Firstly, what do we mean in DaDesktop by a Standalone Desktop?

There is a great overview of the different Desktops here. But simply, a 'Standalone' desktop is a machine that is not necessarily used during a course itself. It 'stands alone' as a separate desktop that can be used before or after the course is finished, or just used on its own without reference to a course.
The Standalone is particularly flexible in this respect.

Standalone Machine




Typical reasons for creating Standalone desktops:
  1. Preparing Training Course material that can be reused time and again outside of a course itself, or kept for usage when necessary.
  2. When you need a flexible machine with perhaps a different Operating System (Linux, Windows) to test out ideas, in a safe environment.
  1. Sharing Links allow full access to everyone knowing the link!
  2. If not used, will shut down automatically after 24 hours
  1. Creating desktop is free.
  2. Starting desktop will cost you.
  3. The amount depends on the number of unit, which is based on CPU, Memory and Disk Space. You pay 5 EUR extra for Windows.
  4. If, you had joined a course as a Student or Trainer, you would be given free credits which can be used for standalones.
  5. No connecting to your standalone for over a month, it will be removed.


Tip of Use:

Starts with "clonefrom#" followed by the keyword to search desktops from which the desktops were cloned.