Introduction to Linux & Networking Fundamentals | Videos
Introduction to Linux & Networking Fundamentals
language: EN
Okay, so usually when we first go into like a machine, what we always want to do, we always
on 2024-06-10
language: EN
I need to make for them they can do this and then they can they can go in there and do it
and then I can watch them tell them to type it in and do that
hello what you looking at baby you look at that huh what's your daddy
want real food now that you woke up you sound great
hello sleepy boy
hey you want to eat now
40 plus what what does it say stickers oh
command plus tilde key command okay now i'm better wow look i didn't know this
but now but that's the same of the same app
you should have
little kitty little man
you can save that girl
what is it he's not a little silk i'm so happy i probably would have been
you know i'm glad he's a little tough little boy little angry man maybe he'll have maybe he'll
have he'll have like my brains but have like determination and not get your kid easy
be fighting smart
hello beautiful that's my foot
what are you looking at you want beer all these coffee or beer which
hey kitty you feel okay now he was crying last night that's so funny crying last night
so scaredy you're okay now
little kitty
yeah must be just a star name
for you
jaffa locked
why what's the problem baby what's the problem baby
what's the problem baby baby baby baby baby baby baby
it's a boring for you boy
yeah he loves his baby hair beautiful
left right and option left and right command option left
i'm learning all the shortcut keys darling look
because i can't do it i don't know you have to they have to go mouse everywhere so slow yucky
it looks so yucky
and uh yeah or just like so slow i don't even know it i write clique i
i can't even do it it's yucky i can't find anything
why why should you stand up just for faster to go through you know and feel like this one like
that like that to go through the different windows before i'm trying to like good like this look
like i couldn't find it and i'm like that and like that one and try to go through them like i
can't just flip through
i'm a cutie boy i'm a cutie boy did you know my name is cutie boy cutie boy cutie boy cutie cutie
cutie boy
cutie boy
look and i have a kitty here look right there
it's yucky sound he's making a yucky sound
hey that's a new job
so you're looking at baby cutie man cutie face
you see the cutie face yeah
cutie cutie face
annie if you go out there can you get my glasses it's in my notebook bag
look like he had a hair
cutie where does kitty go
oh big sound