Mongo DB for Administrators
language: EN
WEBVTT When we say date somebody who is kind, we mean somebody who is kind.
on 2025-01-29
language: EN
WEBVTT this command that I want to use. And so, it goes in config. new state configuration replicate this abled out state config pre-start that it's not failing at any point doesn't show the error that it's failing let's do a proof yeah that's what I want to try and do interesting yeah, continue with it let me try it on my machine and see yes, 7, shutting down hold on let me go to your machine I'm on your machine it will definitely won't connect go back to the instruction so you created the folders but did you run starting of the config servers because you still need to do this part to start those config servers on the specific port then you can try and log into it what I see you just created it's just the directors that you created so far yeah yeah yeah so you see it has started now you can do that mongo sh port something something yes then now you are connected to one of the replicas the config servers and then you can now initiate the the config server and then you can now initiate the replica set now yeah alright cool is that is it faith what did you break okay please make your what do you call this your terminal bigger okay just go up a bit no no no just bring your screen up a bit it doesn't go up so mongo server that create the folder then you didn't and just go back to your just minimize make your terminal smaller and then go back to thingy so shards that go up a bit your own number you are doing shards now did you do this and it's all good this is yes yes then you did number 3 that's where you are now create the directors first so just copy that and then just paste that enter now go back and then copy the command to create the to start the config servers so the next one is creation of the config servers mhm then you now you go to the next one I think you are going to log in to one of the one that's got port 27019 and then you initiate the replicas replica set no problem sorry guys I'll be with you just now mhm sorry I'm back guys hahaha yes ok let's see 27010 let me take over your screen quickly just want to check something quickly I'm going to share your screen your mongo s is not running I don't see mongo s here so your mongo s is not running so just go back to your github repo the instruction so what you need to sort out just hold on I'll show you so what you need to run is s1 right then we should have running one and then net start minus ntlp your mongo s is now running which means you can now mongo s edge into that cool yeah ok I've shared it let's go up a little mongo d dash dash replica set put ok hold on hold on hold on ok so start mongo d instant dash dash 3 replica set mongo d dot dot ok so it's called my replica set now me being me this is what I'll do I'll come here and do this is it a replica set for a shard or for a thingy or for the config server are you sure? is it a config server or a shard? you can create a config server but you've got a config server already so rather create this as shards right? and when you create them as a replica set of a shard not a config server you can always come to this and then come here what was your db path again? it was db path and then data and then other s1 right? and you want to change this to 41 and you want to shard server my replica set and we were calling it my replica set we can always do this now a logic thinking would be right? what do you call this? am I creating a shard or am I creating a server? if you fork it does it work? it doesn't work right? then you come there, control z and then now you need to fork it you need to give it the log path and then the dash dash fork wait I think I've not changed I've not changed the port also right? 42 yes 42, let's try it again see if it works, it won't work so you need that dash dash fork you see you need it and then here you can come, change it to 3 and then you come change it here to 3 and then enter it creates that now you now need to make the first one, 2041 the primary for this replica set you log into that primary you initiate the cluster from there, the replica set cluster from there the same way the same way that you did it on the sharding what you call this? the sharding exercise is more or less the same steps now the idea behind this was adding the elements like your fork and what not, that's where you would need to think through because remember when it comes into the real world not everything is serpent stone you would find that you need to set up 3 replicas 3 different replicas now when you need to define 3 different replicas, one you need to decide the config server the replica for the config server and now you need to decide am I doing the shard or am I doing a config server? now you've done the config server and then you need to do the shard server the replica for the shards, that's when you now take the step to actually do the shard server, the difference if you noticed it is that this part here it's either you're telling it to be a shard server or to be a config server makes sense? the explaining is good the implementation is what's going to be interesting the explanation you did it right, so firstly you need to create folders after you create folders which is your path where your db path where your replica set is going to be writing to the second thing is they gave you a very short command which is this one but this won't work what would work is you need to tell it what is it is it a config server or it is a shard server config server you already have it so in essence you're now creating a shard server a replica set for shard server now that's where this command now kicks in right in full because it's already there you already have it instead of you having to worry in your mind that one will fail all you need to do is come and copy this command right one of it and then change the name of the replica set because remember it's written my replica set if I'm not mistaken change that name change the port because already this one is in use even the ones that are there they are already in use so you change that you change that and then you change the path to where you want your shard to be writing to and then you run that command then you'll be able to create what's that the command can I use the bathroom quickly one second and my phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone phone 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on 2025-01-29
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