a trap is not bad it only becomes bad when you want to get out you know what I mean yes a wall is not bad it's only bad when you want to get out you know so it is something that clearly puts a mark and limit of you can't now do this and these are things hopefully you don't want to do I was just saying like there's more implications that are bad more than good when it comes to things of because here's the thing I'd hate for if I'm married one day my woman's things financially collapse on her end or she gets into some financial trouble and I do then it affects all of us you know what I mean I want to be in a position where by in fact I think Nandi and Zeke's did this where they annulled their marriage because the way it was was risky for the family because if one of them took a knock it affects everybody else and then they almost like cancelled it and remarried and changed certain things to protect that family but they knew that and that takes trust to marry out of community of property is the ultimate trust because it says that we we're going to protect each other and the family but don't screw me over and you trust that you know it's like when you you got someone you got guns or knives both of you and you walk in front of that person it's absolute trust to say don't stand with the best getting married like that he's also like kind of like saying you don't trust each other no it's a smart thing to do it is smart no no it is smart depending on but some people have taken it because of it's like I don't trust you therefore I rather not be find it like that with you yeah I know someone I want to say I know someone right you don't know that they're famous they were married in the community and then things happened and the one went through some financial whatever and then they uh did the thing right and then and then the woman redo the thing and as a different setup and then once they did the thing it broke up whoa yeah and it wasn't that once it then became gradual gradual but before they remarried properly and then there was no so there is always that thing but sometimes you must just trust your partner to say what's he let's not marry in community properties if you really really trust them sometimes it's a smart thing I know you're saying it looks like it's like saying if you don't want to get married you are planning on breaking up one day even when you're something you know what I mean it's sometimes it's not it's to trust your person that they want to be you see you're going to be with me for the rest of my life and I'm going to do it for the rest of your life let's do it without getting married and let's stick to it and a trap that we love on we love it yeah we love it you bet several bets yeah several bet you're certain that at Hollywood beds we've made deposits quick and easy with a range of options to suit you whether you prefer EFT or credit cards we've got you covered you can deposit using also peach payments pay fast sapper and more choose what works best Hollywood beds simple secure and fast deposit so you can focus on the fun sign up by using our promo code chillers deposit and start playing today claim the 25 grand bonus plus 50 free spins link in the description below ghost lady what you got for us man yeah appropriation bill yeah we'll get okay I want us guys to talk about Kefi boo so so um she on her instagram her stories she put out a post where she's just sharing that she has um accepted God as her lord and savior and just changed her ways so and she was even seen burning her clothes but before that she's not giving away clothes yeah it started happening couple of weeks back and then now there was this whole post where she was just sharing about how she has um changed and like I want to just read one of the things that she said that so she found God now I told you though that these are the levels remember I told you that the final level where all or most slay queens the ones that don't manage to send the nigger to marry them or you know what I mean end up is at the point of finding God at church at church yeah because look if you if you if you if you say but God says you must come as you are so wait wait wait well you see what you're doing no no we don't think God must reject them God please take them as they all please take them like hey man we agree with God like God must take everyone like if I one day you know do things and come to God and whenever I've done wrong and I get on my knees the following morning I pray for forgiveness God must take me as I am yes my thing is remember biggest slay queen you almost put out a the impression that you want to find the things in life yes and sometimes 100 percent of the times you don't want to pay for them right 100 therefore there's someone who's going to pay for for you to experience them because that's your standard therefore you've set a price on you and a man and anyone who's got money wants the best that their money can buy exactly and unfortunately you don't stay in your peak forever no and then when you there tits get saggy you know shit like the guys are told are tits getting saggy why am I paying for this time now why am I still paying for when does Ayanna call MITF you know why why why and then they look the other way and it's true when you say queenism has an expiry date yes yes it does and the smart ones are able and then I don't finish it then you can say bro that was a waste you did so I'm just saying is that instead of like you learn from people who have gone through and not not like wait until you go through the same thing eventually to get there you understand so it's just about like anyone observing who me yeah what did you say no no no I don't know wait wait wait let people tend to say okay they go through the worst and then they accept God as much as God is all except you like will receive you and it's always there yes yeah yeah so I'm just saying from someone who's observing and say I'm telling you don't have to resort to this lifestyle and then only at the end you say I am going to receive like I'm going to because you don't know how far and how worse she's able to go okay all right this life has not worked for me yes I was living like this and I'm getting all of these things that I was attached to and it did not work now I'm like only for God and that's it so someone else who was looking at her and thinking that oh everything is perfect for you don't have to go through the same because you thought that she was living their life you're overthinking it man this is one of the stuff life bro no no I think she's she's saying the kids must just the kids are spartan slay queens care bro look at look at everyone you know look at they turn to God eventually so there's no just there's no future in being a slave queen no that's what you say what I'm saying like that but the kids aren't don't want to hear that they want those who are just they don't give a fuck bro they do give a fuck they're actually confused right now like how you're wearing designer you've got the man you're getting married what's up of course lady they see instagram they see how these girls are living what comes the consequences they don't give a fuck they want that they're just saying it's they should know what the consequences were happening right now first this is we've seen the story before you know that's what I'm saying you know this is how it ends up you understand okay no I'm telling you there are those you know okay you are no no no Matthew it's like they're not among us he said here and said that it's a zero sum game but there's plenty of guys there's no winning so you will lose more than you get no matter how much money you get you will never get peace and there's two guys who go ahead and try to hear that and then I was about to try last week start 12 a month and you watch that episode you know that's what I want to smash my favorite I'm a piano a female vocalist I want to smash everyone I want to smash this god I'm following that in in the minimum now I only minimum people guys now I'm a believer what's your take don't underestimate power of income yes also people uh do things out of desperation because yeah poverty let's be honest yeah you know that's why we work so hard because you don't want to get to a point where you don't have husband is in lala yes oh yeah yes appointment to see all those expresses and it's like ah man come on it's just jokes can lock conversations what you love me you don't have to people make decisions well out of poverty but then there's also people who just want nice things without working for them because honestly waking up and working it's it's a lot right but you have to do it you see them by an alady I don't lock her you're gonna give me trouble no I didn't lock right screen and then it says archive and then it says more and then click on more yes you'll see under the option there's a lock so yeah I don't know what happened never locked I won't see it or anything nothing it's like oh they did until you unlock it okay uh yeah lock the lock the name lock the wife and then now okay I don't know why what's up is funny and did you see how now um Mark Zuckerberg and uh I'm doing all the lgbtq things and stuff on instagram yeah yeah yeah encouraging free speech yes yes anyway yeah you can walk I didn't know this so you can lock and then when you swipe scroll down in your chats you'll see archive conversations and then they'll be locked and then the locked ones will get unlocked by your face so you see how you can just go click and click archive yes yeah but instead of clicking lock it will want your face id before it opens the conversation okay I don't know why is that couple come up with that yeah anyway what else you got for us lady yeah you got what's up do you have a password on your phone guy what else you got boys come see I'm just inside news guys um the daughter of do you know what happened hey did you guys hear that barack obama's smashing that's why michelle hasn't been appearing because of you know uh the trump camp or maybe not the trump camp but when he her name was starting to to be mentioned as a possible runner for the democrats etc but that was obviously uh dismal so I thought maybe it was that beef was trump on that you know because one would believe that maybe the republicans you know funded that whole propaganda especially because i saw it a lot on twitter and elon musk is now friends with trump and i thought that was the reason but no apparently it's like an open secret in in the world of those who know that trump has been rocking jennifer aniston barack oh oh barack sorry let me play the clip for you guys it's all alleged you know yeah you're gonna get sued by barack yeah yeah well i'm gonna tell us more we've got three lawsuits already oh yeah yeah yeah we're gonna all right cool here we go i'm picking up in the rumor mill about their marriage first on january 15th in the substack of jessica reid krauss also known as uh house inhabit she posts the following michelle obama's absence at jimmy carter's funeral certainly raised some he's with jennifer aniston my old manager now a friend is connected to her inner circle at a gathering with jennifer's friends the affair came up casually jennifer herself admitted it they were sitting with a psychic which means it makes it sound surreal but it's definitely not a secret among her closest friends then yesterday megan mccain um had a discussion but you get you get you know what i mean i do man i never get you i'm a cheater when look man cheating is fucked up you know but like sometimes oaks cheats and then you're like ah i see it you know it's his type right but sometimes guys cheat and it's like the total nothing that's like your woman which one do you think barack uh falls under it's nothing like michelle obama jennifer aniston michelle apart from the race i don't see any similarities i'm like what's your type exactly you know even though even michelle i'm sure like what's your type exactly you know what i mean like can you you know your man's type god forbid say it happens one day then you see if someone with maybe traits that you also possess that makes sense a bit more than total opposite of you yeah because that's even more scary because that's like okay maybe it's it's real laugh because like let's say one day i cheat right and the woman on the shore like i'm a cave on the next then my woman will be scared because it must be real laugh because i know my dude and what he likes you get what i'm trying to say no i'm just back at you yeah it's so strange with niggas cheap with the opposite of but also with a marriage you don't cheat because you're trying to get what you have at home you're gonna explore yeah yeah but you explore within your type no no don't just flow within what excites you so if girls with whatever unibrow excites you you know and you see the one that's got a better brother than your wives no but you got a unibrow at home but i'm our fan i'm a unibrow i don't know man to me i'm gonna just found it i i well maybe i'm just i'm that kind of person i'm the kind of guy but really loving meal i could have it for the rest of my life every day got you you know and i can stick with them i wouldn't really want to explore different things and stuff got you so for me maybe guys cheat because they want something different but these two as things are different they still like even if they're the same they're not the same like you can have what you have at home but yeah doesn't taste the same you know okay so there's this news guys um a swati woman has appeared in a local court in babani after she was arrested for viewing her husband's what's up messages without his permission yes oh that's why this conversation yeah exactly maybe what conversation so according to the times of a swati that's her name was arrested using the kingdom's computer crime and cyber act using the kingdom's computer crime and cyber act crime act ai is doing everything now like there's a there's a movie that came out that ai did the whole movie the whole movie was like ai actors ai directors so literally the whole movie was done by ai but one thing that you never do is do ai can't do that which prohibits accessing someone's electronic device without their permission i don't exist this didn't we also get something like this coming to effect last year you know i've never looked at the ladies folks we've been together ever because you know like stay away from those things man you will find what you're looking for and then what happens when you found out then what don't go in their phones man no bro i don't like doing phones i don't check my husband's what's hard what's hard so you do but not all the time i'm just saying like for instance probably the last time was pre-covid what happened why are you looking at us no no i'm just saying like all right i don't know and it was so boring there was nothing that's dangerous bro whatever you're looking for don't lift people's spare wheels in the boots just live your life stay away from all those things man because you'll find things and they'll really fuck you up emotionally you could be innocent but you perceive it in a different way because that's what you want i could have but when you've got even when you're carrying a hammer everything looks like a nail so if you're opening the phone looking for cheating yeah everything starts to look like cheating you know hey what time are you arriving at work you're like he was if your woman is cheating you're meant to find out you'll find out you'll come you you've got ancestors and god who loves you and look out for you things will happen and you will see it you know unfold before you just don't go so you don't go through your partner's phone i don't even want to say hey open your phone man go sleep you hardly you hardly no but that's what i'm saying yeah you hurt you all you do you want my track record i've been country you are through this year you don't have four years welcome to this uh okay what did you find what you did yeah yeah what did you find what did you find no i have before what made you want to yeah what made you actually what made me want to it's because you know with guys there's some behaviors in your partner where you're just like this is odd you know i remember when you said exactly why is he listening to like rock music or yeah yes those little interests i remember he asked me about yoga pants he was like are those yoga pants that you're wearing now like yeah okay and then there's something else he asked and i was just like okay then i went through the phone tell me quick one do women do women do women and this once happened to me right where uh someone i dated went through my phone and then they found a girl i was with by my place and the girl had tattoos now i've always like sort of spoken against tattoos with my woman back then long time ago and then um she saw that didn't tell me about it and then she started saying i want tattoos to see so do women do that when when your man because also she i can't say okay no no okay so she found something one day right and then i remember i was playing with a bomb and then she was like and and she had approached me about this thing she stole my phone then when i was she was like stop i was like why it's like stop and then i later she told me it's because it doesn't jiggle like you see it's my mind yes from the phone this is 10 years ago so now my question is do you guys see if when you find out and maybe in previous relationships when you when you guys find out question when you guys find out because i don't think guys do it because generally when guys find out they've been cheating on the leaf but when you guys find out that your man is seeing somebody do you see that person's attributes and try model yourself or try add them to you let me get tattoos yes yes oh yeah the thing that you like now so remember women are competitive and women constantly want to it's like i have to win your heart you know so now she wants to ride briani now you're out here he's gonna check making friends with our indian neighbor drop it don't do that yeah insecurity yes and just once and it's laugh also because you want to like appeal to him like oh is this what you wanted that's why i'm i'm making it remember that's why you got a because there was a girl that he liked and then she left him for a nigger with a binti oh shit for real i think yes oh fuck i didn't know that oh yes even niggas now too i think it's human nature bro yeah yeah what does he have that i don't have now fuck it man unless it's totally you're short yo oh no you can you can you can operate now you know you can operate height you just won't be able to like jump and run and do fun things but now you can people get taller yeah guys why the fuck would you do that like sacrifice freedom from jumping running playing just jumping at 40 and running forward your husband doesn't play with your kids huh your husband doesn't play with your kids of course he does that's why you're not jumping play and run and be active yeah but it's not like what you mean you can't just you you i would never i would never be so unhappy with my body that i'm willing to compromise normal bodily functions it's like guys who prefer who get operations on their dicks and then they're okay you can have the your your erection will be this long but it won't be as strong it'll be slightly flaccid what's the point what's the point you know what you've just raised is a bit like extreme but i'm just like there's sometimes where you go oh okay do anything like you can you you you would go under the knife and go to a surgery even though it's you can't jump like it's like i don't really need to jump what happened when there's a fire or an emergency like i wouldn't want to be taller too i wouldn't sacrifice those beautiful you know nature natural abilities just to be like running like a high speed but if you can i'm sure that person still can run like you want me to run at some point well i don't think it's that your kid protect your family something you gotta run or there's intruders in your home fuck you gotta run away leave your family behind like is paralyzed and on a wheelchair obviously they can't run but still it's not like now they can't live life anyway what else you got for us man uh so much so much hey yes yes come with it that was criminal the stummus criminal in south africa has been found okay remember last week that guy from midrath actually let me tell you a story that guy from midrath that white guy where they found 10 million pictures of child porn and videos of child porn can you get his name yes daring something before i continue that he's been fucked up so he lost his job in midrath at some real estate a company he was a real estate agent right and someone on facebook had posted if you could be a criminal for 12 hours what would you do and you'd be forgiven for your crimes then you lost his job so he commented yeah this nigger someone posts on facebook what would you do for 12 hours a crime a criminal offense but you'd be forgiven for it or whatever and then he's like i'd rape every indian woman and then um afterwards i'd send the military to say how how did you like that imagine this nigger and you're the same guy with 10 million things on facebook like a few years ago and then he lost his job and people obviously went in his profile and said this motherfucker what is this that was a joke yeah but you can't say that like what the fuck and now turns out he's been keeping 10 million and thinking videos now thomas criminal in south africa a few days ago guess who they arrested for also having millions of videos and pictures of kids uh pornographic boyfriend gets arrested a week ago and she still has these things like i'm happy that she's down because we need people to collect and sell and distribute chocolate out of our community but the girlfriend was in on it no way is he keeping the stuff yeah and they raided her took her laptop i think it's one of those things they do on some uh you must not be alone clearly in this thing in this ring maybe he's trying to negotiate a better time and snitch on her but the fact that she was still keeping the things yeah like the moment you got arrested first thing yeah yes like if you and i perform a heist committed let's be heisty and then we're no boundaries the one thing i'm doing i'm fucking running and i'm doing whatever i'm doing yeah how you just had an operation you see why you never know what you need to do did that make it to the news please check get the guy's name and the girlfriend yes girlfriend child pornography arrested so they cut a kick out of this i think i don't know what if maybe they're like and these people could be the guys behind you at a disc game or click skews or you could be at a restaurant eating next to them who's your child even worse who's your child and you could be with these sick people next to you on an everyday basis in any situation you got the names for us dude yes give us the names so the guy's name is darren vulcan yeah that's him yeah and then um the girl they haven't said her name since that she's 25 years old the girlfriend also a reason for being involved in this bullshit yeah yeah so sick man and then also hey um there's an ifp mp he's a deputy minister now you know the jnu vibes please check this guy bro went on tv and suggested so he's trying to and this is right up your head he's trying to deter people from buying alcohol okay now he is proposing additional tax you know the syntax he's proposing additional tax on alcohol and that additional tax must go toward the road accident fun so he said to the top people from drinking money on alcohol must go for road to we must add a few rands on alcohol and those rands will be taxed and um channelled towards the road accident fun like we do with petrol but petrol is used by motors on the road what if i do drink and i do drive not simultaneously or what if i don't drive at all but i love my alcohol a lot of people actually drink don't drive because alcohol is affordable unlike a car installment which is expensive a lot of people can afford to take 50 bucks and buy two beers you know on a friday so how are those people why are those people contribute towards the road accident fun yes they use the road but they consume alcohol has nothing to do with the road i found that i'm like is this guy actually saying that so that we can drink and drive like most people like oh everyone who buys alcohol and also alcohol does contribute to the road accident fun because you mean from petrol that's taxed goes towards the road accident fun how does alcohol go from the breweries distilleries to the fucking shops in trucks right and those trucks are filled up so alcohol already contributes to the road accident fun like i don't know man the the leaders man i don't know what the lead is man and he's a young guy i really loved him and because he's one of the people who when i watched parliament that i thought represented seeing a young guy there you know well spoken eloquent and generally says things that have sense but when he said that i was like no man what's going on and he's one of the young guys if it was the amc 70 year old nanotinerians or whatever i'd be fine doesn't money from the toll gates also contribute to the road it should it should because it's yeah it's money generated from the road you know what i mean but that was the weirdest thing bro bro can you break down this land appropriation thing man i haven't gone through that thing all i know is amc is getting the dh to sign all their bills because and it's da ministries it's like the bella act you know da minister even now it's a da minister um the the you know this falls under the cabinet yeah of a ministry ran by a da minister let me read it man yeah but i haven't gone through it yeah after years of debates and arguments in various platforms including parliament president siddhu ramaphosa has finally assigned the land expropriation bill into law the bill notably includes provisions for land expropriation by organs of state in the interest of the public a public which includes but not limited to housing or infrastructure development according to what we have heard so far the bill yeah exactly what's all that expropriation isn't taking care it just says willing buy willing seller wait but explain explain what i don't even understand what's expropriation what is that what's it to take to take yeah to dispossess you of something it's appropriate it's simple i don't know why these are the figures of follow-up it's to take to take without compensation so what does this bill saying now that um government if they decide that we need this land for maybe housing or whatever or we've got we've got a use for this land we're able to take the land from you um without paying you no no no we're able to forcefully buy from you oh forcefully pretty much right now yeah to forcefully buy from so isn't that a good thing yeah it is because before it was willing by a willing seller so if i knock on your door and i'm the buyer and i'm like hey i want to buy and you're like no i'm not selling bye you're like yeah that's what i'm here to do you don't know fuck off bye you know what i mean then you go away but now i was like hey i want to buy like uh okay i'm not selling yeah yeah but you don't have a choice no no no the government only the government can expropriate yeah i can't go to sender's and start knocking on doors and be like you know i've got this much you forced to sell your okay only the government if they are if they see a property or land in sandhurst and they can say we are buying this land what's the offer okay make the offer but it's got to be reasonable let me play the rotando clip it's quite long it's eight minutes but um i try to cut out like the most important part so if you want to check out the full thing check out rotando he's got like eight minutes experience yeah yeah some valid points as well okay so this is how it's going to happen so the state the gain see wants to retain power in the next elections for them to do that they've got oh when they purchased it how they purchased it more importantly they're not going to be able to prove not buy market price they cannot expect to be paid a market price by the current government given a discounted price the same way they were unjustly enriched by land makes sense that's it makes sense yeah so what they're saying is it's like saying that the government's saying all stolen cars that people are driving we know that there's people out there with cars and we know that many of them are stolen or some of them are stolen all stolen cars the government when they stop that car are able to take back that car we will compensate you but not for that current market value of the car because you didn't buy market value of that car because the government was giving away cars when they realized that they they're coming out of power pretty soon so that to enrich their own now i like the analogy yeah yeah i like that that's essentially what i know big words yeah yeah no big words we want people to understand you man okay but the biggest debate was also with this thing is that oh no are you missing enzymes wow no it was just this the part where it's like i think you mentioned this earlier so is that this is not what we were promised from the beginning so now what do we promise no no when it was compensation for land we'll take the land yeah taking land and getting land and obviously not in a way not for okay yes not forcefully but in a way that is guided somehow your citizens people are going to kind of benefit from land and the proper structures obviously being pulled into place and people basically individuals south africans and benefiting from land but now it just seems like this is something for the government and you know maybe even the d a you know you're you're at least parties that you're not really i don't know it's gonna benefit them and their funders and all those people that's where it's going it's it just seems like this is just needs some land you can use this law exactly not droopers as such i think they've got plenty of land you know but it's like the government you could find that will all benefit your a and c guys and they're able to now in a corrupt way still get land and and you don't it just seems very uneasy it doesn't benefit us does it sound like yeah it's it's it's not what we're promised i mean they're doing a lot of things that don't benefit us they didn't benefit us yeah it's meant you didn't yeah like benefit benefit a lot of black people a lot it's just that how they use the money you know and a lot of i don't know man i don't know bro so many black people are poor yes and a few are millionaires and billionaires and can go to uh space but but but but if you look at the numbers was there not a spike after b.e of black millionaires what the black millionaires did with the one is it a significant portion of the population like proper as people who live in squalor we should have made things just just a job you know to be a normal thing in a household a job in normal countries you know having a job is not an achievement it's you have a job bro you know oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah cool you can pay for your roof stomach and food and clothes on your back yeah before we go man congratulations on order for the last ranger that's a short film oh yeah yes yes yes the last ranger was nominated for an oscar the film has been nominated for an academy award academy award in the best live action short film category on the 97th oscars produced by six feet films and supported by media personality and lm daughter the last ranger tells a powerful story about rhino poaching and conservation conservation yeah conservation man he's got a youtube channel uh where he's reviewing cars and stuff is beautiful man yeah uh it's his channel is shots by tabang yes second episode what can we expect what do they cover cause cause it's just cause yeah yeah yeah but it's cause cause yeah nice so yeah yeah but this car remember when it showed the bo hanga and the what we can is i want the content okay so um so i started a youtube channel it's called shot shot by tabang and then all we do is literally just travel south africa and do car reviews of all car girls car guys car enthusiasts and we just talk about cars and yeah get shots just cars i think he can take funny funny content if you're into like cars just chilling relaxing talking about cars we're not reviewing too detail i don't want to do that so it's just like just looking at cars but it looks dope you know thank you thank you thank you thank you the thing that um what's jeremy clockson's and let me show top gear top gear god right i'm not a car guy i'm not a petrol head and the majority of the world aren't petrol heads but we just fell in love with that show because of the crazy things you know and the how they could take such a technical and a niche thing and present it to an ordinary person and like it so like what kind of do i need to be a petrol head do you if i'm not a petrol head will i enjoy the show it's not that deep bro they just shouldn't cause anyway before we go uh uh uh speaking about biano um spiso from piano power yeah just for five minutes he's got some great things that he's doing so he just wants to talk about it so what are you doing yes and are you on the channel oh he's on live and instagram live yeah yeah i saw he was with the artist what's on the tumors system lady amaa i saw that last week and i've seen it with cinem solo yeah i've seen he's doing some live stuff on live why is he on youtube doesn't have a gmail account let's start it for him all right ladies and gentlemen straight from summit please welcome straight from summit straight from the strip my but what's happening with the what is the cup something opening in march people do this for the thing for different reasons uh i'm sure comes around his own and then i've been having a dream of my my late mother the one that raised me until i was seven daughter picked me up yeah and so i've been having dreams of her like trying to communicate something so i went to someone who knows how to oh your mom is asking you to do like traditional beer and then yeah is beautiful okay hold on love you man he would like do things for me you know you know you got an so who does that for you do you have someone who did that for you i don't i don't have so because i'm married so my wife's mother and the great mother become part of my family because so i i i cooperate with is able to connect my ancestors with our ancestors and we can have them some more but you know the oh was never given please so reason right here got a great mission of you started yeah yes please tell us about it yes oh it's real bro i take my home time by the way yeah i hope this works out no no no so i've been going to limbs a lot and i realized that there's a lot of talent there that is not getting help mostly from people that already made it that side they don't like go back and save more lives yeah and them so from rural areas i don't want to mention anyone just to say i felt like they're not going back and say help thank yeah they're not sending the elevator down yeah it's like i made it let me buy a house in midland buy my jewellers by whatever it is a person's born so i felt like i need to i still don't know why links but i felt like i was sent there and so we're going to do a talent search first uh and then we're going to do auditions on the same friday i mean saturday and sunday we're going to do auditions and then we're going to give them classes of how the business works what's uh distribution what's publishing what's everything so i've got people coming from different places like publishers and stuff like that so i'm inviting everyone that is an artist manager also that's trying to be part of the experience because at the last most of them don't know even the famous ones and also it's not just in leaves even here there's like famous people that don't know what publishing is so what do you need from us okay i want money because i need to i'm gonna host the the auditions for today so i have guests from lipo that are here in jobek that i need to get them that side so everything i want to do that there's no one from jobek entering the studio camp or judging the music or helping kids choose the talent it's everyone from leaps so if you are not from leaps you are not part of it you can't be part of it there's a studio camp yeah so i'm doing i'm doing auditions saturday and sunday this week this week this week okay yeah and then and then monday immediately monday till friday i'm hosting so who's the talent the audition is open to is it just artists or no it's producers vocalists and if you're an artist who lives with you produce beats or you sing or you're a songwriter as well and then you kind of auditioned are they expected to sing live or play their work they need to play their work because some of them most of them don't even have opportunities to have studios you just gonna sing for me i'm gonna play a beat those are good work in the world why why why do we film this bro what do we film yeah like pop stars all right no no i want to in the beginning i just wanted to host a studio camp and i realized like a mini studio camp no man there's so much talent here why am i why can't i just go for everything why can't i just help from someone from and they'll bring them in one place and then help them train them and educate them about the music business and then record them and then maybe we're gonna have superstars coming out from there we're gonna have another another so what if i'm a private school piano let's start it for him all right ladies and gentlemen straight from summit please welcome straight from summit strip club straight from the strip and it's not the apple my nigga people do this thing for different reasons uh i'm sure comes his own and then i've been having a dream of my my late mother the one that raised me until i was seven the one that picked me up yeah and so i've been having dreams of her like trying to communicate something so i went to someone who knows how to oh your mom is asking you to do like traditional beer and then she doesn't want the cow yeah wait which cows are there i don't remember that picture yeah but people do it for different reasons i've been having those dreams and it was bothering me okay hold on did you get answers from i just did it uh but i got some sense of relief nice and normally like i've got an uncle shout out my uncle love you man my uncle he would like two things for me you know you know you got an so who does that for you do you have someone who did that for you i don't have i don't have so because i'm married so my wife's mother and the grandmother yeah become part of my family because i'm married so i i i cooperate them as my family that's okay and then the lady that i use as his son now is able to connect my ancestors with our ancestors and we can have him some award but you know these so what do you need from us okay yeah i want money i want money because i need to i'm gonna host the the auditions for today so i have guests from lipom for that i hear in jobek that i need to get them that side so everything i want to do that side is everybody from the point there's no one from jobek entering the studio camp or judging the music or helping keep choose the talent it's everyone from leaps so if you are not from leaps you are not part of it you can't be part of it there's a studio camp yeah so i'm doing i'm doing auditions saturday and sunday this week this week this week okay yeah and then and then monday immediately monday till friday i'm hosting a studio camp of the talent that will pick from the auditions so who's the talent are the auditions open to is it just artists or is it producers producers vocalists and if you're an artist in limps you do you produce beats or you sing or you're a songwriter as well and then you you're part of of the audition auditions are they expected to sing live or play their work they need to play their work if because some of them most of them don't even have opportunities to have studios you're just gonna sing for me i'm gonna play a beat right you want to hear that yeah i just want to hear you those are good words and then you or or master kj sound like and then you you perform to it and then why why why don't we film this bro what do we feel like pop stars or i do it no no i want it i want to in the beginning i just wanted to host a studio camp and i realized like i mean should you come the normal piano studio camp and i realize that no man there's so much talent here why am i why can't i just go for everything you can say why can't i just help from someone from liniere and then bring them in one place and then help them and train them and educate them about the music business and then record them and then maybe we're gonna have superstars coming out from there we're gonna have another macadie another carisma in there so what if i'm a private school piano no i'm not i don't care you that's not for i'm a piano that's strictly you want the that's the petty i love and all of it i love when you said the component master kj type of sound yeah master kj type of sound doesn't have like uh what's it called they're the quality of the sound yeah that's okay and then there's the combo which is like probably like the biggest sound right now that's right so how much money you're looking for you know some for the camp and everything else before marketing because because what i want to do is to give them the right music videos the right pr the right branding uh before all of that maybe for the camp i'm looking for like 250k something like that fantastic yeah i think i'll be able to pull it off because i need to feed the kids in the camp i'm not buying alcohol for them they're not getting on board uh to also come help the kids shout out to charisma i have one of the best producers that side uh my bad my bad my bad my bad my bad perform at the spreading humors yeah it's fine okay sign i'm collecting that my that man she owes you you're ready it's part of what you sponsored into the show she doesn't on your behalf mama without without you've been refraged so charisma you know i won't make anymore uh i just cleared that because she was so because i said some stuff about abuse when i met them both both i met both of them they were just chilled they didn't go like she just went like but then kind of go sharper that i go room and then but the whole conversation started flowing they're such welcoming people they're like just nice people and they were they were more happy like it's it's crazy how it leaps uh the one just the ones that just made it now are willing to allow other people to come in and go to jandra compared to the ones that made it i don't know why you understand i don't know it's there's some sense of threat i don't know so i'm looking for money yeah so if you're a killer uh where can people send the money and be in touch with you yes send money i need to pay for accommodation for people that will be working there like zila is coming here great of course i'm taking monaca is from lipo she's gonna be the host there like interview whatever stuff like that and i'm taking taki there so we're pulling we're pulling up where can people reach you if they want to be involved i'll share the number so that probably you can please put in the screen in this area no email you don't have a gmail don't worry now i see why people come here and talk shit yes yes because ladies someone will be probably other chillers will be very uh curious on why are the provinces do you plan to expand it one day and go to other provinces uh for now i fall in love with limbo and the people they're so welcoming the nice people and i feel like i'm experiencing poverty a lot in those rural areas that i go to for now i haven't been in free states like that i haven't been in yeah but eastern cape is the next one but also i wanted to go to a place where there's a sound because for me i feel like it's already there we just need to they've got an if you found anyone special oh bro like yo she's flowing like charisma bro like this talent okay but she's flowing like charisma is the problem no no i'm saying the energy like she gives on the song but obviously the style of songwriting is different and i'm looking for me yeah no i'm also looking for like people that can sing sing sing sing i'm not looking for her to hang on i'm not looking for but if i find a character that's got something special to give and is also a musician and then i'll probably like try to help so we want to do better than idols what i want to do is we scout we groom and we make you famous and we give you a life so that you you go back and pull the others in my contract that i will have with you you have the responsibility to go back home and pull the others beautiful you understand so that's that's what i want to do that someone is out there asking themselves what's in it for you how would you answer that uh what's in it yeah of course i want to make money of course i'm going to make money when all is said are they going to get signed to your label no no no they're not going to get signed to my label uh the ones that i like like i feel like i can manage because there's different styles of management so if i see artists that i feel like i can personally manage and then i'll i'll think and so there's other labels that are invited to come also and have a look i invited other labels to come have a look at what i'm doing so if they like someone's they they must also have a conversation with that person is that honest look old friend how's dahila man you know i love that girl oh she's shut up i going to cabza tuesday oh that's gonna be magical but i'm going to to cabza to uh what's this guy's name slide and but they don't make the music she's amazing yeah she's amazing she's doing well uh bro i think this year will be the great year because throughout i was just grooming and teaching uh how to write music and do all of this because i'm i'm good with with i like i can never take back instead of just keeping you where i can control you you understand what i'm saying like even if you share the studio with jayvan it's not me talking to jayvan it's okay here's jayvan's number i already spoke to jayvan go to jayvan yeah so you're jayvanese do you understand yeah it's like that here's jayvan go to jayvan talk to jayvan directly so i'm never worried which i'm giving you i'm plugging you in and i'm giving you direct contacts i have to control you if you speak to sol or you don't i don't do that dahila is amazing when you tell it to like sometimes artists get very impatient yes and just drop everything because it takes a while sometimes for your window to open yeah and now i mentioned her brand uh i have to i have to rebrand because i saw that it's it's it's flooded kuma piano and i said like hey mamas i think we're gonna have to go do afro pop and then now it's like a brand new introduction introduction and doing well drops album is doing well in tennessee so it's but they're not as special as like people are especially saying on piano you can count them it's uh that's not crowded there's not 10 artists piano who are consistent oh and the girl salima to bouquet yeah then no i turned me off about that was the fact that she doesn't make tiktok music
on 2025-01-27
language: PL
WEBVTT Sorry? No, I can be. I will help you on Thursday. Oh, ok. All right. Ehm... Ehm... shit. No problem. Let's talk when you are done. I need to concentrate on something here. No, no, no. No? Please just end it on that side. I what's that? Both of us. I what? I what? I what? And this. And this what? It's complicated. No? Feelings are never complicated. Either you like them or you don't. And I won't go to work and I won't be here. I won't be here. It doesn't matter, ok? I don't even think about it. Just... Are you changing your mind? No, no, no. Uncle? Uncle, what's up? What's up, son? Oh, shit, I have called first. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. To jest wiena. Pancake, waffles i stów. To jest wiena. To jest wiena. Hej, co się stało? Hej, co się stało? Tak, mój chłopak. Wiesz, co się stało? Nie, nawet nie. Wiesz, co się stało? Wiesz, co się stało? Wiesz, co się stało? Wiesz, co się stało? Nie, nie, nie. Wiesz, co się stało? Nie, nie, nie. Wiesz, co się stało? Wiesz, co się stało? Nie, nie, nie. Wiesz, co się stało? Wiesz, co się stało? Nie, nie, nie. Wiesz, co się stało? Wiesz, co się stało? Wiesz, co się stało? Wiesz, co się stało? Wiesz, co się stało? Dzięki. Myślę. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Kaj z gwaranty naje maj. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki. Dzięki.
on 2025-01-27
language: NN
WEBVTT You can install the update from your software, update the settings, and this video is played into Apple Intelligence features, features for all iPhones, and features for just the latest iPhone 16 devices. If you want to jump to any specific part of the video, be sure to check out the chapters in the description below. Now this is a good update, but not as large as the iOS 18.2 update was. Let's jump right into the first feature, which is available for everyone, and that actually has to do with the calculator. Sorry, I forgot that it's, when you start recording, when your site goes on mute and whatnot, but anyway. So I was saying that the communication between a language, right, a specific programming language and MongoDB is done using what you call a driver, right? And what is a driver? Let's go on to durability. Durability way, it ensures that once a right operation is acknowledged, right, the data is safely stored and won't be lost, right, even in the case of a failure. So how does MongoDB do that? So there's what you call a right content, right? The right content specifies the level of acknowledgement required for a right operation, right? So for example, if it's one, it's acknowledged by the primary node, which is the default. There is majority, which is acknowledged by majority of nodes in the replica set. Or two, it says acknowledged by at least two nodes. So at least two nodes should be able to confirm that they've written the same data and they've written the same data and then it will be like, okay, this is fine now, right? And higher right content levels increase durability. So the more, the higher you put it, the more there is that durability. But also be mindful of performance because if you've got a hundred servers that need to be written and you need acknowledgement from 50, it might take time as compared if you just need acknowledgement from, let's say, five servers and then it's confirmed as good, then you know that it needs to be quick, you know? And then there's journaling. Journaling is where your MongoDB uses a write ahead log, right, to ensure data durability. And then before applying any changes to the data file, MongoDB writes them to a journal. It's like just writing in a diary or something, right? And then in case of a class, the journal can be used to recover data. So you can be able to use that journal to be able to recover your data because you just go into your journal and be able to recover that data. It's very, very recommended to have journaling in place because that way if there is a situation, you can be able to recover to the last available data, right? And then there's replication where you replicate, obviously, data to the different nodes. There are some trade-offs, right, where there's performance versus durability. High durability, which is more or less, let's say, majority, can slow down your write operation, right, because there is increased number of acknowledgment that is required, right? And so you need to be careful. You need to have that trade-off. And then the configuration wise, you need to choose the right balance based on your application requirements. So you need to have that sort of, you need to look at, OK, what is it exactly that works for us? Should I just have small numbers? Should I have majority of acknowledgment and all that stuff? Right. Then you can be able to combine scalability, replication, and durability, right? So you can have read scalability, for example, using your secondary nodes to be able to, for your read, right? That way you distribute your read to your secondary nodes, and then you configure read preferences, right, to your, to direct, configure read preferences to direct reads to secondary, right? So primary, you're left with just the writes, right? Leave it. Don't use that as the read, although it is by default, but direct all the reads to go to the OK, I'm back. So that's your majority. And then you've got a situation where you can write the specified number of nodes to acknowledge. So in essence, if you want four to acknowledge out of the 20 or you want five to acknowledge out of the 20, then you can be able to give that. And then you also need to have journal, right, being active, being true. So journal being true is the J true. This would be obviously write is acknowledged only after it is returned to the to the on disk journal, right? That way, there's surety that data durability, it ensures that data durability, even in the case of a server crash, right? And then you've got your time out, which in essence means that if there is a time out, it gives us time limit to the right operation to complete, right? If the time out is reached, then the operation returns an error. So it's your right time out, right? For example, in this case, it's in set one, right? Concern should be should be acknowledged by two. But if there is a time out of five thousand seconds, then milliseconds, then seconds, actually, then it should give an error. So how does the right concern work? Client sends right operation, right? Whether it's application, whether it's the user or whatever. And then primary nodes process the right. So which means the primary node applies the right to its data set. And if J is specified, it also writes the right is also written to the journal. And then the primary nodes replicate the secondary nodes, right? If then there are ten that needs to acknowledge, it then acknowledges that. And then only after that, only after it gets that acknowledgement, then the right is actually what you call this, the right is actually acknowledged and then sends a response to a client. Some best practices towards it. Choose the right concern, right? Some replication failures. What are these replication failures? So replication failures can occur when the secondary nodes are able to replicate from the primary node and which could lead to data inconsistencies, loss of availability, because now you can't automatically switch over. And even if the primary fails, right, the second is not up to date to even take over. Right. And then application may experience errors or degraded performances. Right. And then some common causes of replication failures could be network issue between the servers, right? The nodes in themselves. Right. It could be high latency or some packet loss. Also, it could be hardware failures. It could be a disk failure. You know, server crashes or power outages could be another issue. And then configuration errors. Incorrect replica set configuration and also mismatched MongoDB versions of... mismatched MongoDB versions or configurations. And then some resource constraints could be insufficient CPU, memory or disk I.O., you know, high throughput causing replication lag. And then some OPLG issues. Right. Let's say the OPLG on the primary node is too small, which can cause it to override old entries before secondaries can replicate them. And then some data corruption, you know, data corruption of the corruption of data files on the primary or secondary nodes could be another issue. Some diagnosis to that. Check replica status. RIS.status is very much important. Look for the state of each node, the primary, the secondary, recovering ETC. Replication lag. Opt-time, date and last heartbeat fields can be able to tell you that. And then some error messages or warning. And then monitor your replication lag. Also, RIS.print-secondary-replication-info to be able to check replication lag. Your high lag indicates that secondary is failing behind the, falling behind the primary. So you need to probably restart your replica set so that it catches up or you need to stop the application from writing until they catch up. It just depends what you do. It's never advised to stop the application anyway, you know, and then check MongoDB logs. You need to examine your MongoDB.log for any errors or warnings in relation to replication. These messages like your replication is too far behind or cannot replicate because up log is full. You need to be able to look for that. And then verify network connectivity, right? PIM, Telnet, you know, test your connectivity between nodes. Your files or your security groups allow traffic on MongoDB. Make sure that they're open. They're okay. And then check disk and resource usage, your disk space usage, your CPU, your memory usage on all nodes. And then also your tools like your Mongo start, Mongo top can help you in terms of identifying resource bottlenecks, right? Start resolving to it. Obviously, when there's a network issue, resolve some connectivity between the nodes. Resolve any hardware issues if you need to make any changes. Adjust up log size. Up log size is very important. You need to be mindful of that. After you increase that, you restart the primary node and then resync affected secondaries. And then reconfigure replica set if you want. Ensure that it's configured properly using the RIS.conf to view the configuration, update anything using the RIS reconfig if needed. Then upgrade your MongoDB to the latest version, but the stable version, not just the latest version, but the stable version. And then monitor and optimize performance. Optimize your queries. Use indexes to reduce write throughput. Scale up hardware resources if necessary. Right? Some how to prevent replication failures. Use odd number of nodes, right? Because then there's proper election and fault tolerance. And then monitor replication lag. Regularly backup your data. Test failovers regularly. Use write concern to ensure that data is replicated to multiple nodes. And then keep your MongoDB updated. Questions on replicas? I'm still good. Where is Akona today? And Ito, you're too quiet. Oh, we are listening. Oh, we are listening. Okay. Now let's talk about sharding. Sharding is the mechanism of distributing data across multiple servers, which are called shards, right? Where you then achieve that horizontal scaling, right? It automatically manages data distribution across shards. Query routing to the appropriate shards and then balancing data evenly across shards. Why use sharding? It handles large data sets and high read write throughput, right? There's that scalability. And then performance-wise, it distributes load across multiple servers. And then it can store more data than a single server can handle. How do they work? The key component of it is a shard. Each shard is a replica set or a standalone MongoDB instance, where it stores a subset of data. For example, shard one stores data users A to M, shard two then stores N to Z. It's also got a config server where metadata is stored about the cluster, including the mapping of the data to the shards, right? Must be deployed as a replica set for higher availability. And then it's also got logical query routers, obviously that sort of interface that acts as an interface between the application and the shard cluster, right? Trout queries to the appropriate shard based on the shared key, on the shard key. And then what is a shard key? A shard key is more or less a field or a set of fields used to distribute what you call this, used to distribute data across shards, right? So let's say your shard key is a user ID, which means MongoDB ashes the user ID value to determine which shard should store the document. And then there's also that data distribution where it's a range based or hashed sharding strategy to distribute the data. So when it's a range based data is divided into ranges based on the shared key, right? Is the example above the A to M and N to Z. And then hashed sharding is data is distributed using a hash of the shard key, right? Then there's also the part of query routing where when a query is sent to the cluster, right? The MongoS router determines which shards contain the relevant data. And then the query is routed to the appropriate shard, right? And the results are combined and returned to the client. And then it does what you call balancing. There's what you call a balancer that automatically balances data across the shards. And then this balancer moves chunks, subsets of data between shards to ensure even distribution. Right. How do you then set up a shard cluster, right? First, you set up the config server. So you deploy a replica set for the config server. For example, there in blue, you've got sharding, cluster role is the config server. And then replication set name is config replica set. Config being the config server, replica set. And then you set up shards. So you deploy replica sets for each shard. And then an example is you call cluster role is the shard server, right? And then replication, you name it shard one replica set. And then you can be able to add replicas to a replica set, right? So you start your query routers, start MongoS instances, and configure them to connect automatically. For example, MongoS configure DB, the config set, configure replica set, config one, and then config two, and then config three as you go, which is more or less, this is you connecting your configuration replica, and then you add shards to the cluster. Right. So connect to MongoS instance and add shards to the cluster. For example, add shards, sh.shard, shard one replica set. Shard one A, shard one B, shard one C, and they connect using that port. And then shard two replica sets, shard two A, shard two B. This is how you can be able to add those shards to the cluster. Right. And then enable sharding for a database where you enable sharding my database to a specific database. And then you can be able to shard the collection. So you can also shard the collection, right, where you've got shard collection, and then my database dot my collection user ID one, and then some best practices for sharding. You need to choose the right shard key. You need to have a high cardinality, many unique values type of key, and then distribute rights evenly across shards, and then also support your most common queries. So your key should be able to support your most common queries. As I gave an example, when you get into the bank, the very first thing they ask you is your ID. Your ID will be able to pull everything. So things like that, you can be able to have it as a shard key, right? And then monitor and balance the cluster. If you use things like MongoDB Atlas or SHStatus, right, shard status, you can then be able to monitor your cluster, and then ensure the balancer is running and that is evenly distributed. Use hashed sharding for even distribution, right? And your shared key has low cardinality or is monotonically increasing. So use hashed sharding to distribute data more evenly, and then avoid hotspots. And hotspots is an even distribution of rights, and plan for growth. Plan that you are going to add more shards, because there's going to be more data coming through. You probably need to add more shards, and then back up and secure your cluster, and then test before production. It's very much important. How do you choose a shard key, right? It's a very critical component of it, right? And shard key, as we said, is a field or a set of fields in a document that MongoDB uses to distribute data across shards, right? You could use user ID, and then when you select user ID, then it's going to use the user ID value to determine which shard should store the document. So if you've got 10 shards and your user ID is incremental, then it will be able to determine where to place which document. Some characteristics of a boot shard is high cardinality. So it should have unique values, right? Unique values to ensure that there is that even distribution. An example being user ID, because it has many unique values, right? Even distribution, if the shard key should distribute rights and reads evenly across shards, right? It avoids keys that create hotspots, and then query support, so it's able to assist with queries. And then, for example, if most queries filter by region, use region as part of the shared key, right? The shard key. Immutable, right? It cannot be changed after sharding a collection, so you can't change that after sharding a collection. So you need to choose a field that will not change over time. That's very, very important to the system. And then some type of shard keys. We've got single field shard key, for example, user ID. Right? It's simple, and then there's compound one, which is region one and user ID, where you provide like a compound shard key. It's like a compound indexing. And then there's the hashed shard key, where you hash, what you call this, you hash the user ID, right? And then choose an example for a collection of user data. You can use user ID, and then for a collection of orders, you can then compound shard key, right? It could be order date, region, it could be user, whatever. Right? And then sharding and indexes play a very critical role, right? In optimizing queries. Now, shard key index, right? So MongoDB also requires an index on the shard key, right? You can actually index that. If no index exists, MongoDB creates one automatically when you shard the collection. So it's that type of scenario where it says, I really need this shard key to be indexed. If you don't index it, I'll index it on my own. And then if you're using compound shard key, ensure the index matches the shard key. So like previously, I did email and edge, right, as indexes. Then I need to make sure that my shard key also email and edge, right? It helps a lot. And then it helps in terms of query performances. Queries that include the shard key are outed to specific shards, which is very good for performance. And queries that do not include the shard key are broadcast to all shards, which can make it slower, right? The same way with index. When data doesn't have an index or when you don't have an index, it needs to go through a whole collection. When it's got an index, then it just goes straight to the index and that's it. Right? Some best practices is create indexes on fields commonly used in queries. The same way you use shards. Shards use them commonly, the fields that are commonly used in queries, and then all the data that's commonly requested or created. And then use covered queries, queries that use only indexed fields to improve performance. Then you've got sharding and replica set topologies, right? They are often used together, right? Not often, they are used together, right? There you've got scalability, you've got high availability, you've got improved performances, right? And you're going to also have shard as a replica set. When I was showing the configuration here, right? Actually had a replica set. It's got shard as a replica set, right? So each shard in a sharded cluster is typically a replica set. And this obviously ensures high availability and full tolerance for each shard. And then when you have a config server as a replica set, it means that your metadata is distributed. And that way config server that store metadata about the shard server must be deployed as a replica set for high availability, right? Is you've got that high availability where when one crashes, the primary crashes, then you've got the secondary. And then also have query routers where Mongo instances are stateless and can be deployed on multiple servers for scalability and redundance. That's your Mongo S. And then an example of a topologies having shards which are three replica sets, shard one, shard two, shard three. And you've got config servers, which is one replica set, which has got three nodes. And then you've got query routers, which is three Mongo S instances, right? That's an example topology that you can be able to have in place. Now, how do you administer sharded clusters, right? Firstly, you monitor using your MongoDB Atlas, right? You monitor, you balance, you optimize performances. And the monitoring part, you can use your MongoDB Atlas or MongoStat to monitor the cluster. The key metrics to look out for there is your replication lag. Is it falling behind? And then your shard balancing. Is it balancing it right? And then your query performances, right? Are they slow? Are the query performance slow, right? You also need to balance your cluster, right? Using a balancer. So you can disable the balance for a collection. You can also be able to start a balancer manually. So for example, they disable balancing for my collection. So your database name is university and your collection is students. You can disable that. You can also manually start or stop the balancer. And then you can also be able to add or remove shards. So for example, the shard replica set is shard replica set one. That's the name of the replica set. And then you want to add the host and port. So you want to add the new host or you want to remove a host, right? So you can have that shshard.removshard and then the name of the replica set and then the host that you want to remove, right? It's also important to do some baking up and restoring. Very much important. And then enable authentication and encryption to secure your cluster. Use role-based access control and then upgrade your cluster. It's very much important. But you need to follow the MongoDB upgrade instructions to upgrade your shared cluster. It's very, very much important. And then ensure all components, your shards, your config servers, and Mongo is upgraded in correct order based on what MongoDB would be instructing you to do. Questions? No question from me. Anyone else? No, silence means we are good. Okay. Now let's talk about shard chunk migration. So shard chunk migration is a key feature of MongoDB, right? And it ensures that data is evenly distributed across shards, right? What is a chunk? A chunk is a subset of data, right, in a shard collection. And what MongoDB does is it divides data into chunks based on the shard key and each chunk is assigned to a specific shard, right? Why does chunk migration happen, right? For balancing purposes, for example, right? Between shards, it wants to have that even distribution or when there's that manual intervention where administrators can actually move chunks for maintenance or optimization. That's another reason why chunks can be migrated. And how do chunks, chunk migration work? How does it work, right? There is the balancer. The balancer monitors the distribution of chunks across shards, right? The shard has significantly more chunks than the other. The balancer initiates the chunk migration to one that it needs to level up. And then the migration process behind it is the source shard copies the chunk to the destination shard. The destination shard applies any changes that occurred during the migration and then the config server updates the metadata to reflect the new location of the chunk, right? And then upon completion, once the migration is completed, the chunk is removed from the source shard. So it makes sure that everything is good and it's updated in the config server and then it removes from the source. Some backup and restore plans. Backup and restore plans. Some backup strategies that are available. File-based backups. So you can take snapshots of your MongoDB data files, right? And then this one is suitable for large data sets with minimal downtime. So you can use things like Arrasync or whatever. Or you can use KVM snapshot if you're using KVM. And then you can do logical backups where you can use Mongo dump where you can export data in BSON to JSON format. This one is suitable for smaller data sets or specific collections. And then you can also have cloud-based backup, right? Your MongoDB Atlas or other cloud services for automated backups. And then restore strategies. You can restore data from a file system snapshot. You can do logical restores. So if you do MongoDB, you can then do Mongo restore to import that data and then restore data from cloud backups. That's another option that you can be able to use. So some file-based, file system-based strategies, right? Some steps to it. So, for example, taking a snapshot of MongoDB data files. So first thing you need to do is stop the MongoDB instance or lock the database, right? Take a snapshot of the data using tools like your LVM, your AWS EBS snapshots, you know, or whatever you're using. And then after it's done, you unlock the database, right? And then some steps for file system-based restore. Stop the MongoDB instance. Replace the data files with the snapshot and then start the MongoDB instance. Be mindful that you need to place your data files in the part that is configured within your MongoDB config file, right? It's very much important. Some best practices to it. Obviously, test regularly to ensure that they can be restored and then use journaling to ensure that the data is consistent during backups. Then when you also use MongoDB and MongoDump and MongoRestore, right? MongoDump being, for example, there you've got MongoDump. Your host is your local host, the port, and then the out backup. I think we did this yesterday. And then you can just replace the MongoDump command with the MongoRestore. Same, everything else stays the same. It's just from MongoDB, you change it to MongoRestore. And then some best practices to it. Use the up log with MongoDB, MongoDump, sorry, to capture ongoing changes during the backup and then compress the backups to save space. So you can use the dash dash jzip, right? When you're using the dash dash, when you're using the up log, it's a matter of just adding dash dash up log onto it, onto the command. You can also be able to use R-Sync, right? R-Sync where you make copies of data files to a backup location. It could be to a remote location or to another folder, for example. You can be able to use R-Sync. And then best practices is using R-Sync with delete to remove the files in the destination that no longer exist in the source, right? So updating-wise, use the dash dash delete, which then tells R-Sync to be able to get to the destination and be able to check. If it's not from the source, if it's not available in the source, then make sure it is deleted in the destination also, right? There's also MongoImport and MongoExport. MongoExport is where you export data from a collection to a JSON or CSV file, right? So for example, there you've got your MongoExport dash dash host, localhost port. You are doing my database. It could be university in our case. And then your collection is students. And then you are putting it in a backup folder and you're making it my collection.json. And then when you then need to import, it's a matter of making sure that you just change from MongoExport to MongoImport. And then more or less the rest of the stuff is the same. It will just do the reversal. Any questions? That's all good, Maid. Okay, cool. We probably going to finish the theory part and then we go into our tea break. And then from our tea break, we come and then do the practicals. Then it will take us through the rest of the day. So some best practices for your backup and restore. So are you sitting? I am not sitting. People will just come to see me. People will just come to see me. Yeah, we will just meet up and whatever happens, happens. Then you get money from that. Yeah, but I want to put it like this, right? Where's the camera? I want to look at the camera. I actually just want to make it clear that a lot of people actually think this is like prostitution and this is like... No, but it's actually knowing your value. So you smash for cash. Yes, but it's not prostitution, sir. Yeah. And that's all. That's all. That's all. I think that's the end of the talk. So we have another beautiful lady over here. Hi. What's your name? Hi, how are you? I'm Sasha Hughes. Oh, Sasha Hughes. Nice to meet you. So a couple of questions. If I were to offer you a 10K EFT or 500 Yen E-Wallet, what would you choose? 500 Yen E-Wallet. Okay, then what would you do with it? I would buy it. 500? Yeah. I would buy it. Aha. Just something quick. I would just take myself out. I won't lie. I would just take myself out just to go buy... Solo date bags. Mm-hmm. Okay. Solo date bags, yeah. Okay. Fill you up, fill you. So we have another beautiful lady over here. Hi. I need your guys' help. What? Okay, are we back? Okay, cool. I just need to log into my...
on 2025-01-27
language: EN
WEBVTT And what is a driver? It's merely a library or a module that allows your application to be able to communicate with MongoDB, right? Mongo, the driver obviously will handle the lower level details of connecting to the database, sending the queries, receiving the responses, and all that stuff, right? And with Mongo, it has official drivers for many languages, right? Your Java, your Python, your Perlin, all that stuff. And key responsibilities of those Mongo drivers is first connection management. It establishes the connection and manages those connections to the MongoDB server, right? When you write a query, when you send a query, it handles that from the programming languages, converted to whatever is MongoDB related side of it, and also converting data between the database, databases, BSON, and the language, right? So it still needs to give an output that is understood by the programming language that you're using. So that conversion from the programming language to BSON, and then from BSON back to the programming languages, right? It also is able to handle errors, right, and exceptions. So whenever there's an issue, then it can be able to handle errors, right? And then it also has features like connection pooling, connection pooling and batching for efficient communication. So connection pooling is where you open a number of connections to be able to have parallel connections and be able to sort of process some tasks in parallel, right? So how do drivers and this, and the shell work with the shell or the MongoDB, right? So firstly, there's the communication protocol, right? Where both the drivers and the Mongo shell communicate with the MongoDB using, okay, what happened to my sharing now? Did someone take over the screen? Because the sharing just stopped. Can you see my screen now? Yes. Okay, cool. So I was talking about drivers and shell communication with MongoDB. So what happens is you've got the drivers and the Mongo shell, right? And of which they communicate with the MongoDB using what you call a MongoDB wire protocol, right? Which is a, it's a binary protocol, basically that defines how the messages are structured and transmitted between the two, the clients, which is the driver or shell and the servers, right? And then also there's the part where there's the data exchanged in BSON format, right? It comes in as whatever language it is. It's binary encoded serialized into JSON-like documents, which is BSON, goes into the server, to the MongoDB server, it's processed and then taken back as plain JSON, for example, right? And then there's a connection to the MongoDB where the driver is responsible for that connection. So it establishes that connection between the client and the MongoDB server, right? It also does the managing of the connection pools, right? And then you've got the shell, which is the MongoDB shell, which is the MongoSH, which then connects to the server using a similar connection string, you know? And then the drivers in itself, using the drivers API can be able to send commands to MongoDB. So in Python, for example, db.collection.find to query document. So you can actually write your query like that. The API of the driver can be able to actually send that to the MongoDB server. And then in regards to the shell, you type commands directly into the shell. So it's the same way that you'd be able to do. So it differs with programming languages. So for example, in Python, you use db.collection.find. In Java, you just use collection.find. But they both interpret to the shell part being db.collection.find, right? And then at the other end, it also receives the responses. So responses that come back, MongoDB uses BSON format, right? So it sends back in BSON format. What the drivers do is they then take that BSON format and then convert it to the data structure for the programming language, right? For example, it could be a JSON, or it could be a dictionary in Python, or it could be an object, right? It's able to then convert the data, right? Usually the most used, I think the most easiest and used response in most languages would be JSON, right? And then it also does error handling, as we spoke about it. If error's okay, let's say there's a network issue or there's an error message back to the client. It's able to actually convert it, be able to showcase that this is the error and you can then do some troubleshooting. Now let's talk about the binary JSON, right? Binary JSON, which is BSON, which is binary JSON, is binary code serialization of JSON-like documents. So when you see it, it's like a JSON document, JSON document, right? The structure in itself is like a JSON anyway, right? The BSON part of it is designed to be more efficient for storage and network transmission, right? So which means that it's compressed, it's a bit smaller in terms of what you call this, the size of it, right? And then BSON also extends that by adding your additional data types, your dates, your binary data, and all that stuff, right? And why did MongoDB choose this specific one, BSON? BSON is more compact. It's way more compact and faster to pass than JSON, right? Which means it's smaller and easier to process, quicker to process, and then it's got rich data types. Your date, your binary data, your object ID, 32 and 64 bit integers, and decimals, 128, right? And it's also compatible anyway with MongoDB because it stores data in BSON format, right? And it ensures that there's that seamless communication between the database and the applications, right? And how does BSON work in MongoDB, right? When you insert a document, for example, right? The driver converts it from the language native format, which is obviously the Python or the Java, into BSON. And then that's when it will be able to be processed, right? And then when you query the data, MongoDB then returns the results in a BSON, and then the driver converts it back into the language's native format, right? And then you've got the MongoDB wire protocol, which is a protocol that defines how the clients communicate to the MongoDB, right? With the MongoDB server, right? And it specifies the format of the messages sent. So including the query request, insert update or delete commands, what is it that you're going to be doing? What is it that you're getting back, the results that you're getting back from the server, right? And it's a protocol that is designed to be lightweight and efficient, right? It's lightweight, it's efficient, and it makes it suitable for high-performance application because it's lightweight and efficient. It's very quick in its processing, you know? And some key features of that wire protocol, obviously, is the binary format, where messages are transmitted in binary, and it is faster to pass and more compact, right? And then if the client sends a request, which is a query, and it sends back a response, right? And then it's got this support for BSON, where you can be able to have a BSON format. It then is able to actually assist in connecting with the drive and all that stuff. And then it also does connection handling, where it supports your connection pooling, your keep alive to improve performance and all that stuff. All right, some key differences between BSON and the wire protocol. The purpose, BSON is for data format for storage and transmission, and then the MongoDB is obvious, if the wire protocol is for communication protocol between client and server. And then BSON is binary encoded, JSON-like documents, and then the wire protocol is binary messages with the headers and payloads, right? And then usage you use to represent documents in MongoDB, and then the wire protocol is used to send and receive messages between client and server. And then some data types, it BSON supports your date, object ID, binary data, and all that stuff. And then the wire protocol defines how operations and the responses are structured. Any questions on that? All right, no, no question, no question. All right, cool. Let's talk about some troubleshooting, right? Your application connections. So sort of some things that you need to look at, right? Let's say there's an incorrect, the error is an incorrect connection string, right? It might fail because of that, right? So your URI might be missing some required parameters, you need to check your typos, or you could be using incorrect credentials, right? If there's a network issue, then for example, application might not be able to reach the MongoDB, right? You need to check things like your file, any DNS, any IP, any host name, if there was any error in regards to that. And then authentication failures, right? It could be an incorrect username or password, or some missing or incorrect authentication database, which is on the MongoDB side, or user might not have the required permissions, for example. I remember yesterday, there was a user when we had admin, we couldn't create something after creating it. So that could be another issue. And then MongoDB server not running. So the service in itself, the server itself might not be running. So you might want to check if it's down or it's properly configured to be able to accept connections. And then there could be a drive or library issue. Either it's incompatible or it's outdated, and what do you call this? Or there could be missing dependencies or incorrect driver configuration. These are things that you need to be able to look at. And then there also might be resource limitations where there is heavy load or have reached its connection limit. It's things that you can also be able to look at. And then TLS and SSL misconfiguration, this one can be a very big one because it can bring your whole system down when you don't configure your certificates properly. It's a very, very big one. Anything that involves SSL, if it's not configured properly, then it can be a big issue. Now let's talk about some scaling. We want to scale some write and read and write scaling, and of which scaling is obviously being, is the ability for a system to be able to handle increased load. And MongoDB has two main ones. There's the vertical one and the horizontal. The vertical one is more or less increasing the capacity of a single server. So you're adding more CPU or RAM or storage. And then some use cases obviously suitable for small medium workloads. The only limitation is hardware constraints. If you don't have enough hardware, then there's that limited constraint. And then there's the horizontal scaling, which is the distributing the load across multiple servers. And as much as yes, the limitation is also the hardware that you have, but also if you can convert that into virtual servers and all that stuff, it could assist. And this is usually ideal for large scale application, that have got a very high read and write demand. And how does MongoDB achieve this when it's horizontal scaling? There's what you call sharding. Sharding is more or less splitting data across multiple servers to distribute the load. And shards is putting them in small chunks. And then there's also replication where you maintain multiple copies of data to improve read scalability and fault tolerance. Now let's look at replication. Replication is where you've got data, the same data across multiple servers. And you ensure that there is that higher availability and fault tolerance. And if the primary replica goes down, a second replica can kick in and it wouldn't have any issue because it's updated. It's got all, well, we are saying theoretically, we are saying that everything will be up to date. There is no technical issue that could be happening and all that stuff. And what is replication is where there's a group of MongoDB instances that maintain the same data. There's the primary node, which handles your read, all your write operations and replicates data across to the secondary nodes. And then there's the secondary node, which handles the read. It can handle the read operations. And this is where your replicated data is stored. And then you've got an arbiter, where this is an optional one, as you spoke the last time, that the lightweight member that participates in election, but doesn't store data. Its purpose is just to be able to determine which one is the primary node today. You know, it's an optional one. So getting to how replication works, the first thing is there's the write operation. So all write operations go to the primary node, right? It records the changes in its operation log. And then the secondary nodes, asynchronously replicate the up log and apply the changes to their own data, right? And then what then happens is when the read operations happen, it reads a directed to the primary node, but you can also configure to say, let the read happen on a secondary node, for example, any of the secondary nodes, right? So that it improves the operations. You leave the write operations to just the primary node and you have the secondary node being the read ones. And then benefits of replication, right? High availability. So obviously when primary node fails, it automatically switches to the next one by election process, which would obviously be one of the secondary ones. And then it becomes the primary. And then secondary nodes can handle read operations, right? So reducing the load on the primary and then data durability, there's that multiple copies of data that is ensured. So even if one server fails, you still have a copy of what you call this, of the data in another server, right? Let's go on to durability. Durability way, it ensures that once a write operation is acknowledged, right? The data is safely stored and won't be lost, right? Even in the case of a failure. So how does MongoDB do that? So there's what you call a write content, right? The write content specifies the level of acknowledgement required for a write operation, right? So for example, if it's one, it's acknowledged by the primary node, which is the default. There's majority, which is acknowledged by majority of nodes in the replica set. Or two, it says acknowledged by at least two nodes. So at least two nodes will be able to confirm that they've written the same data and they've written the same data and then it will be like, okay, this is fine now, right? And higher write content levels increase durability. So the more, the higher you put it, the more there is that durability. But also be mindful of performance because if you've got a hundred servers that need to be written and you need acknowledgement from 50, it might take time as compared if you just need acknowledgement from let's say five servers and then it's confirmed as good. Then you know that at least it'll be quick, you know? And then there's journaling. Journaling is where your MongoDB uses a write ahead log, right, to ensure data durability. And then before applying any changes to the data file, MongoDB writes them to a journal. It's like just writing in a diary or something, right? And then in case of a class, the journal can be used to recover data. So you can be able to use that journal to be able to recover your data because you just go into your journal and be able to recover that data. It's very, very recommended to have journaling in place because that way if there's a situation, you can be able to recover to the last available data, right? And then there's replication where you replicate, obviously data to the different nodes, but there are some trade-offs, right? Where there's performance versus durability. High durability, which is more or less, let's say majority can slow down your write operation, right? Because there's increased number of acknowledgement that is required, right? And so you need to be careful. You need to have that trade-offs. And then the configuration wise, you need to choose the right balance based on your application requirements. So you need to have that sort of, you need to look at, okay, what is it exactly that works for us? Should I just have small numbers? Should I have majority of acknowledgement and all that stuff? Right. Then you can be able to combine scalability, replication and durability, right? So you can have read scalability, for example, using your secondary nodes to be able to, for your read, right? That way you distribute your read to your secondary nodes. And then you configure read preferences, right? To your, to direct, configure read preferences to direct reads to secondary, right? So primary, you're left with just the writes, right? Leave it, don't use that as the read, although it is by default, but direct all the reads to go to the secondaries. And then you can also be able to direct it to the nearest. So you can direct it to the node, the lowest network latency available. That's another way of doing read scalability. And then write scalability, use sharding to distribute your writes across multiple shards, right? And each shard can be a replica set, combining horizontal scaling with replication. So you can be able to combine both. And then durability wise, you can then use your write content in journaling so that you ensure data is safely stored. And then replication also provides that additional layer of durability by maintaining multiple copies of data. So you can actually incorporate all these, what you call all these three, and be able to have quite optimized system. Some best practices to it, use replica sets, always deploy MongoDB with the replica set, right? That way it helps in higher availability and for tolerance. And then monitor performance, tools like MongoDB Atlas or MongoStat can help you to monitor your read write performances, and also external tools that you can use your Prometheus, your Grafana, and then optimize sharding. Choose a shard key that distributes data evenly across hotspots and avoid, sorry, and avoid hotspots. So avoiding hotspots is avoiding just one shard being the one that's fed the data, right? So you spread them evenly, and then regularly test your replica sets failover. Sit off one replica and see what happens, you know? And then balance durability. Choose the right concern and journaling settings based on your application needs. Questions before we go to the next one? Absolutely. No question from my side. All right. Winnie, are you there? Yes, I'm here. No questions from me, thank you. All right, cool. Let's talk about master-slave replication, right? It's now legacy. So you'll find that there is probably some, what do you call this? Some organization that still have the legacy MongoDB. It's outdated, but you're gonna speak about it. It's more or less like your normal replication just that it's now legacy, right? So you've got your master and your slave, your master node handling all right operations, and is the primary source of truth. And you've got the slave node, which replicates data from master and can be able to read operations, right? Some characteristics of it, one-way replication. So data flows only from the master to the slaves. No automatic failover. If master failover, then you have to have a manual intervention to be able to promote a slave to a master. And then limited scalability. Only the master can handle rights, which can become a bottleneck, right? How does it work? Right operations, all insert updates and deletes are sent to the master nodes. And then the master records the changes in the up log, the operation log, and then slave nodes asynchronously pull the changes from the master's up log, right? And apply them to their own data, right? And then the read operations by default, reads are directed to the master nodes, but also you can be able to configure slaves to handle read operations, which improves read scalability. There's a very thin line between master and slave replication and the replica sets, right? And then, so why master slave replication is depleted? So there was some limitations to it, right? In favor of replica sets. So no automatic failover, which is a very big one. If there's an issue, then you go have to promote the slave into master. But now we're talking about downtime at that time, because of data at that time, right? Limited fault tolerance, right? Only one master exists, so which is a single point of failure. And then you've got no built-in election. So for example, the arbiter, you can be able to use the arbiter to do the election of a new primary, right? In the replica sets, but with this one, it doesn't have. And then there's no support for modern features, your arbiters, your priority setting, your write content, which then makes it deprecated, right? But some best practices when you have that legacy system is monitor the master node. It's the most important one. You need to make sure that you're monitoring its health and performance, and then configure slave nodes for read scaling, right? Configure that your reading goes, your read operations go to the slave, so that you lessen the load on the master, and then plan for manual failover. You have a documented process, you know, for promoting slave to master in case of a failure, and then backup data regularly using your MongoDOM, your file system snapshots and all that stuff, and then upgrades to replica as soon as possible, as when you can, right? You can be able to do that migration from master slave replication to replica sets, and then replica sets obviously have the advantage of automatic failover, better for tolerance, there's some modern features. So how then do you do your migrating from master slave to replica sets? The very first thing is stop writes to the master, right? Temporarily stop your write operations to the master node, add slave nodes to the replica set, so you restart the master and slaves as part of a replica set, and then initialize your replica sets, right? You connect to the master node and run the replica set initiate command, and then you add the slave nodes using the replica set dot add or rs dot add command, and then simulate a failure of the primary node and ensure the secondary is automatically promoted, and then update your application configuration or connection strings, right, to be able to point at that replica set. Is anyone familiar with Kubernetes? Not much on my side, but yeah, it's something that I'm interested in. It's, yeah, it's a very interesting one. Because I know it's about micros, so it's kind of micro services, basically it's instead of using the traditional dedicated host or server, they need to have containers. Containers, yes containers. Yeah. And portion your microservices or your applications. Yeah, definitely. It's a very good tool, I would advise anyone to look into it, companies to look into it, because it helps a lot in terms of high availability, scaling, because there is that automated scaling that happens with it. You also break your system into smaller chunks. So you have a situation where if people can't log in, it means, it doesn't mean that somebody that's logged in already has issues. It will just be the logging in that's the problem. So you just need to fix that. The rest will still be up and running, as an example, which is very, very good. That's another technology where replica sets are used. So in essence, you would say your replica set in Kubernetes, you want to have a minimum of four containers that represent login, login, right? Your authentication. So you tell Kubernetes that I want a minimum of four, I want a maximum of 10, right? So automatically when there is pressure on the logging in, it increases the number of replicas, right? According to obviously what you would have said in terms of usage, let's say, CPU usage, for example, average CPU usage when it gets to 70, then create another replica. That's another technology that uses a replica set in a way that replica sets should be used. So it's worth looking at. So what is a replica set? Obviously MongoDB is a group of MongoDB instances that maintain the same data. It helps in terms of high availability where you've got the automatic fail over, some data redundancy where you've got multiple copies of data across different servers, and then read scalability, the way you've got secondary nodes what you call this, that can handle read operations. And then some key components of a replica set. You've got the primary node, obviously handling all the right operations. Does the recording of changes in the operation log and then replicates data to the secondary nodes. Then you've got the secondary nodes which replicate data from the primary, can handle read operations if you configure that, and then it can participate in elections to select a new primary. If the current primary fails, and then you've got an arbiter, which does the election, but it doesn't store data. And then you've got the up log, the up log which is a kept collection that records all right operations. So anything that's written is logged into that, and then used by secondary nodes to replicate data. All right, how do replicas work? Replica sets work. Firstly, all right operations go to the primary nodes, the primary node record the changes into the up log. And then there's the data replication where asynchronously secondary nodes pull the changes from the primary's up log and apply them to their own data. And then this ensures all nodes in the replica set of the same data. And then the read operations by default, read is directed to the primary node, but you can then configure read preferences to be distributed to the secondary nodes. And then you've got automatic failover. If a primary node fails, an automatic election process happens. And then a new primary for the secondary nodes then is then promoted. And factors that it's based on, could be priority, could be not held, it could be 14. So those are some of the ways that it can be able to do that. So a replica set configuration, for example, your replica set should have members. So there's host, worst one, which is Mongo 1, priority two, Mongo 2 is priority one, and then Mongo 3 is the arbiter, right? So it doesn't, their Mongo 3 doesn't store anything. It just helps in terms of the voting process of making the, what you call this, between one and two, making it the primary in case there's a situation, right? And idea, idea is the name of the replica set. And then you've got members, an array of nodes in the replica set, and then priority, in the likelihood of a node becoming primary, the higher value is caused to higher priority. And obviously the arbiter only marks the node as an arbiter, and that one does the voting. Some best practices to replica sets, use an odd number of nodes, right? Always deploy an odd number of nodes, three, five, so that you have proper elections. I don't, I've never got to understand this way of doing things of what you call this, deploying odd numbers of nodes, right? But if you have an even number of nodes, use an arbiter to break ties, right? And then distribute nodes geographically, deploy nodes in different data centers or regions to improve for tolerance. But considering that also you need to look at the networking between, what you call this, networking between those, and then use priority settings to control which nodes can become primary. Configure read preferences, so use read preferences to distribute read operations, right? Primary, obviously default, but also use secondary, all reads, send all reads to secondary, or send all reads to the nearest, right? With the lowest network latency. Then monitor replication lag, it's very, very much important. MongoDB Atlas or RIS status, which is replica set status to monitor replication lag, and then ensure secondaries are keeping up with the primary to avoid still reads. Enable authentication, when it comes to replication, use key file authentication or 509 certificates to secure communication between nodes, right? Ensure only authorized nodes can be able to join the replica set, right? Test failover regularly, it's very, very much important. Simulate and note failure, and then use your RIS step down command to manually step down the primary for testing. Use write concern, as we spoke about it, where one is acknowledged by the primary default, majority acknowledged by majority of nodes, and then two acknowledged by at least two nodes, right? Always backup your data. Always make sure that you backup your data regularly, and then upgrade to the latest version, as always, to take advantage of the latest features and bug fixes, right? Just a summary about it, replica sets obviously provide high availability, some fault tolerance, data redundancy in MongoDB, and then there's the consistency of the primary nodes, secondary nodes, and arbiter, and then best practice is using odd number for nodes and distributing nodes geographically, configuring read preferences and testing failover regularly, and then replica sets are critical component of MongoDB architecture, because then it helps in overall performance, and when you configure them, you need to configure them and manage them carefully to be able to ensure optimal performance and reliability. Now some right concern, right? Let's talk about some right concern. Any questions on replicas? No question, maybe just, maybe this might be a question. So with databases, when you talk about replication and that concept of active standby, active something, so in this case, do they have such a setup where you can run active, active, active standby? In this setup, when it comes to replica sets, they are all active. The functionality is what difference. So your primary does the writing, so your inserts, your update, right, and then your replicas, your secondary nodes do the reading, you can configure to do the reading. So they are all active in essence, the functionality is what's different. So in this case, you can have, you have five active servers, the functionality is what's different, right? There's that one where it's that situation where you've got a whole lot of replicas and one primary and many secondary. Then you can have a situation where you've got active and inactive, so you've got the active one, which you're doing everything basically, the read, the write, right? And then you've got one secondary node, probably that's just there for replication purposes, you're not doing any read or any write on it, right? Then you have that active and non-active type of setup. But with replicas, right, normally with replicas, they are all active. The difference is the functionality. The primary nodes does the write and then you can configure the other secondary nodes to actually be the ones to do the read. Okay, so but then the switch over, is it seamless? Like it doesn't need manual intervention? When it comes to replicas, yes. The switchover is automatic. Okay, so it will promote what was the secondary to become the primary? To become the primary, yes. So if it's got many, right? If you've got many secondary nodes, there's the election part, there's the priority part, right? So it could be done, what you call this? Through the election part, where the arbiter does the election to say, okay, this one is closer to the primary and it's a healthy, it's very healthy, network latency is very good in terms of it and the application. This is based on let's say geographical location. So then it will elect that one. Or it will elect based on priority, which one is the highest priority? If it's priority one, then we're going to elect priority one, for example. But it's automatic, the failover is automatic. Oh, okay. Yeah. No, thanks. No, okay, some right concern. Where we said, we are sort of set, it's a setting that determines how MongoDB acknowledges your write operations. So you insert, you update, you delete, right? It specifies how many nodes must acknowledge the write. It then specifies whether the write must be journaled, written on the disk journal, which is very much recommended. And then by configuring this write concern, you ensure that the data is safely stored and replicated across nodes, right? Why is it important there's durability? You ensure that the data is not lost in case of a failure, right? You make sure that it's only written when it's acknowledged by other nodes, right? There's consistency, so you're guaranteed that the data is replicated to the required number of nodes. And then there's the performance trade-offs, right? Where higher levels to write concern increase durability, but may affect write performance. So you need to be mindful of that sort. The write level, the write concern levels, right? There's the zero unacknowledged, so just write. You don't need to acknowledge anything, right? Where these are in situations where it's just the write and forget scenarios, right? Performance is critical, data loss is acceptable, right? I wouldn't know what situation where data loss is acceptable, but yeah, you can have that situation. And then acknowledge one, which means primary node just needs to acknowledge, right? So your general-purpose applications, you can be able to do that. And then when you have majority now, we are saying majority of the servers, right? Of the replica set, if you've got 10 replicas, majority of them, 60 to 75% of them should acknowledge to have written the data, right? Which can cause issues, right? Let me just pick up a call, one second. It's an important call. Hello, hi, hi. Okay, I'm back. So that's your majority. And then you've got a situation where you can write the specified number of nodes to acknowledge. So in essence, if you want four to acknowledge out of the 20, or you want five to acknowledge out of the 20, then you can be able to give that. And then you also need to have journal, right? Being active, being true. So journal being true is the J true. This would be obviously write is acknowledge only after it is written to the on-desk journal, right? That way there's surety that data durability, it ensures that data durability, even if in the case of a server crash, right? And then you've got your time out, which in essence means that if there is a time out, if it gives us time limit to the right operation to complete, right? If the time out is reached, then the operation just returns an error. So it's your right time out, right? For example, in this case, it's insert one, write concern should be acknowledged by two. But if there's a time out of 5,000 seconds, then milliseconds, seconds actually, then it should give an error. So how does write concern work? Client sends write operation, right? Whether it's the application, whether it's the user or whatever. And then primary nodes process the writes, so which means the primary node applies the write to its data set. And if J is specified, it also writes, the write is also written to the journal. And then the primary nodes replicate the secondary nodes, right? If then there are 10, that means to acknowledge, then acknowledges that. And then only after that, only after it gets that acknowledgement, then the write is actually, what you call this, the write is actually acknowledged and then sends a response to a client. Some best practices towards it, choose the write concern, right? One for general purpose application, majority for high durability requirements, or zero for non-critical data that you don't really need to keep. Enable journaling, it's very, very much important. Set a reasonable time out and then monitor write performances. You need to monitor that and then test fail over scenarios and then use write concern with replica sets. It's very, very much good when you use the combination of two. Now, some replication failures. What are these replication failures? So replication failures can occur when the secondary nodes are unable to replicate from the primary node and which could lead to data inconsistencies, loss of high availability, because now you can't automatically switch over and even if the primary fails, the secondary is not up to date to even take over. And then application may experience errors or degraded performances. And then some common causes of replication failures could be network issue between the servers, the nodes in themselves. It could be high latency or some packet loss also. It could be hardware failures. It could be a disk failure. Server crashes or power outages could be another issue. And then configuration errors. Incorrect replica set configuration and also mismatched MongoDB versions of mismatched MongoDB versions or configurations. And then some resource constraints could be insufficient CPU, memory or disk IO, high write throughput causing replication lag. And then some up log issues. Let's say the up log on the primary node is too small, which can cause it to override old entries before secondaries can replicate them. And then some data corruption, data corruption of data files on the primary or secondary nodes could be another issue. Some diagnosis to that. Check replica status. RIS.status is very much important. Look for the state of each node, the primary, the secondary, recovering ETC, replication lag, uptime, date and last heartbeat fields can be able to tell you that. And then some error messages or warning and then monitor your replication lag. Also, RIS.printsecondaryreplicationinfo to be able to check replication lag. Your high lag indicates that secondary is failing behind the, falling behind the primary. So you need to probably restart your replica set so that it catches up or you need to stop the application from writing until they catch up. It just depends what you do. It's never advised to stop the application anyway. And then check mongodblogs. You need to examine your mongodblog for any errors or warnings in relation to replication. These messages like your replication is too far behind or cannot replicate because uplog is full. You need to be able to look for that and then verify network connectivity. Right? Pim, telnet, test your connectivity between nodes, your files or your security groups allow traffic on mongodb. Make sure that they're open, they're okay. And then check disk and resources usage, your disk space usage, your CPU, your memory usage on all nodes. And then also your tools like your mongostart, mongotop can help you in terms of identifying resource, resource bottlenecks, right? Some resolving to it. Obviously when there's a network issue, resolve some connectivity between the nodes, resolve any other issues if you need to make any changes. Adjust uplog size. Uplog size is very important. You need to be mindful of that. After you increase that, you restart the primary node and then re-sync affected secondaries. And then reconfigure replica set if you want. Ensure that it's configured properly. Using the RIS.conf to view the configuration, update anything using the RIS reconfig if needed. Then upgrade your mongodb to the latest version, but the stable version, not just the latest version, but the stable version. And then monitor and optimize performance. Optimize your queries, use indexes to reduce the right throughput, scale up hardware resources if necessary, right? How to prevent replication failures. Use odd number of nodes, right? Because then there's proper election and fault tolerance. And then monitor replication lag, regularly backup your data, test failovers regularly, use right concern to ensure that data is replicated to multiple nodes, and then keep your mongodb updated. Questions on replicas? I'm still good with that. Where is Akona today? And Etu, you're too quiet. Oh, we are listening. Oh, we are listening. Okay. Now let's talk about sharding. Sharding is the mechanism of distributing data across multiple servers, which are called shards, right? Where you then achieve that horizontal scaling, right? It automatically manages data distribution across shards, query routing to the appropriate shards, and then balancing data evenly across shards, right? Why use sharding? It handles large data sets and high read write throughput, right? There's that scalability. And then performance-wise, it distributes load across multiple servers, and then it can store more data than a single server can handle, right? How do they work? So the key components of it is a shard. So each shard is a replica set or a standalone mongodb instance where it stores a subset of data, right? For an example, purposes, shard one stores data users A to M, shard two then stores N to Z, right? It's also got a conflict server where metadata is stored about the cluster, including the mapping of the data to the shards, right? Must be deployed as a replica set for high availability. And then it's also got logical query routers, obviously that sort of interface, that acts as an interface between the application and the shard cluster, right? It routes queries to the appropriate shard based on the shared key, on the shard key. And then what is a shard key? A shard key is more or less a field or a set of fields used to distribute, what do you call this? Used to distribute data across shards, right? So if let's say your shard key is a user ID, which means mongodb has the user ID value to determine which shard should store the document, right? And then there's also that data distribution where it's a range based or hashed shedding strategy to distribute the data. So when it's a range based, data is divided into ranges based on the shared key, right? Is the example above the A to M and N to Z. And then hashed shedding is data is distributed using a hash of the shared key, right? Then there's also the part of query routing when a query is sent to the cluster, right? The mongos router determines which shards contain the relevant data. And then the query is routed to the appropriate shard, right? And the results are combined and returned to the client. And then it does what you call balancing. There's what you call a balancer that automatically balances data across the shards. And then this balancer moves chunks, subsets of data between shards to ensure even distribution, right? How do you then set up a shard cluster, right? First, you set up the config server. So you deploy a replica set for the config server. For example, there in blue, you've got sharding, cluster role is the config server. And then replication set name is config replica set. Config being the config server replica set. And then you set up shards. So you deploy replica sets for each shard. And then an example is you call cluster role is the shard server, right? And then replication, you name it shard one replica set. And then you can be able to add replicas to a replica set, right? So you start your query routers, start mongos instances and configure them to connect automatically for examples purposes, mongos configure DB, the config set, configure replica set, config one, and then config two, and then config three as you go, which is more or less, this is you connecting your configuration replica, and then you add shards to the cluster, right? So connect to mongos instance and add shards to the cluster. For example, add shards, sh.shard, shard one replica set, shard one A, shard one B, shard one C, and they connect using that port. And then shard two replica sets, shard two A, shard two B. This is how you can be able to add those shards to the cluster, right? And then enable sharding for a database where you enable sharding my database to a specific database. And then you can be able to shard the collection. So you can also shard the collection, right? So this is the way you've got shard collection, and then my database dot my collection user ID one, and then some best practices for sharding. You need to choose the right shard key. You need to have a high cardinality, many unique values type of key, and then distribute rights evenly across shards, and then also support your most common queens. So your key should be able to support your most common queens. For example, when you get into the bank, the very first thing they ask you is your ID. Your ID will be able to pull everything. So things like that, you can be able to have it as a shard key, right? And then monitor and balance the cluster. If you use things like MongoDB Atlas or SHStatus, right? Shard status, you can then be able to monitor a cluster, and then ensure the balance is running, and that is evenly distributed. Use hashed sharding for even distribution, right? And your shared key has low cardinality or is monotonically increasing. So use hashed sharding to distribute data more evenly, and then avoid hotspots, and hotspots is an even distribution of rights, and plan for growth. Plan that you are going to add more shards, because there's going to be more data coming through. You probably need to add more shards, and then back up and secure your cluster, and then test before production. It's very much important. How do you choose a shard key, right? It's a very critical component of it, right? And shard key, as we said, is a field or a set of fields in a document that MongoDB uses to distribute data across shards, right? You could use user ID, and then when you select user ID, then it's going to use the user ID value to determine which shard should store the document. So if you've got 10 shards, and your user ID is incremental, then it will be able to determine where to place which document. Some characteristics of a good shard is high cardinality. So it should have unique values, right? Unique values to ensure that there's that even distribution. An example being user ID, because it has many unique values, right? Even distribution, the shard key should distribute writes and reads evenly across shards, right? It avoids keys that create hotspots, and then query support, so it's able to assist with queries. And then, for example, if most queries filter by region, use region as part of the shared key. The shared key. Immutable, right? It cannot be changed after sharding a collection. So you can't change that after sharding a collection. So you need to choose a field that will not change over time. That's very, very important to the system. And then some type of shared keys, we've got single field shard key, for example, user ID, right? Simple, and then this compound one, which is region one and user ID, where you provide like a compound shard key, it's like a compound indexing. And then there's the hashed shard key, where you hash, what you call this, you hash the user ID, right? And then choose an example for a collection of user data, you can use user ID, and then for a collection of orders, you can then compound shard key, right? Could be order date, region, it could be user, whatever, right? And then sharding and indexes play a very critical role, right? In optimizing queries. Now, shard key index, right? So MongoDB also requires an index on the shard key, right? You can actually index that. If no index exists, MongoDB creates one automatically when you shard the collection. So it's that type of scenario where it says, I really need this shard key to be indexed. If you don't index it, I'll index it on my own. And then if you're using compound shard key, ensure the index matches the shard key. So like previously, I did email and age, right? As indexes, then I need to make sure that my shard key also email and age, right? It helps a lot. And then it helps in terms of query performances. Queries that include the shard key are added to specific shards, which is very good for performance. And queries that do not include the shard key are broadcast to all shards, which can make it slower, right? The same way with index, when data doesn't have an index or when you don't have an index, it needs to go through a whole collection. When it's got an index, then it just goes straight to the index and that's it, right? Some best practices is create indexes on fields commonly used in queries. The same way you use shards. Shards use them commonly, the fields that are commonly used in queries and then all the data that's commonly requested or created and then use covered queries, queries that use only index fields to improve performance. Then you've got sharding and replica set topologies, right? They are often used together, right? Not often they are used together, right? There you've got scalability, you've got high availability, you've got improved performances, right? And you're gonna also have shard as a replica set. When I was showing the configuration here, right? It actually had a replica set. It's got shard as a replica set, right? So each shard in a sharded cluster is typically a replica set and this obviously ensures high availability and full tolerance for each shard. And then when you have a config server as a replica set, it means that your metadata is distributed and that way config server that store metadata about the shard server must be deployed as a replica set for high availability, right? Is you've got that high availability where when one crashes, the primary crashes, then you've got the secondary. And then also have query routers where Mongo instances are stateless and can be deployed on multiple servers for scalability and redundants. That's your Mongo S. And then an example of a topologies, having shards which are three replica sets, shard one, shard two, shard three, and you've got config servers, which is one replica set, which has got three nodes. And then you've got query routers, which is three Mongo S instances, right? That's an example topology that you can be able to have in place. Now, how do you administer sharded clusters, right? Firstly, you monitor using your MongoDB Atlas, right? You monitor, you balance, you optimize performances. And the monitoring part, you can use your MongoDB Atlas or MongoStats to monitor the cluster. The key metrics to look out for there is your replication lag. Is it falling behind? And then your shard balancing. Is it balancing it right? And then your query performances, right? Are they slow? Are the query performance slow, right? You also need to balance your cluster, right? Using a balancer. So you can disable the balance for a collection. You can also be able to start a balancer manually. So for example, they disable balancing for my collection. So your database name is university and your collection is students. You can disable that. You can also manually start or stop the balancer. And then you can also be able to add or remove shards. So for example, shard replica set is shard replica set one. That's the name of the replica set. And then you want to add host and port. So you want to add the new host or you want to remove a host, right? So you can have that sh.removeshard and then the name of the replica set and then the host that you want to remove, right? It's also important to do some backing up and restoring. Very much important. And then enable authentication and encryption to secure your cluster. Use role-based access control and then upgrade your cluster. It's very much important. But you need to follow the MongoDB upgrade instructions to upgrade your shared cluster. It's very, very much important. And then ensure all components, your shards, your config servers, and Mongo is upgraded in correct order based on what MongoDB would be instructing you to do. Questions? No question from me. Anyone else? No, silence means we are good. Okay. Now let's talk about shard chunk migration. So shard chunk migration is a key feature of MongoDB. And it ensures that data is evenly distributed across shards. What is a chunk? A chunk is a subset of data in the shard collection. And what MongoDB does is it divides data into chunks based on the shard key. And each chunk is assigned to a specific shard. Why does chunk migration happen? For balancing purposes, for example, right? Between shards, it wants to have that even distribution. Or when there's that manual intervention where administrators can actually move chunks for maintenance or optimization. That's another reason why chunks can be migrated. And how do chunks, chunk migration work? How does it work? Right, there is the balancer. The balancer monitors the distribution of chunk across, chunks across shards, right? For shard, it has significantly more chunks than the other. The balancer initiates the chunk migration to one that it needs to level up. And then the migration process behind it is the source shard copies the chunk to the destination shard. The destination shard applies any changes that occurred during the migration. And then the config server updates the metadata to reflect the new location of the chunk, right? And then upon completion, once the migration is completed, the chunk is removed from the source shard. So it makes sure that everything is good and it's updated in the config server and then it removes from the source. Some backup and restore plans. Backup and restore plans. Some backup strategies that are available. File-based backups, so you can take snapshots of your MongoDB data files, right? And then this one is suitable for large data sets with minimal downtime. So you can use things like AdraSync or whatever, or you can use snapshot, KVM snapshot if you're using KVM. And then you can do logical backups where you can use Mongo dump, where you can export data in BSON to JSON format. This one is suitable for smaller data sets or specific collections. And then you can also have cloud-based backup, right? You can use your MongoDB Atlas or other cloud services for automated backups. And then restore strategies. You can restore data from a file system snapshot. You can do logical restores. So if you do MongoDB, you can then do Mongo restore to import that data and then restore data from cloud backups. That's another option that you can be able to use. So some file-based, file system-based strategies, right? Some steps to it. So for example, taking a snapshot of MongoDB data files. So first thing you need to do is stop the MongoDB instance or lock the database, right? Take a snapshot of the data using tools like your LVM, your AWS EBS snapshots, you know, or whatever you're using. And then after it's done, you unlock the database, right? And then some steps for file system-based restore. Stop the MongoDB instance, replace the data files with the snapshot, and then start the MongoDB instance. Be mindful that you need to place your data files in the path that is configured within your MongoDB config file, right? It's very much important. Some best practices to it. Obviously, test regularly to ensure that they can be restored and then use journaling to ensure that the data is consistent during backups. Then when you also use MongoDB and MongoDump and MongoRestore, right? MongoDump being, for example, there you've got MongoDump, your host is your local host, the port, and then the out backup. I think we did this yesterday. Then you can just replace the MongoDump command with the MongoRestore. Same, everything else stays the same. It's just from MongoDB, you change it to MongoRestore. And then some best practices to it. Use the up log with MongoDB, MongoDump, sorry, to capture ongoing changes during the backup and then compress the backups to save space. So you can use the dash dash jzip, right? When you're using the dash dash, when you're using the up log, it's a matter of just adding dash dash up log onto it, onto the command. You can also be able to use Arasync, right? Arasync where you make copies of data files to a backup location. It could be to a remote location or to another folder, for example. You can be able to use Arasync. And then best practices is using Arasync with delete to remove the files in the destination that no longer exists in the source, right? So updating wise, use the dash dash delete, which then tells Arasync to be able to get to the destination and be able to check. If it's not from the source, if it's not available in the source, then make sure it is deleted in the destination also, right? Some, there's also MongoImport and MongoExport. MongoExport is where you export data from a collection to a JSON or CSV file, right? So for example, there, you've got your MongoExport dash dash host, localhost port. You are doing my database. You could be university in our case. And then your collection is students. And then you are putting it in a backup folder and you're making it my collection.json. And then when you then need to import, it's a matter of making sure that you just change from MongoExport to MongoImport. And then more or less the rest of the stuff is the same. It will just do the reversal. Any questions? That's all good, my head. Okay, cool. We probably going to finish the theory part and then we go into our tea break. And then from our tea break, we come and then do the practicals. Then it will take us through the rest of the day. So some best practices for your backup and restore. Use dash dash type to specify the file format and then use dash dash fields to spot specific field, to export specific fields. And then some summary to that. Shard and chunk migration, it ensures that even distribution of data across shards, you can use the balancer or you can manually move chunks. Backup and restore plans, you can use the file-based strategies. You can use the MongoDump, MongoRestore. You could use, what you call this cloud-based backup. And then you've got your MongoDB, MongoDump or MongoRestore, obviously for export and import data. And then file-based, file system-based strategies, taking snapshots of your MongoDB data files for light sets. And then you've got R-Sync also where you can synchronize MongoDB data files for backups. And then you can also use the Mongo import and export, right? Exporting it into or importing it, exporting or importing in JSON or CSV format, obviously for specific collections. It just depends what is it that you want to be able to do. Now that's the theory part about today. Any questions in terms of today and yesterday, the theory part before then we go into the practical part of it. Okay, Silen says we are good. It's 21 past, we can take now and be back at quarter two from our tea break. And then we'll continue from number six on the practical stuff. All right, thanks. Happy with that? Awesome stuff. All right, cool. Akona, you can go and eat. He's already gone. Yeah, quarter two. All right, thanks. He's gone. So are you sending? I am not sending. People will just come to see me. We will just meet up and whatever happens, happens. Did you get me from that? Yeah, but I'm gonna put it like this, right? Where's the camera? I wanna look at the camera. I actually just wanna make it clear that a lot of people actually think this is like prostitution and this is like, no, but it's actually no in the video. So you smash the cat. Yes, but it's not prostitution, sir. Wait, wait, wait, wait. I'm a bit confused, I'll tell you why. It's like, maybe I don't know the textbook definition. I am gonna swim in the ocean. Yeah. I'm not sorry, I'm not sorry. I think that's the end of the truth. Here's a GPT hack that will change your life. So we have another beautiful lady over here. Hi, what's your name? I know you, I'm Tasha Cubes. Oh, Tasha Cubes, nice to meet you. So, couple of questions. If we were to offer you a 10K EFT or 500 Yen E-Wallet, what would you choose? 500 Yen E-Wallet. What would you do with it? 500 Yen E-Wallet. Aha. Say something quickly. I'll just take myself out, I won't lie. I'll just take myself out just to go buy E-Wallet. Solo date vibes. Okay. Solo date vibes, yeah. Okay, I'll tell you. So we have another beautiful lady over here, hi. I need your guys' help. What? I need your guys' help. I need your guys' help. I need your guys' help. I need your guys' help. I need your guys' help. I need your guys' help. I need your guys' help. I need your guys' help. I need your guys' help. I need your guys' help. I need your guys' help. I need your guys' help. I need your guys' help. I need your guys' help. I need your guys' help. I need your guys' help. I need your guys' help. I need your guys' help. I need your guys' help. I need your guys' help. I need your guys' help. I need your guys' help. I need your guys' help. Do you guys ever dated scammers? Like, okay, not like scammers like, eh? Like... Okay, are we back? Okay, cool. I just need to log into my machine quickly. Okay, let's bring one here. I'm gonna show you just now. Okay, there we are. You guys see my screen? Yes. Okay, cool. So yesterday we did up until number five and then we did exercise day one. So we can... Let's see. What languages do you guys understand best? Programming language. So this one has got some Python. It's got some Java. It's also got some Ruby. Some PHP. Some Perl. It's just examples of how drivers work and then also some debugging steps. This might just be some reading that you may need to do. But number seven, you probably need to do that one. You probably need to do that one because you're going to start three config servers and then you initialize the config replica set and then you create some shards. And the difference with the shards when it's localhost is basically the folder that's going to be created on the server. So you see shard one and then shard two and then initialize the replica sets based on port, which is obviously this port, and then you can start the query. So number six, you can do it. It's just a simple one to showcase the connecting. But number seven, you need to do it because then it shows sharding. And then this one, number eight, we also need to do it. You enable write scalability and all that stuff. You can be able to use the... If you're clever enough, you can use the shards from the other one or you can recreate new shards, right? That you can be able to create here and then create a master. This is a master slave replication type of setup. And then you can be able to use your write concerns and all that stuff. And then number nine is backup and restore. And nothing much to it, but you set up your shard cluster. You simulate chunk migration and then you check your chunk distribution or you manually move the chunk distribution and then you do your backup and restore. So you lock it first, you do your other sync, and then you unlock the database. And then, yeah, it's more or less doing that. So six, seven, eight, nine, let's do them. Number... Sorry, seven, eight, nine, let's do them. Six is optional. And then after that, we do exercise day one, day two, sorry. Clear on that? So, Perz, before we are going to ask in different sessions, we are doing seven, eight, nine, and within seven, eight, nine, are there any subsections that we must jump? Maybe either due to information not being available? Most, so seven, eight, and nine, most of them, I don't think there's anything that you need to jump. So when you monitor your shared, just going through this, but seven, there's nothing that you need to skip. And then this one, you read, right, okay, you distribute that. Let's see, let's see, let's see, master-slave replication, using right content for durability, okay, replicas, resolve replica failures, okay, that's fine. This one is straightforward, so you shouldn't have any issues. So seven, eight, and nine, you should be able to do all of them. Okay, cool, thanks. Yeah, I don't think there's anything that you need to miss out. Yeah, seven is good, read, write, create a database. Read, write, distribute the reads, okay, replication. Create your replicas, verify your replicas, check the documents, set up master-slave replication, okay, that's fine. And this is both on localhost, because then it's just the difference within the ports, and then it's data into master, verify replication, okay, cool. Then use right concern, okay, journal D, verify that handling. Yeah, so it should be good to go. So are we starting from six? You can, six, six, it depends on the language that you understand. If that makes sense, yeah, because there is the part where it's in Python, if you understand Python, then you can do this one, because then it's going to connect to the DB and query some stuff. You can also change the queries. There's the Java one that you can also be able to query the data. There's the Ruby one, there's the PHP one. So it depends which one you, which language you understand, which programming language you understand. If you don't understand any of the things, you can skip it. But it sort of tells you how, what do you call this? How all of this works in terms of querying of data using a programming language or how the drivers work. Okay. Yeah. Who is speaking? It's Lucky. Okay, just one second. I'll go to your machine. Okay. What issue? Command-insert requires that. Let's see. Let's do this. Let's just switch it off so that it doesn't give you any issues. But normally what you need to do is run, you know that Mongo SH minus user and what, what, that's what you need to run it with. Oh, okay. Yeah. But for now, let's, let's just make life easy and just switch this off. Switch the authentication off. So when it, when it asks you for authentication, it means you need to log off the database and then authenticate using, what do you call this? Start. Authenticate using, using that username and password that you created. Now, so now you can, you can continue whatever you're doing. Okay. Okay. Thank you. Nice. Just one second. I'll be right back. When we try to initialize, when I try to initialize the conflict server, it says the, the replication is not enabled. Let's see. I've been, it's I've been, right? Yes. LIS initiate configure please set. And that is not, was not started replication. I think there's a missing comment. Just one second. Just check on the thing that I sent. Can you exit your database quickly? So just type exit. And then open the config file. So just do vim space etc for slash etc Yeah. Okay. And then go down with says replication that way. That's where you need to enable it. So you need to write it as replication. Yeah. So no, no, no. So just, just remove the ash. Oh, yes. And then on the next line with one space, then you, then you write, let me, let me add it to let me add it to the chat quickly. Where is the chat? Where is the chat now? This one. Just add that line that I sent in the chat. So you can change the name to whatever name you want to add there. Okay, wait, hold on. Let me see if I can paste it. Okay. Hold on. Okay. If you want to change the name, you can change the name. If I change it, what effect? What did you name replica set? Configure replicas set. Name it config replic set. So you see the name that you gave it there on, on other S initiated config replic set. So just change that other S zero to config replic replic set. Config Can you, can you share screen there? Cause I feel like I've got the same issue. I think this is better than Okay, just one second. Also I have the same issue. Is it the same? No, I think I typed on the top. Yeah. Can you see a screen now? So you went into MongoD Yeah, the mongod.conf Then set. Okay, cool. And then let's close that. Let's restart MongoD. Just do a control R. Oh, there we are. Usually what you do is just do control R. So remove everything. Do control R. Type restart. Yeah, there we are. It goes back to anything that's got that word. Anything you want. Yeah. Enter And then log into your database and then let's try and initiate it. Let's say I can run it and the sales. Yeah, let's, let's try that. That command. Let's enter. Not being useful. Must be started with the config server. Okay. Oh, you need to start that. We need to run those commands first. Sorry. We'd go on the three, the one on top. Yeah. Exit. Oh, exit. Yeah. And then run those three. The ones that have got that one. The number one. Right. Run number one. So just copy them and paste them. Yeah. Yep. Enter. Cool. And then log in again. Yeah. And then run it. The Run it. Yeah. Sales. Yeah. And then run. Let's see what error comes. Okay. You have to miss config server. Invalid replica set config. It's weird. Oops. Did I lose connect? Did you also lose connection? I'm still in. Okay. All right. That's fine. Oops. Sorry. Wait. There's a config. Let's let's rather do the adding of the config server in the under sharding. Let's see. Cluster row. I'm gonna want copy paste something. Go shard server. Where did I put my tears? Oopsie. So I'm trying to clean it. I was describing new configuration. But it's got bind IPs localhost. Okay. Let's wrap the new configuration with that. Lucky when I would just solve this issue as you are quiet. Yeah. I didn't solve the issue. I didn't clean it. You just skip it. I tried to skip and then when I was writing things were just say refuse. Yeah. You tried to skip. Is there something? I skipped. And then I tried. You can jump. I tried to start it just a connection. Refuse of something. It caused by the connection. Movers and shakers. Then I was like, okay, let me wait for solution. Okay. I'm waiting for solution. Do number number eight. Why don't I look at this one? Let's see. Wait, read scalability. Okay. Second. Okay. But you still needs the secondary node. Yeah. You still need the secondary nodes. Let's just leave that. Okay. Give me about 10 minutes. Let me look at this and see what could be the issue. So 10 minutes for break. Because you're still going to need it on number seven also. So let me just look at this. Let's see here. Yeah. We'll be back at half past 11. All right. That's fine. Am I running on laggy stuff? I'm complying. You're going to code that here. Oh, is that Oh, by the way, yeah, yeah. Okay. Okay, I'm back. I'm going to share my screen just now. Okay, cool. Let me know when you can see my screen, please. Oh, it's going to be in the past anyways. Okay. Is everyone back? Yeah, we are. Okay, cool. So, yeah, I'm also here. Okay, cool. That's fine. So what I've done is if you go and refresh the GitHub, there should be a new page that's called creating shards, right? So basically what it will get us to do is it will get us to create config server, shard servers, and then among go as the router, right? So it's a matter of just following the instructions. So the very first thing is you need to create directories. I think that was missing on the other on the other instruction. I haven't touched that instruction, so I haven't changed anything. But for it to be quicker, I thought, let me just put instructions to create a cluster that's got three nodes and all that stuff. So firstly, you create the folders. Then after you create the folders, you then start the config replica sets, right? And then you connect to one of the config servers and then you initiate you replicate, you initiate your replica sets, right? And then you verify your status. And then you start the shard servers. So it has worked for me, right? So which means it should work for you guys. Use sales, right? And then let's let's try and see. Let's use come on, this because I can't copy now. So, for example, let's log on to this one. So be mindful, wait, there's Mongo. It means Mongo SH. So, for example, this, right? It means Mongo SH. So you need to add that SH because or else it will fail. So what I'm doing now is I'm going to log into one of the shards, right? For the cause of the shard. OK, I can start with config server rather, right? So paste that and then. Right. When I'm looking to this automatically tells me that I'm already in the primary node, right? And when I want to verify that, I just need to come and take this and then just run it in there and then it will be able to show me that there is a secondary that's on two seven or two one days. Let me expand this. So it will give me information. Where does it start? Where does it start? So I like status config replica set, which is the set the date, my state and all that stuff. Config server is equal to true. And then it will then be able to come here and then tell me that the one because it's a local host. Remember? So what differs is actually the port numbers. But what you got this, let's say if it was three different servers, then you would have here the host name and the port being the primary and then the local host to the next host, which is one secondary. And then the next host, which is another secondary and all that stuff and all that stuff. So this is just three, one primary and two secondary. That's the config server. And then you can then exit and then log into a shard, right? You would have started the shards and then for you to log on to this one, you then go there and then. As I said, I'm now in a shard in what you call this primary. So shard one replica set, which is primary sales. And then I mean the sales one. And then if you want to check any replica sets or what's happening with the to verify the replica set and then go there and then add it to that. Right. At the moment, you run that you be able to see that it's actually the primary. Right. And all the information. Then if you log on to the next one, you to be able to show you that it's actually the secondary as you go, as you go. So just look at this page that says creating shards and then follow that. It should take you to the point where you even create the routers and all that stuff. Clear. Yes and no. So creating shards. There's some ways. Yes. Or with no. Just follow me. OK. So do we start with preparing directories or yes. No, no, no. Prepare the directors first. Create the directors first. That's the step that I said was is actually missing in the in the number seven in sharding. So prepare the directory first. And then once creating shards is completed, then we go back to number seven. Yes, then you can go back to number seven. Then you can add all this information into cells and then all this part is done for you already. Right. You've created the shards already. All you now need to do is you're monitoring your shards. You monitor your chunk distribution. You monitor your query and all that stuff. I'm going to fix it so that we'll have all the instructions in one place in one document number seven. But for now, you can go use the creating shards and then from after you've created your shards, then you can go to number. Well, it's number. What's the C start query? What query does OK, you start them on the other side and then you can add shards to cluster. You would have added it already. So you're basically going to do the monitoring of the shards after adding the data in the cells database. So that's basically what you need to do. So go create the shards and then come back. If you haven't added any data into the database, then you need to do step number one. All you then need to look at is you're using your right content for durability and all that stuff. Happiness? Yeah, I think myself I'm confused with the stuff that we did already and stuff that we should do. OK, so right now, what you need to do is go to creating of shards. Right. When you're done with that, let's move on to the next one. I think that would be easy because in the earlier instruction, right, it was starting from starting the config servers. Right. But we didn't create any folders. Right. So go create the folders, follow the next instructions and do whatever it is going to tell you to do. When you are done, then we'll look at number seven. Yeah. And these folders are created within sales. No, no. So this is this is always level. This is not in the database. This is always level. So remember, anything that's that doesn't have instruction of Mongo SH first, right? It's always level, something that doesn't have DB dot something. It's it's always level. So you're creating this on the always level and not on inside the database. So you exit from the database, do all these instructions, wait, then says Mongo, then you know that you're logging into your database. If that makes sense. Yeah. I don't know. It's no problem. Let me just change this. Mongo what what to Mongo S. This is to be Mongo S. And to be guys that tells Mongo D bash Mongo SH. I must wait for you to finish so that we can refresh the page. Just one second. Let me just change this stuff quickly. So that you can just copy and paste rather than having to type again. Just give me a second. I should be done in a bit. Mongo S. Mongo S. Shard three, Shard two, Shard one. Config Saber. Mongo S. Yeah, they should be good to go. We must just refresh. Yes, just refresh and then you should be able to just copy and paste. It tells you the instruction, what you're supposed to do, but it also gives you what to copy and paste. So for me, it was literally just copy and paste. So I see on step number five, start the mongos. Mongo S router, yes. Yeah, so this one is just mongos, not mongos. Yes, yes, it's Mongo S. We're starting Mongo S. Okay, okay, okay. It's the query router. Remember there's Mongo D, there's Mongo S, there's the config server. Yes, yes, yes. Yeah, so it's the Mongo S that you're starting. So, okay. How long does it take? I see for me, I write that command. It looks like it just stopped somewhere. How long does it take? Yeah, because when I start, okay, it failed. Child process failed. I didn't get that error. Let's see your machine. Who's talking lucky? Let's see your machine. Add the dash dash fork, but the dash dash fork is there. Okay. Let's see. Add the mongo. Let's see what it's giving us. I'm going to share your screen just now. Okay. Let's see. What command? I think this ports are already used. Configure, okay. 27017. Okay, let's see. Let's see what error we are getting here. Mongo setup complete, somebody met. Transport player entering that, exiting that, shutting down. So 2717 is already in use. So 1719242021, I'm going to change that to... It was your port number. Okay. Yeah, so 2717 is already being used. I'm not sure what using it, but it's probably one of the shards or something. Either one of the shards or config servers. So I just changed this to 15 and then it has started. I don't know what happened. Maybe I was just running something and then it created... Maybe just... Because probably earlier on you tried creating something that was running on that port and then wireless going through it. It could be that. Also, it could be that on the documentation that port is repeated. So let's see. 2717, that's 24, 23, 22, 22, 23, 24. These are shards and 19, 20, 21. Yeah, so it's probably... Yeah, maybe on number seven because I have... Maybe somewhere there. Yeah, it could be 19, 20, 21, 23. Yeah, it could be that it's one of those exercises that you run them. But anyway, it's okay now. It was just a port number. Okay. Yeah, Kumbelon? Yes. On my side, I'm also getting an error when I'm... I'm trying to start the conflict server replica state because of the processes. Let's see. I'm on your screen, Ivan. Okay. So it's talking about the child process. Let's see. Let me share your screen. Sorry, which port did you use? 2701. I changed to 27015. So let's just change it to 27015. Ivan, I'm going to change it to 27015 and then let's see. Okay. Okay. Okay, this is taking long. It might actually fail. Okay. But let's see. What's the lady's name again? Are you also having the same issue? Yes. Okay, it should be a port number, but let's see. Let me get there so that I can also have the same issue. I feel like I'm messing up. I was wondering why it is crying. Yeah, this is taking too long. Let's see. Okay, let's do this. Let's see what could be happening. Logs and then... Minus N, 20 lines, yes. Fail to refresh query, try again. Network. Not fine matching host read preference, primary. Did you set up the primary? I'm not sure which part is that. So, wait. So did you create the folders and then started the replica? Yeah. Okay. Okay, let's quickly check something. Because here it says failed to refresh key cache. Come on, let's move this. Failed to satisfy read preferences, could not find host matching read preferences. More the primary preferred for set, configure replica set one. Right? So it's trying to look for a primary and then it can't find it. Let's see. Let's see, don't really need to... It didn't initiate your replica set. No, because I start those first ones before this one. Okay, well, this is replica set, the configs the thingy. Then I think now we should be able to start the replica set. Because for me to get to the initiate, I had to start with the... The folders. The configs, after the folders, the configs are replicated. Okay. So it's the one that was failing. Okay, wait. This is the Mongo S part, which is far down below. So which one had you said is failing? The one that was failing. Okay. So which one had you said is failing? The one above. This one? Yeah. Oh, is it? Okay. Then that's why it's failing because then it doesn't have everything. But having said that now, it's got... This is running. The config server part is running. Right? Because you can see with this, right? It's got information, it's got the secondary now. Yeah. It's got another secondary. So this part is running. Right? Continue from here. Right? Because then you need to create the shards. After you create the shards, then you can create the Mongo S router. Okay. Yeah. And then I'm going to change this. Let me change this port to... Wait, let me see something. 17 is already being used. 15 is already being used. So probably use 14. So I think as a way to figure out the ports that are open, I'm not sure if you guys have used netstat minus NTLP. So you say, install netstools. Right? And then go through the whole process of installing whatever it needs to install. And then you run netstat minus NTLP. Right? What it's then going to do is going to show you the open ports. Right? What open ports and what program is using it. Right? Okay. Let me go to your machine. Let's see where is... So just for our understanding, number five, is that where the issue is? Number five. Starts in Mongo root. Yes. There could be an issue of the port. Okay. Okay. Let's see what Winnie has been busy with here. Welcome, ittle. Where is Winnie's machine now? Let's see. What's going on now? Let me reopen that. I want to show your window, Winnie. I don't seem to pick it up. Maybe it doesn't want you to show. Because I can't pick it up for some weird reason. Okay. Wait, let's see what's happening here. Okay. So, MongoDB config server. I think the error was you were trying to create those folders in a database. Yes, then I agree that. And then, Mongo server DB, you created that. And then MongoD config server, okay, it managed to create that. Mongo SH, you managed to do that. And then when you get to the Mongo SH part, what you need to do is actually run the initiate, right? Which is... Let me move this quickly. Which is this part first, right? You can use the cells, you can use any database. But now you need to run this. To then initiate that, we are good. We can verify the status. And this should be good now. Now it can show you that there is a cluster. There is a secondary, which is this port 21. Another secondary, which is port 20. And then another secondary, which is port 19, which is 19, 20, 21. These ports that are here. So now you can continue this part. Just follow the steps as is. But when you get to Mongo SH, this you're running it in the database. So just be mindful of that part. Okay. Yeah. So this should be good to go to continue. Okay. Thank you. Cool. Anyone else? Yes. Yeah. Who is that? I'm struggling to do a lot with work. You know, I have a meeting now at 12. So you're juggling with practicals today. So I'll try and catch up later. I just hope that, yeah, I want to be correcting the errors. The number seven. Yes, I'll do that. Yeah, I'll do that. So I put in sort of a quick one, but I'm going to incorporate everything into one into number seven so that people don't get confused. Well, it's two minutes to 12 now. How are you going to get into a meeting and yet it's your lunchtime? Apparently you like activities under the nose. I don't have a choice. Okay, no problem. So, yeah, we'll take 12 o'clock lunch. Come back at one. In the meantime, I'm just I think let me leave as is for now. And then when we have confirmed everyone else is done with the creating of the shards, then I'll edit into number seven so that it doesn't confuse everyone else. I don't know if that makes sense. Yeah, it does. Yeah. All right. Cool. So it's lunchtime now. We can go for lunch. Come back at one o'clock. Then we'll assist whoever is having issues. Oh, I must have taken. What issues are you having? I don't know. I'll put it failed. Let me have a look quickly before we go to lunch. Let's see. Child process, child process, blah, blah, blah. Do apt install. Let's see. You just remove that line, that whole line. Let's see what ports are open. I'm pretty sure it's the ports. So apt space install. OK, let me let me type. It's fine. Let me type in store. And then let's start. So 17 is taken. So you can use 16. They are done. It's also good. Be mindful that that Mongo is now to port 16, not 17. Change that to 16. Yeah, then you should be able to log in. So you see direct Mongo S. That means that's your Mongo S that you've created. Then you can do the rest. OK, I'll see you guys at one o'clock. Off for lunch. I will come back. What? That's one. It has delayed us. It was one. That's one. I don't know. It's already called because we knew. But also, but also will I have enough lunchtime because he's getting into a meeting now and we benchmarking. I went to lunch. All right. OK. Thanks to do. Can you show me if my keys working? Always comes to say hi to me. For the past few months, he always comes to say hi. I think he has a thing for me. My friend tells me that. And can you move by his own way? Actually, her partner is coming and just want like this. This thing is just for like a day or two. So I asked her, does your partner know that you are sharing this room? It's not yours. Actually, I don't know that. Is what? I can't hear you. Of course. But what can you say? I said that. Call. In February. This is the most heartbreaking thing I have seen on the Internet. And this thing of us having a tendency of telling people how they must react to what's happening. That is madness. You know. We're trying to see as much as we can while seeking shelter. This ongoing fighting in the streets is M23 cleans it block by block trying to cement their control. This. Yeah. And. I don't know. I didn't see. I didn't see. I need to go. Not yet. You need to go. We haven't started. OK. Oh. That's my. Daddy said later on. So doesn't work from where the last time where you assisted me with. From the S.H. status. OK. Let's. Did you. OK. That's. You need to. Did you do this part. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. So I. S. status and then you look out of the database. This. OK. And then we go into the shard. You log into that and then we initiate that. That's fine. And then that. And then the next one. Initiate. OK. That's fine. And then number three. So it's more or less the. The shards just confirming the shards here. And. Cool. So let's verify. Replica set status. It should be able to show. There is the primary. So this one is the primary right. OK. And the shard replica set and then we can then go on to this one. So. Exit that. And then. I'm going to change the port to 12. OK. Cool. Then yeah you are cool. You should be good to go. So for example if you're going to do this one. Change the 12 and then you should see it says Mongo S. OK. Yeah. So you can then continue with. Adding this. Yeah. OK. You still can do them in this specific console. OK. Thank you. Cool. I. Yeah. And on my side as well I'm getting errors when I'm trying to. I think it's adding. OK. Hold on. Let's see. What number are you trying to. I think it's. You need to exit the database. Oh OK. Yeah. Anything that says Mongo S. H. You need to exit the database first and then you can run it. So you can now run that Mongo S. H. You can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So you can now run it. OK. So if it's my collection, then it will be sales. Just go to number seven. Go to number seven. This one, yeah. Go to number seven. And then use sales and set many order. I think order is a collection. They just go back, go back, go back up. Create a source database and set data. So use that. So use that. So use that. So use that. So use that. So use that. So use that. So use that. So use that. So use that. So use that. So use that. So use that. So use that. So use that. And then you can set data. So use sales and then there's orders as one. So you can use orders as your collection or products as your collection. OK. And then the field you can use, I don't know, customer name if you want. So instead of number one, we can replace it with the... Yeah, but you need to add the key field. So what is your key field? Products. Is it products? Just go to number seven before you change anything. OK. You can add cars or add order ID even if you want. Oh, order ID. Yeah, you can use order ID as your key field. Yes. Order ID is uppercase I. Yeah. Yeah. Then you can... So you're shutting in. Yeah. You can then press enter. I think you should be good to go. OK. Thank you. Will it be the same if it verifies that I must change the name to... Yeah, so you can use my database. No such command. Where is it getting that command that you're running? Let's see. It's supposed to run it in the database. Configure replicaset. OK. What's happening here? This is Mongo S. Wait, what are you doing up here? So you are supposed... Your next step after creating the Mongo S is... Where is it? So you've done this part, right? And you've done this part, correct? Which says, start a Mongo S what what? Because I see it in Mongo S. So your next part... No, I haven't done that part. Which one? This one? Yes. No, you are... You've done... So you're actually here, right? Let's see. Wait. You are supposed to be adding shards because you've created the Mongo S, right? With whatever part. So now what you need to do is this part, right? That's where you're supposed to do the next step. I don't know why replic... Replicate initiate. Because it's failing this because you're in Mongo S. You're not in the replica set, but you're in the Mongo S. What do you call this? Mongo S router. So you can't run this part, this other S initiate in the Mongo S router. You need to add the shards so that it can direct the... It can direct the writing of the data and spread them amongst the shards. So do this part, right? And then continue... But I'm done with that part. Which one? This part? Yeah. I thought when we are done with it, we have to go to serving. Yes. And then do the monitoring part. Oh, okay. Yeah. The monitoring part. Oh, so if you are done with this part, then your next... Thing that you need to do is this part, number four. Okay. Cause I started the other job. Okay. So number one to three is the same thing that you would have done in creating shards. So you don't really need to do number one and three. Okay. Thank you. I see you. Now you tell me to wait, Marieta. We need to continue. No, I started on my own. She started on her own. She started on her own. So number seven, you can go to number... When you go to number seven, please do number four. From number four. Okay. Yeah. Don't worry about one, two, three, because I'm going to change that. But from number four, then you can then continue with that. Okay. Let's continue and see. I think you might want to change the last number there, Winnie. Two zero, two seven. I think it was what? One something, if I'm not mistaken, that you use for Mongo stats. Yeah. Let's see. Is any column missing? Wait. Log off. Sorry. Log off from the database. Exit from the database. Yeah. Now run it. But change that number. So paste it and then change that number to 12. Instead of 24, make it 12. There you are. Thanks. All right. Cool. Ah, problems. What did you break? Everything. Let's see. Let's see. Let's see. What's happening? Library no search command enabled sharding. What number are you? But eight. Eight point two. Okay. Enable sharding the library database is enable sharding. You're not supposed to be connected into your Mongo. Yes. Following everything. So it actually says, are you connected to Mongo? Yes. So you're supposed to connect to Mongo. Yes. First. Then you can add you. You can do your sharding. So exit that and then do Mongo S something, something. I'm not sure. Just control. Our Mongo S. Space. Um, so, uh, space dash dash. Space dash dash. Why is it not giving you them? So, um, wait, hold on. I'm going to take control. Um, so you're supposed to use this one. Oh, crap. Oh, yes. It's Mongo S. And then you can then, um, start doing this. Uh, use library. Did you create the library database? Yeah. The top one. I believe I did. Then you can then continue with this. So things like enabling sharding, adding sharding, you need to be. Mongo S for you to be able to do it. So now you can continue. Thank you. Cool. Really? You broke again. Yes. I'm back again. The monitor balance activity. Yes. When I tried to even run that command, it's not, it's saying the syntax error near unexpected token. Monitor balance activity. You need to be in the, what you call this, in the Mongo S. Try to run it when either in the Mongo S or in the Mongo S. It's actually primary. Replica two set is actually the primary, right? Let's check replica three set. And then the status. Assuming you need to change. Why are they all primary now? Set two zero two four. Set two three, one, two, three. So we don't have any read replicas. Any secondary. You're doing number what? Number eight or number seven? Eight. Eight. On which number? I think three. Somewhere there. Eight point three. This one. Check two. I was somewhere on top of there. Yes. So you did this one. You did this one and everything is fine. Yeah. My worry is they are all showing them. Okay. No, but are we saying it didn't find anything or just didn't give us a response, which is weird. This is where it's failing. Secondary. Come on. Just be honest. What did you do? No, remember when we started, I said, is everything working? Replicaset, charge two, replicaset. Could not find host matching read preferences. Mod secondary. Which I understand because it's not. So this one is primary. Set three. This one is three. This one is replicaset two. Right. And actually, it's only got a primary, which is weird. Okay. Let me have a look at this information quickly. Okay. Let's see. Okay. Yes. Yes, yes, yes. Just one. Yeah, just a few minutes. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no need to figure out this part why it's not connecting. So just give me a bit to finish that up. I think. To zero, three, two is good. And. You see. Connection refused. Failed. Okay. Okay, I think I found the solution. I'll just build you guys now, now, now, now. Paste that. Secondary. You too. I'm back. Well, we may still unmute. Itu. Okay. Okay, cool. So just refresh your. Okay, cool, no problem. I'm just gonna quickly use the bathroom. I'll be with you just now. Itu. Is there issues with that? No, not yet. Okay. They are blocking the queue. Exactly. Like how much too much. Like you don't know, but. Since we are only going to drink. Don't drink too much. It's lunch, it's lunch. Yeah, normally, yeah, yeah, yeah. I keep quiet after lunch. When? Yeah. Shut. After one hour. It's passed to you. You wake up at the first. Okay, I'm back. It's fine, why? Are you good now? Yeah. So just minimize your, what you call this? Your terminal? Or make it smaller? Because it's so huge. Think top yesterday. Now refresh your browser. My browser. Yes, the browser. Yes, refresh that. Go into creating shards. Create. Yes. And then go where you're creating directories. So just copy the last one on the first line. Copy the last one on the first line. Oh, it needs to be MongoDB. So on the first line, there's the last part. No, no, no, on the first line. The first line. Yes, the last part, yes. No, no, no, just copy the last few parts. Okay, hold on, hold on. Let me do this. So it's supposed to be this. Copy that. So what we're going to do is we're going to create a folder for the secondary, right? And then here it's supposed to be Mongo. Please, the rest, please hold on so that I correct that first. And get dir MongoDB secondary, right? So which means you've got a directory for secondary. So we're going to create a shard for this one that we created. So a secondary shard in the replica set three. In shard three replica set, right? So we come, we initiate it. Copy that part. We're going to initiate the secondary before we edit. I'll explain something here. And everyone is quiet at the time I'm not sharing my screen. Everyone is on lunch. That's a very long lunch. Okay, let me see. But Win is here. So let me just share my screen. There it is. Okay, cool. Cool, so what you want to do now is you want to initialize, you want to start the secondary shard, right? In replica set three. Because when we are doing this, what we're doing is we're just creating primary shards, in the different replica sets. So let me move this. So in essence, we created the primary shard in the replica set one, a primary shard in the replica set two, primary shard in replica set three. Now, if we were to create all this to say, everything you wanted to be in one replica, then it was meant to have, the name was supposed to just remain as shard one replica set, if that makes sense, right? So for example, now I'm going to add a secondary in shard three replica set, right? So then you've got it in three replica set, but on a different part, right? So you then come here and then copy that. And then come here and then paste that, right? And then, right? It is created that secondary one in shard three, right? So we then come to replica set shard three, and then we log into it. Come on, right? And then we log into that. We log into that, and then now we need to add that, what do you call this now? Okay, what did I do now? Let me re-share, because I don't know what happened here. I'm gonna share just now. This is what I'm looking for. Now, when you're in there now, we want to add the one that we initiated. So it couldn't log on because it couldn't find that shard, right? So then it was, I think it was 33, if I'm not mistaken. You do an RIS add, and then you do an RIS status, right? Then you should be able to see this now, right? Which is connected. So sync source host is 2024, which is the primary, and this is the secondary. And if we go up, we should be able to see that primary. So now, if you then go and run number, what number was it again? Yeah, this one. Yes, let's do this. Let's enable Sharding in Library. Oh, I'm not connected to MongoS now. So your Mongo, sh dash dash port 27 zero. What was it, 16 or 14 for your MongoS? 16 at the time. Yeah, okay, cool. Now, we then say sh enable Sharding on Library and do, right? Enable Sharding that, that, and then that. So it says Shard collection, library.books, cluster time, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And then our moment of truth. Okay, it's still not picking it up. So which means we need to Shard. Let's see. Okay, so this is setting up a new replica set. Verify replication and then check document. Okay. This is a bit weird because it's supposed to still read that secondary, which is weird. Which end pin. And then. I can say there must be problems as I'm just going to remember that. Must what? Skip problems. Skip problems. Which is quite interesting because then the setup would be different in that you need to create a replica set after, which one makes sense because you used to create replica set and then you do the, I want you to call this the reading, the using of secondary nodes for read scaling, right? Yeah, but continue with number three. Let me look at this again because it's also not confusing me as a person. Yeah, no, no. As long as you're the one that says it's not making sense. Look, you usually would create a replica first, right? Your replica and then you can set your read replica and then continue with whatever you're doing because you've set the read replica. This one of if I need to actually exchange would actually be interesting. So if I continue with number three, while I'm missing secondary nodes here. So my thing is you might, what do you call this? You might, it might work in this way where you create the, distribute the read and writes, right? And then create the replica after which doesn't make sense to me, honestly. Yeah, because number three is actually setting up a replica and then that my replica set. Mara, that GitHub URL, after it says kumbalanity. Yes. But it doesn't make sense to you. Remember we take all this stuff from our, what's called collection of courses that we have stored in the company. You see now. So it could have actually been that the previous trainer didn't actually use the version that I'm using now, if that makes sense. The latest version now, right? So what you do is you pull that information, you pull that code and then place it into your report and then be able to use it. Yeah. Yeah. Hopefully the session that you are having tomorrow, when I find smoother. Yeah, it will be smoother definition. It will be smoother. Okay, can I take a quick break? That's fine. Actually, I promise I'm gonna have to, I'll be on a break. All right, that's fine. No problem. Thanks. That only applies to me. The rest must continue working. They are too quiet. Are they even there? Yeah, we're still here. Okay. All right, let me just look at this. Vinnie, are you still there? Yes, I'm still here. Sorry, I got distracted. Somebody wanted me to check something for them. All right, that's fine. No problem. I will shut down that. It doesn't seem to be. I'm about to do a school run around past three. Oh, is it? Yeah. Okay. What was I using? What was I using? So what I've picked up is that he just needs to use the correct library when he gets here. So he logs into MongoSH, logs into the right library, and then everything should be fine. But I'll update the documentation. What time do you need to start your school run? I have to leave the office at quarter past three. Quarter past three, okay. Yes. Okay, anyway, let's see in your machine, wireless is not around. Let me connect to it. Okay, let's see. So let's create an index that starts with that. MongoSH. So the first thing that I'm going to do is I need to check on your 12.24. I'm gonna check if there is a secondary. Okay. It's only primary, right? So we're going to add a secondary. Where is that? Creating a shard. The very first part is creating the directory of the shard. So let's do that. That's it. And then I'm gonna create the IR. You're chasing me away. Huh? Sorry about that. Someone is saying, but you're my not leaving. Shard replica set three, right? We go there and then we start that. Let's see if it's a four. Look at that. Okay, that's fine. And port 27033, that's fine. It is created successfully. So now we then need to log on to OSS port 27024, which is our shard number three, right? We log in there. And then we do add a, I think it's this, and then localhost, and then port 273. 27031, is it 3133? Right? So we add it to that. Yes. How? What's the command to offer this one? What is that command? To end, to end. To be honest, end status. Where is it now? Can't find that command now. RMS status. Books. Hey, Batu. It's supposed to be RMS end. And to log on to that, and then RMS status. Oh, it's, brackets and not, where is your machine now? That's square brackets, but normal brackets. Now, it's, so it's added now. So if we do add status, we should be able to see, 2733, which is secondary, right? We've added that. So now we need to log on as mongos, 270, what was it again? Your mongos, one, 12, one, two. Yeah. Sorry, 12. Yeah. And then, let's close this. Now we can go and enable sharding, which is number eight. First, let's use library. Use library. Right. Does it have any collections? Okay, cool. So which means the information is there already. And then, I just need to move this, it's distracting me. So, lucky, lucky. It's even there. So we've enabled sharding. It's still at lunchtime. So we've enabled sharding, right? And then, then call, and then shard that. Create an index. Why do I need to create an index? Okay, now I need to do it from, let's put, 27, zero, two, four, and then use library, and then out. Db dot, library dot create, and then it should be, let's call it, d, I think. Control R, index. Create index. Create index. Okay, let's make it easy. Let's just go to indexing, and then get index create. There we are. So then, we come here, and, let's call it d, oops, what do we do now? I'm supposed to put down, down, down. Move collection. Now it's what collection does it have again? Merge the db dot library. Okay, cool. So now, the hashed out is now sorted, and then I go back there, and I log into MongoSH, and if we go back there, yes, library, we change, log into the db, and it should go through now. Okay, please create index, but I just created index, that's weird. C, to this use library. Control R, create index. Okay, this is the same way that I did it. Oh, okay, now I know. It's on books, not on library. Xh, and there's library, and, okay, we should be good now, and then if we try and do that, it should show us what we want to see. There we are. So it's now showing us what's in the secondary. So what needs to be changed is, indexing, I need to add indexing, I also need to add the rs.add stuff, to be able to edit the secondary one, and then, yeah, for the rest, I think it should be good. Just be mindful that with this one, you will need to create the directories first. So, the same way you did on that, I'll add that stuff so that it's step by step, then you need to add the directories first, and then run the replica set. This one automatically has one name replica, right? It's one replica name, so automatically this one will be the primary, and this one will be the secondary, this two, right? And then you create the replica set, and then insert documents into that, and then you should be able to check this using Mongo S, so you should be good to go. Yeah, and I think the rest should work out fine, yeah. But I'm going to add the stuff today. So, later on when you have time, then you should be able to work on it. Okay, cool. So, I think, and then you can then do exercise two, exercise day two, at whatever time you can be able to do it. Exercise two, the installation, you don't need to do it, but you need to create the hospital. Authentication, you can do it, and then you can do some indexing, you can do some right replica sets, and then you can do some backup and restore. It should be simple. Exercise should be simple. Sir, Kumbulan is saying we can do exercise one. Exercise, is it day two or day one? Day two, sorry. Day two. Yes, and who? But we can, sorry, it's Ivan, so we can skip the creation of the hospital. No, no, no, don't skip the creation. This is a completely new creation altogether. What you skip is the installation, because it starts off installation of MongoDB. Oh, the DB. Yes, and then you don't really need to do it because you already have it, right? And then you start from create the hospital. Oh, okay. Yeah. Cool, thanks. Sorry, Kumbulan. Yes. I'm thinking it's complaining that it's not primary. Who is it, is it Ivan? Yeah, it's Ivan. Okay, let's have a look. Hospital, switch DB hospital, that, that, that. Not primary. Why should it complain that it's not primary? It's just supposed to add a DB and that's it. It doesn't need its... Wait. Let me check something. And then Mongo SH. Not right, right, but primary, Mongo server error. Is it because of the shards? Or whatever it is. And what number are you busy with? Exercise day two. The day two, the one at the bottom, bottom there. Yeah, no, no, which one on? Oh, you skip the first part of creating the DB. So this one is the creating the hospital database. Okay, so what's happening is, remember there's the replicas that you created, right? And when you just log in as Mongo SH, right? It logs in, but it's not the primary that you need to be using. So you need to use it. Remember we created the Mongo SH that was important 27, zero, zero to four, which had a secondary. That's where it's set as primary. So you can be able to run it on those ones, not on the normal Mongo, something, something. If that makes sense. So the normal Mongo is no more a primary, but we've got one that we set as the primary, which is the 27, zero, two, four. Then you can be able to run your stuff on it. And then you can do the optimization replication. You might not really need to do this replica set part. It's up to you, you can do it, but you can still do using this replica. What do you call this? That is there already. You still can be able to do this. You still can be able to just use the same database. So it's up to you, but let me, to make it easy, let me change this. Yeah, to two seven zero two four. No, no, the reason I was asking is because I went past that and didn't have any issues. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So 27, zero, two, you didn't have issues. Who is that? Who is speaking now? Is your replica set working? Does it have a secondary? Oh no, I left that. They said it must be like here and skip problems. No, that's fine, no problem. So then it would work because you don't have a replica set that's running, but I'm gonna add, I'm gonna top up on the documentation currently to be able to add a secondary onto it. And then also how to remove the replicas, how to switch off the replicas to shut them down. Did someone take over my screen? Yes. Are you back now? No, I've been back for a while now. Oh, is it? When I was assisting Winnie, where were you? No, when Winnie said she's leaving at quarter past three. Oh, you were there? Oh, okay. Agree, you know, she's the lady, she was leaving. You said no, in sincerity, to me, she's not here. I will help you Winnie, let's share. At least you know, my friend, I was doing the right thing. You were not there. I'm busy with exercise day two. Yes. 4.4. Yes. The rerunning. Yes. You are not running it. You are not running it in a, in a, what you call this, in a database. Your database failed to log in. Did you realize that? No, where did it fail? Here, let me highlight. There. I thought it was nice and colorful, I thought. It's weird. It confuses, right? It shows you that connection string, but also after that, it doesn't log in. Like it's just weird. So your very first thing is you need to be able to log in first. Put add dash dash port 27024. Add it to at mongo. Mongo, Mongo, S H S space. Port 27024. That's primary for that thingy. Yeah. So I didn't spell mongo right. It's the end of the day. It's understand. Yeah. So now you can, you can create that database, create that database first. Go up first and then create the, this database. Yeah. Why do I recall creating it? That you, did you create it? Enter. Okay, cool. Now you can go down. And then it was a retaining of 5,000. I'm telling you, that was created. But now you see I'm questioning myself as well. I want to see something. See here, to the retaining, this 5,000. I'll return. So I'm wondering why. This is a spittle. Actually add that. Yeah, that's interesting. Yeah. Okay, but anyway. And then I had to also, I've also added the. Authorization. Well, you can edit, but for quicker way, if you want to troubleshoot and spend time troubleshooting, then you can do that. But what you can also do is do the rest of the stuff and then come back to authorization. Then you can be checking to, are you logged in? Can you see collections? Can you check your indexes and whatnot? If that makes sense. For now, I'm just removing my authorization. Yeah, you can remove it and do the rest of the work. And then when you are done, then you edit so that you can then come back. And when you can put back authorization, now you only need to take your stuff like checking of indexes. Do you know if the documents checking that like you are doing now, checking the status of your shards and other stuff. Okay. You can skip that and then go to creating of indexes. But remember which MongoDB are logging in. You're logging into the one that's got 27024. Yeah, I remember that. Yeah, you should remember that. Remember we created, that's where you added the database last so you can add that into it. I'm not going to forget. Got a lot of problems that I have. Okay, do MongoSH, maybe because your replication, you didn't have a secondary, it should be able to work. Okay, it won't work. So it makes sense. So use the one that's got 27024. MongoSH dash dashboard 27024. Yeah, and then use, what is it? Is it hospital? The database name. Yes, it's hospital. Yeah, so you can do use hospital and then you can run the rest of the stuff. Is hospital. Yeah, so you can go down run the rest of the stuff. You might not really need to initialize that. It doesn't like, I don't think. So number one, you've got a replica set already, right? You're already in the, if you look at your terminal, you're already in the primary. So you don't really need to initialize a new replica set. For practice purposes, it's up to you. But what you can actually do is actually go and do the insert with the right concern. Because already you've got a replica that you're in already, if that makes sense. Yeah, so you can just go to that and then you do your RS.status. RS.status. RS.status. And then brackets. Oh, you wait for me to finish first. You rush to press enter. So RS.status and then brackets at the end. The RS. should not, they shouldn't be in a space there. Yeah. Then you run that. And then you've got your secondary there. And then just go up a bit. Then you've got your primary there. It should be good. Any election. So it's got a whole lot of details that you can read through. But yeah, everything should be good. And then you're good to go. Then you'll backup and restore. Just make sure that, what do you call this? You are outside the database. That's number one. Oh, backup and restore. Yes, and then number two, because you don't have authentication enabled, you can remove the part where it's from minus U to up until where it says admin on the yes. Right? So that whole part you don't need. So exit, exit, exit. Yeah, exit the database first. Then I'll show you what I'm talking about. Right? And then copy the first backup, the MongoDB. Mongo dump, sorry. Yeah. And then paste that, but don't press enter yet, because you're gonna remove some stuff. So from where it says admin, the last, yes. Admin one, two, three. No, no, no. So we want to remove the whole part that deals with authentication. Right? So remove that part up until minus U, but don't press yes. Remove that up until admin, and then remove the other part. Yes. No, no, no, no, no, no. The other side. So that's, yes. The one, two, three. So up until where it says minus U, remove up until where it says minus U, because you don't need any authentication. Continue again, remove minus U, and then do dash, dash port. Space 27024. Space 27024. Remember, that's where your database is sitting. 27024. 27024. Yeah. I think you should be good to go. 27024. Did we, the last time, did we add equals? No, no, no, we didn't. So you can press enter. Click on the terminal and then press enter. Okay. It has dumped it, right? Which is fine, right? What you need to do is log into the database and then delete patients, right? So mongo sh space minus minus dash, I mean, it's port 27024. Enter. And then use hospital. And then db patients.delete many. So you're deleting everything in patients. Right, deleted. It has deleted 5,000, right? Then do db.patients.find and then in brackets. Am I looking for again? The closing bracket. Enter. So it's empty now, right? I think it's empty. Now exit the database. Now you need to run the restore. Without the- The authentication part, yes. So instead of doing that, do the app arrow. Just go on the terminal, click on the terminal. Do app arrow. Yes, change that mongo dump to mongo restore. It's the same thing. Then do restore, yeah. And then press enter, right? Mongo restore. Do. Okay, what's happening? I'm not. Oh, is it an, is it in? Dash dash hospital, dash backup hospital. Okay. Oh, okay, sorry. Do app arrow. Do app arrow. Yes, and then remove the dash dash out. And then after backup type hospital, forward slash hospital, yeah. Enter. Successfully restored, and then you can log back in. You need that port. Don't forget that port. Yeah, and then use hospital. And then just do app arrow. Yeah. There you are. Information is back and restored. Okay. Hospital database, click that and. Okay, try it concerned. Okay. Okay, then you should be good to go. It says complete. So, some troubleshooting scenarios that's not really much of things that thing. No, no, I hope everyone was keeping up. There's two day, that's the question. No, like he has been too quiet. No, but they can still do it later on. You sound very far from your laptop. I'm like, ah, I am here. Are you playing with the kids? I told you after lunch, I keep quiet, you know. You can have pop at lunch like. That's our corner. Oh, yes, he eats lunch. He eats pop at lunchtime. Yeah, not only lunch, even breakfast. That's what is a truly important. Where is he from his event? Yes, that's why we can keep saying mango DB, stinky mango is that one. Yeah, no, that's fine. So yeah, that's all from my side. Anyone else would need help. We're still here, but for you, it's all good. I'm going to update some stuff on the documentation today. And then you still have access to your virtual machines. You still have access to the repo. If you want to pull it, you can pull it and then use it at any other time that you want. We've got access to visual machines and Turing. Did you make it and to enable to have it after the course? I don't know. OK, here your screen, because this I can show you from my side, from from my screen. I'll show you a screen then everyone else can be able to see. I must share the whole screen. We just need where you've got your data store. There's a lot going on on my screen. Go on the other tab there. You see where it says it to go on the tab that says Mongo DB on top there. On your laptop, not in the virtual machine. Yes. Go there. OK, you ticked where it says enabled. You see where it says enabled. Go on the I on the I. No, no, no, not that on the I. Yes. So it just means that after the course, then it will be moved to your course desktop. Use desktop after course finishes. So in essence, it will then move it there, but go back onto that tab. So go up that page. So usually it would go do home. Just click home. Desktop. Let's go to desktop. Oh, where is where doesn't it show you standalone? Go down. It's because I'm married. Yeah, click the that down arrow where there's the wheel, where there's the wheel. And then go to where it says clone move. That's another option. And then clone to standalone desktop. And then it will create a standalone desktop. I want my clone. It's up to you. You can wait till the course ends later on today and then clone it. And then it should go to where it says standalone desktop. Let me take over your screen quickly. OK. What screen do I want? The desktop. OK, I want this screen. The one with the desktop. OK, I want this screen. I want to go to the desktop. I want to go to the desktop. I want to go to the desktop. I want to go to the desktop. I want to go to the desktop. I want to go to the desktop. I want to go to the desktop. Let me know when you can see my screen. Yeah, so usually to then show you courses, course desktops, and then standalones. So if you go to your standalones, then... No, but right now we are looking at your calendar and the time. Hey, Batum. Let's see the whole screen. At least it's not something that's not right. Yeah, no. Some of us are underage. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Er... Er... Desktop machines, standalones, desktop. And now? Yes, standalones, desktop. Yeah, so usually it would come here after the course is done. And then when you... I've seen this, this standalone. Yeah, so when you're done, every course you get a credit of £50. As far as I know. Well, I don't know if it's just the trainer side, or even you guys get it, but usually I get £50 as a... You've completed a course type of thing. So I'm not sure if participants get the same. Yeah. But then what do you do with the money? You can start another server. You can start another class. You can create a new course. But it finishes very, very quickly. That's the annoying part. You can't withdraw it if you're looking for that. Yeah, no. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Er... You can't withdraw it. That's the annoying part about it. If I... If it was withdrawable, AI, I would have had so many words. So much money. But anyway, yeah, that's the story. All right, Nwama. Thank you very much, Kumbuda. All right. Thank you, guys. Thank you so much. Sorry, is it possible to get this information, this GitHub information? Yes, you can. You can actually have it. Let me send you the URL. Okay. You see it, I'm here. At least I did something. Yeah, no. Wow. Like this. What you are holding on to. Let me give you a link to this. Like this, yeah. On, Kumbulanity. Mm-hmm. There's also stuff for developers, though. So this is MongoDB for admins. There was a time that I trade for developers. So if you go into that repo, you should be able to see them. So if you go here. And then so there's MongoDB for administrators and then there's MongoDB for developers. Mm-hmm. And Kubernetes trainer. Yeah, CKE administrators and then, yeah. Then there's Kubernetes in itself. Some of the stuff, it was just my personal stuff that I was working on. But when it's training, for example, CKE, this is training. Intro to Azure and AKS training. Google Cloud is training. WSO2 API manager. MongoDB, Oracle. Oracle, I don't think it's got anything. This Oracle is a beast in itself, but Linux admin, Docker and Kubernetes training, performance and all that stuff. And then supersets. If you want to do what you call this big data, superset is one very good one. Yeah. Cheers, man. Yes. Yeah, it's Ivan. I think I'm also calling it a day. But just from my side, I think I just want to thank you for the training and the exercises. But I want to know, would you be doing any of the trainings that we still left with you? Which ones? I'm not sure what training you guys have. Yeah, I think there was, if I'm not mistaken, there was Linux. Linux command line. Yeah. Hold on. Let me tell you which ones I have. But if it's Linux, I think definitely I'm going to be doing that. Let me just see. Let's see the documents here. So MongoDB and then I'll need to look for the schedule. But I know that I've got some classes in, so this is in February. I'm not sure if I'm doing DevOps foundation with you guys. Oh, yeah. There's DevOps foundation in March. Okay. And then there's capstone project. There's Linux command. And then there's input DevOps principle. No, that's not you guys. But there's DevOps foundation in March. Yes, definitely. We're going to be doing together. And then Docker and Kubernetes. Yes. I've given you answers now. One of the reports for that course. Yeah. Yeah. So, yes, we're going to be doing that. No, cool. I guess we'll meet then then. All right. Cool. No problem. Thanks. Cheers. Bye. Bye. Winnie, are you still here? Yeah, I'm joined with my phone. Oh, okay. No, you can jump off now. I think we're good. Okay. Thank you. All right. Cheers. Want to see your crush kiss you? Or fortified. And my be in here. She be here. Beyonce said if you like it, then you should have put a ring on it. I have clients that want me to fuck them in the ass. It's called Megan. Yeah, I want you to fuck them in the ass.
on 2025-01-27
Visit the Mongo DB for Administrators course recordings page