Training Room is a convenient way of joining a course.

It allows users to:-

  1. Control their Virtual Desktops (Trainers can also control Participant's Desktops)
  2. View Trainer Desktop in Grid, Side by Side mode
  3. Record their Desktop
  4. Pop Desktop out to another browser window, or to another monitor if preferred.
  5. Chat
  6. View Training Materials

All of this is performed in a browser window. By default, course participants once they have joined their course are taken straight into the Training Room, to simplify the process for new users.

Trainers additionally have the ability to view all of the participants' machines at once, and also to interact with any of the machines, perhaps to help a participant who needs assistance or is not keeping up with the class. The ability to view all the student machines at once is unrivalled, and greatly helps the Trainer to replicate the traditional classroom teaching.

Training Room View (Trainer view)
Training Room View

Training Room view with 16 participants (Trainer only)

Training Room with 16 participants
To Join a Training Room

Joining Training Room

To Maximise Window

Maximise Window