DaDesktop for Training allows people to use desktops optimized for speed and convenience. These desktops do not have all security features and are assumed to live up to few months.
DaDesktop for Work allows people to move their work desktop into DaDesktop. Features like encryption, authentication and authorization are supported (e.g. LDAP, Active Directory, CAS, etc...). You can plug it in into your corporate employee directory.
Feature |
DD4W |
DD4T |
Authentication required |
Anyone with link can access anonymously |
Access |
Owner fully control who can see it (none, some people, groups or everyone) |
No access controls |
Running |
Runs continuously |
Stopped after 24h of no connection |
Backup |
Fully redundant |
No redundancy |
Automatic Snapshots |
By default (not implemented yet) |
Optional |
The impact of Covid19 has been far reaching and we recognize that work from home is now the most safest, most affordable and practical method.