C# for Automation Test Engineers

language: EN

you're gonna get them probably as you go more comfortable.
But I know every tab will have the name of the student,
so you should not be, you will have, let's say,
see my tab, Maria, next to it will be, hey, or other names.
Everybody will have their name, so you will be able quickly to jump to tabs
and see what people are doing.
Okay. Yeah, typically I would just
use Zoom as sort of the main window. And then if students need help
or as they're working on activities, that's usually why I would pop around
between test ops. Yeah, very much.
Yeah, mainly your screen and then if they want to see how the time is,
you can email, just check in how everybody is doing. Yeah, absolutely.
Okay, so, I have so many windows open now.
I'm so disposed of.
So, as a participant, I see the same way right now.
I see your screen on, actually I'm gonna share.
I should record this one. Yeah.
I pretty much see it the same way as you just had.
Okay. As a participant.
See, so it's like I have my screen on this side and I can see your screen.
Oh, okay. On the left side.
Yeah, and there's some other options here, I think, to make it full screen.
So, I can see only my screen if I want.
So, participants can see other participants' screen or that's just for myself as a trainer?
Just for yourself.
They can now see only you and their screen unless you will share.
As far as I remember, you know, devs are changing things constantly, so I'm not sure maybe something changed.
But when, let's say, somebody struggles and you want to show them as an example,
just share the screen and share the tag of that person that you want to work on.
Yeah. So, everybody will see that that makes sense.
Yeah, absolutely. Thank you.
So, kind of makes sense, right?
Yeah, it's pretty straightforward.
This is actually nicer than the platform that I use normally where it's more difficult to see and interact with the students' desktops.
Yeah, and like I said, most 90% of the participants have issues with their Internet.
Otherwise, I never had any problems.                

on 2024-03-22

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United Arab Emirates - C# for Automation Test Engineers

3 videos